Spiritual Warfare 2:
Satan’s Lies
It would be good,
loved ones, if we could cover as much of Jesus’ truth as possible
this evening so I’ll try to go as quickly as is consistent with you
receiving the truth. But, you really need to ask the Holy Spirit and
listen to him so that he will interpret it to you because I think
they are really deep things. I think there’s a lot of silly talk
about deep things but I think there are some deep things that God
will light up to us and will use to help us.
Could I remind you
that God’s plan is for the life of the son that he sent to earth to
come into our spirits and then for that life to create in the world
the kind of place that God wanted. Now, that’s God’s will.
That’s inherent in the original commission, “Be fruitful, and
multiply, and fulfill the earth and subdue it.” It’s inherent in
the New Testament commission, “To preach the gospel to all nations
and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy
You and I are sent
here to be picture frames in which a portrait of Jesus is painted
that the world will be able to see. You and I are to be
Christophers, Christ bearers; we are to bear the life of Jesus’
Spirit and to express it to the world. In other words, God’s plan
is for an outgoing life. And you remember we shared last day how the
Bible outlines that we are spirit, and soul, and body. And it is
God’s will that his Spirit would come in, make our spirits alive,
and then would pass out through our souls and our bodies, and out to
the world, and would bring the world into submission to his will.
And in that way would glorify him by recreating the world in his
image. Now, that’s God’s plan.
There are several
difficulties that have been placed in the way. One is that our
spirits are dead. They aren’t alive to God at all and they aren’t
filled with his Spirit. That’s because we have stopped listening
to him and we’ve started to live on our own independent from him,
getting from the world the love that we were meant to receive from
God. Because we’ve done that, our personalities have become
perverted; they’ve been inturned perverted personalities. And so
God can’t give his Spirit to us because he knows his Spirit will be
imprisoned in us and so there’s a real difficulty there.
How do you change
those inturned personalities? God did it through his son Jesus. He
put us all into his son Jesus and he crucified that old perverted
self that was inturned. And now he is able to give his Spirit to
anyone who is willing to experience that in their own lives. That
is, anyone who is willing to live outwards -- and not depend on the
world, and people, and friends, and things for their security, their
significance, and their happiness. Anybody who is willing to die to
all that and to come alive to God himself will receive his Spirit.
And many of us, of course, have received his Spirit and we’ve been
born of the Spirit and we’re alive. And immediately that happens
the Spirit starts trying to get out through our souls.
But that means of
course that we have to change some of the ways our souls operate. So
instead of, for instance, seeking the love of our friends and our
wives for our own edification, we have to be willing to give love
without ever receiving it back. Now, that’s quite a task and we
have to decide are we willing to do that. And there are many
children of God who are not willing to do that and they remain carnal
Christians because they have God’s Spirit inside so that their
spirits are alive but they’re still living inwards from the world
and so the Spirit is trying to get out but they’re living from the
world --getting the world’s love, and depending on the world’s
love, depending on peer approval, depending on possessions for their
security, depending on circumstances for their happiness. And so
they live dependent on these things even though the Spirit of God is
within them.
So they are born of
the Spirit but they don’t live by the Spirit and they are carnal
Christians. They have a tremendous conflict here because they’re
not willing; their will is selfish and still wants to get from the
world what it wants rather than to allow God to use it to transform
the world by his Spirit. And so a big step, of course, is when
you’re willing to die to that selfish will and you’re willing to
live an outward going life where you’re willing to live only for
Jesus and only for the transmission of his life to the world without
any thought about yourself or what you’re getting.
And you remember
that we said last day that as soon as a person is willing to do that,
Jesus baptizes them with the Spirit and then the battle begins
because Satan begins to try to deceive that person in such a way that
even though they’re willing for God’s Spirit to come through
their personalities and transform them, and transform the world, yet
that will not happen. And you remember, one of Satan’s lies is the
one about the soul and about passivity. And you remember the verse,
and I’ll try now loved ones to outline some of these things so that
you’ll understand them.
You remember, the
verse was the verse that referred in Philippians 2:13 to a passive
soul. And maybe you’d like to turn to it. And it’s a verse that
the demons of course, and Satan himself has used against many of us.
Philippians 2:13, “For God is at work in you, both to will and to
work for his good pleasure.” And Satan has misinterpreted that to
many who have fallen into passivity because they read it, “For God
will will and work in me.” And really what they mean is, “God
will work and will instead of me.”
And so many of us
who have heard the normal statement of our consecration to Jesus as,
“I’m letting the Lord use me,” have interpreted that to mean
that we don’t need to direct our wills, or our minds, or our
emotions ourselves-- we’ll just let the Lord do it. And we let him
pass through our wills, and will for us, and pass through our minds
and think for us, and pass through our emotions and feel for us. And
do you know -- God will never, never do that? God will not think for
you. That’s why he’s given you the mind. He will not will for
you. That’s why he’s given you the will. He will not feel for
you. That’s why he’s given you the emotions.
He expects you to
receive the life of his Son into your spirit and then to will that
spirit and that life into your mind, and into your emotions, and out
to the world. And of course, if you refuse to do it then you will
fall into the kind of passivity that I think I mentioned last day.
Maybe I could just quote a little from a book that I wouldn’t even
recommend you to buy it yet -- but maybe that’s a good way to get
you to buy it. But, it is the kind of a book that has those truths
that if you don’t interpret them under the Holy Spirit, they can
bring you into real confusion.
So it is “War on
the Saints” and it is written by an English woman years ago, Jessie
Penn-Lewis. But here’s what she says, “There is a passivity of
the will. The will being the helm so to speak of the ship. This
originates from a wrong conception of what full surrender to God
means. Thinking that a surrendered will to God means no use of the
will at all. The believer ceases to choose, ceases to determine, and
ceases to act of his own volition. The series effect of this he is
not allowed by the powers of darkness to discover, for at first the
consequences are trivial and hardly noticeable. In fact, at first it
appears to be most glorifying to God. The strong willed person
suddenly becomes passively yielding. The thinks that God is willing
for him in circumstances and through people, and so he becomes
passively helpless in action.”
“After a time no
choice can be got from him in matters of daily life. No decision or
initiative in matters demanding action. He is afraid to express a
wish, much less a decision. Others must choose, act, lead, decide --
while this one drifts as a cork upon the waters. Later on the powers
of darkness begin to make capital out of this surrendered believer
and to work around him evil of various kinds which entangle him
through his passivity of will. He has now no power of will to
protest or resist. Obvious wrong in his environment, which this
believer alone has a right to deal with, flourishes and grows strong
and blatant.”
Now, I’ve seen
that in many of us. I’ve seen us children of God, alive in our
spirits but misunderstanding through Satan’s deception how we are
to use our souls and exercise them under the guidance of his Spirit.
And we have misinterpreted that and we’ve said, “No, no, the Lord
uses my mind, the Lord uses my will.” And many of us have become
absolutely passive in our wills and passive in our minds. And you
remember, I shared with you that many of us have rooms that are an
absolute shame to Jesus. Our bedrooms at home are a disaster because
we can somehow never quite get it together, we just can’t. “Oh,
I’m going to, I’m going to, I’m really going to spring clean
this whole room some day.” But we never get round to it.
Our cars are always
just not quite right, not quite right. Our job, we’re never quite
sure we should be in it and we’re never quite sure we should be out
of it so we kind of go half and half in it. And eventually, we end
up living a half life and we shake hands with a hand that is like a
cold fish, and we stare most of the time and daydream, and we don’t
really act in our lives; we are passive and we let the world beat up
upon us.
Now loved ones, you
remember that I shared with you that that is because we have that
misunderstanding, you remember, about the relationship of our will to
our conscience. God’s Spirit, as you commune with him in prayer
and as you study his word, will give you a clear sense in your spirit
of what you ought to do through intuition. And then your conscience
will begin to constrain your will to execute those directions. But a
person who misunderstands Philippians 2:13, will think that his will
ought not to activate at all his mind or his emotions -- or her mind,
or emotions -- and they’ll think, “No, no, God just passes right
through my spirit, and out through my body, and out to the world and
that’s what they mean by the effortless life of sanctification and
the Spirit filled life.”
Now it isn’t,
loved ones. There’s only one way for the Spirit of God to get
through to your body and out to the world and that is through your
soul. And he can only do that through a soul that is actively
cooperating with what God is showing a person in their spirit. And
so it’s vital to activate your soul. And I agree with you, not in
the old way, where your mind used to manipulate people and things for
your own glory, or where your emotions would concentrate on getting
joy from the world, or from other relationships, or where your will
would be utterly under the domination of your mind and emotions which
in turn would be utterly under the domination of your body. Not in
that way, but in that way with your will actively obeying your
conscience and then directing your mind to understand and to work out
in detail the directions God has given you in your job, or in your
home, or in your plans for your future. And then for your emotions
to actively express that joy to the world. And so God’s plan is
always for us to be in active cooperation with his Spirit.
Be assured of this,
there is only one who takes advantage of passivity and that is Satan
and his demons. That’s, you remember, where transcendental
meditation gets it power. It is annihilation of the soul so that the
person is absolutely unprotected and the spirit is passive, and then
the evil spirits make their impressions upon that spirit. Now, when
a spirit or a soul is passive the evil spirits have their full way
just as they want.
Maybe I could share
some other things loved ones, and maybe God will give you some light
as we go through some of these. This of course brings about what is
mentioned in 1 Timothy 4:2, you see it there. These are of course,
doctrines of demons as you realize. These are the doctrines that
demon pass on to God’s children to keep the Spirit shut up within
them. 1 Timothy 4:2, maybe you’d like to read Verse 1 also to get
the context, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times
some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits
and doctrines of demons, through the pretensions of liars whose
consciences are seared.”
The interesting
thing is, if you don’t exercise your will under the direction of
your conscience -- it’s incredible -- but your conscience itself
begins to be passive. It does. Your conscience not only becomes
seared, in that you do things that God doesn’t want you to do, but
the conscience itself loses its power to be active and the conscience
goes passive. Lewis puts it this way, “As for the passivity of
reasoning powers, when such believers have taken words spoken to them
supernaturally as God’s expressed will they become law to them so
that they cannot be induced to be reasoned over them.”
You notice that
that’s one thing loved ones do, they decide, “Oh yeah, I’ll
just let the Lord use my soul, and I’ll just let the Lord do
everything.” And so they don’t actively study God’s word, they
don’t. They engage in meditation and often in transcendental
meditation. They just let the word kind of soak into them and they
half dream over it and half sleep over it and they feel that they’re
absorbing the word and they’re eating it up this way, but they
never exercise their intellect, or their judgment, or their reasoning
powers on God’s word. And so little-by-little, they cut themselves
off from wisdom, and from knowledge that God is giving to them. And
little-by-little, they lose any sense of touch with God’s word.
And then of course, the demons lie to them and say, “Now the first
voice that comes to you, that’s God’s word.” And so their
conscience is pretty dead by that time and they’re listening for
these voices.
If they receive a
commandment supernaturally about anything they will not examine it,
or reason, or think upon that point and they steadfastly determine to
close themselves absolutely to any further light in this particular
direction. Now, that’s utterly opposite to a healthy child of God.
A healthy child of God may realize that their mind may not in some
sense be renewed and that in some sense their mind may contradict the
directions that God gives in their spirit but they will see that
they’ve to renew their mind by studying his word. And they will
see that a renewed mind will normally agree with the directions
they’re getting in their spirits.
But a child of God
who has come into passivity in the use of their minds, and whose
conscience then has become passive, will disregard any responsibility
of the mind to examine these commandments and they’ll be afraid to
examine them. This brings about what may be described as passivity
of the conscience. The conscience becomes passive through non-use.
When believers think they are being guided by a higher law of being
told to do this, or that, directed from God -- that is, by direct
guidance through voices and texts -- and then it’s very difficult
to do anything with such a person.
You’ll notice that
such a person becomes less and less use in the fellowship of Christ’s
body. They become less and less communicative people, and they
retreat more and more from the healthiness of God’s body and they
are receiving higher directions, and higher commandments that they at
times won’t even tell others because no, they don’t want
confirmation from anybody else, and they don’t want confirmation
from God’s words less it pervert his direct personal command to
them. And so they sink back into a very lonely life.
Now of course, it
feeds the pride because they sense they are going on to a new level
of direct communication with God that no one else shares. But really
what they are sinking into is a passivity of conscience and they’re
coming under the direction of evil spirits. Sometimes you’ll
notice such people do things abruptly. I don’t know if you realize
it but God does not direct his children this way and then that way,
and then this way, and that way. He doesn’t. He changes their
nature and they walk along as friends with one another and he lets
them understand why he wants them to do certain things and when he
wants them to do certain things and their life gradually unfolds in
the direction he has for it.
But when you get
loved ones darting this way and that abruptly you need to watch, are
they really very great saints that just can hear the voice of God’s
Spirit like that? Or are they in fact loved ones who have come into
real passivity of judgment, and passivity of reasoning powers, and
passivity of conscience. Now loved ones, that’s one of the
passivities that the demons bring about.
Then there is a real
passivity that they bring about in connection with the great truth of
the central work that God has done to us in Jesus. And that’s the
great truth there in Galatians 2:20, the great truth in Romans 6:6
that our old self is crucified in Christ. Then Galatians 2:20 is
another expression of it, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is
no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now
live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and
gave himself for me.”
And yet you can see
that Paul states there that, “It is no longer I who live, but
Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live
by faith in the Son of God.” So Paul has no question that he has
not become an unentity or a dead, passive thing. There’s no
question that his personality is still alive. But what happens to
some loved ones, as they come into the truth of our whole death to
self, is they interpret it as the death of self. That is, the death
of the personality -- and so they try to come into a place where they
are dead to everything that they sense through their personalities.
And they regard everything that their personality senses as evil and
selfish. And so they begin to come into that passivity and that
deadness of a moron or an automaton and they see that as dying to
Now, what’s
important for us to be clear on is that you can live two ways. You
can live to defend your own rights and to please yourself -- or you
can live to defend God’s rights and please God. That’s what
death to self is about. It’s death to living for yourself and for
your own glory, and it’s coming alive to live for God and for his
glory. But it is an act of a live experience. I’d remind you of
Romans 12:1, “I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies
of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice,” not a dead
sacrifice, not a passive sacrifice, but you actively present your
bodies as a living sacrifice unto God which is your spiritual
And every time you
read God’s word as it’s written you’ll find that God is
encouraging a living for his glory and a living to defend his rights.
But, in no sense the death of the personality. And of course, I
think you’d agree that there is no death of the personality in
those of us who are alive and ministering in Jesus. What I found
was, at last my personality was free, was free. I didn’t have to
repress it or suppress it. At last it was something I wasn’t
afraid to show or I wasn’t afraid to let out. And so it is not, in
fact, the death of the personality.
Jessie Penn-Lewis
puts it in what I think are better terms but sometimes I think it can
speak to us just because they’re different terms. She says, “But
when these truths of Romans 6:6, are interpreted to mean one, a loss
of personality; two, an absence of volition and self control; and
three, the passive letting go of the I myself into a condition of
machine like, mechanical, automatic obedience with deadness and
heaviness which the believer thinks is mortification or the working
of death in him, it makes the truth of death with Christ a fulfilling
of conditions for evil spirits to work.”
Isn’t that
interesting, that many loved ones allow spirits of demons to deceive
them about the whole truth of being willing to die and to be raised
with Christ. And they don’t get as far as the raised with Christ,
they just stay with the dying with Christ and then they lapse into
trying to elaborate more fully to themselves what this dying is. And
they think, “Ah, it’s the dying of everything of self. It’s
the dying of my personality.” And as soon as they get into that
they begin to fulfill the very conditions which evil spirits require
for their working.
So that’s why some
of you may wonder, “Now, how does it happen that often when these
deep truths of crucifixion with Christ are preached and shared, the
evil spirits seem to be most at work?” Well, you see why it is,
because the closer you get to the height of what God has done to us
in Jesus the more subtle become the work of demons and Satan himself
and the more he is able to misinterpret it to other people. And she
says, “And an absence of conditions upon which God alone can work
so that supernatural manifestations taking place on the basis of
passivity can have no other source than the lying spirits however
beautiful and God like they may be.”
And so of course,
she points out that many people get into a false kind of self
effacement because of that. They kind of come into a furtive
withdrawal of their personalities. They feel, “Oh, I oughtn’t be
what I am.” Well of course, the beauty of being crucified with
Christ and being raised with Christ is you can at last be what you
are. Your nature has been changed and you can be what you are and
it’s not something you have to protect, or hide, or conceal from
other people.
But she says this,
“Under the conception of surrender of self to God as meaning self
effacement, self renunciation, and practically self annihilation, the
believer aims at unconsciousness of personality, unconsciousness of
personal needs, unconsciousness of personal space, feelings, desires,
external appearance, circumstances, discomforts, opinions of others
so as to be conscious of God only moving, working, acting through
him.” And of course, the fact is you’re very conscious of what
other people say but it doesn’t kill you the way it used to.
You don’t feel a
reaction, or resentment against them. You’re very conscious of
pains, and of sicknesses, but they have no power to discourage you
from doing what God has sent you to do. They are not able to keep
his Spirit from going out through you. And that’s the difference,
loved ones. But, there are some of us who feel, “Oh no, dying with
Christ means that my personality becomes absolutely dead.” Of
course, you know the result of it.
The result is that
such people become dead to sympathizing to others -- so that the
husbands and wives, or the roommates and the friends, often find
they’re dealing with some kind of insensitive automaton who is
stoical and does not seem to be able to understand them or to love
them. And yet, what is important for us to see this evening is that
this is the result of deception. And you know, if you have found
yourself in some of this, oh praise God that he’s giving you light
about it and if you’re willing to walk out of it there is no
difficulty in walking out of it if you persist in walking after the
She says, “To this
end, the believer gave over his self consciousness to death and
prayed that he might have no consciousness of anything in the world
but the presence of God. Then to carry out this absolute surrender
of self to death, and this entire self effacement, he consistently
and practiced yields to death. Every trace of the movement of self
he becomes aware of and sets his will steadily to renounce all
consciousness of personal wishes, desires, tastes, needs, feelings.
All this, appearing to be so self sacrificing and spiritual, results
in an entire suppression of personality and the giving of ground to
evil spirits and a passivity of the whole being.”
And of course, the
way of Calvary is far different from that. It’s being more
sensitive and aware of the movements of your own personality than
ever before but being in Jesus at the right hand of God so that you
are able to discern from that high, and holy, and powerful place
whether that is a right reaction or a wrong reaction and then you’re
able to choose between them. It’s a position of power and a
position of complete alertness. It isn’t a position where you’re
good because you can’t see the evil. It’s a position where you
do the good because you have no drawing towards the evil at all
though you can see it. So you’re able to discern between what is
reasonable awareness of pain and awareness of sickness -- which is
necessary after all to get the body healed and to get it made well --
and unreasonable consciousness of pain or sickness where you begin to
pity yourself and you begin to be preoccupied with yourself instead
of continuing to let Jesus’ Spirit go out.
So loved ones, it
might be good for those of you who are dealing with the whole reality
of being crucified with Christ to see that it has nothing to do with
the death of the personality but it has everything to do with dying
to living for your own rights, and for your own glory, and for your
own comfort. So it’s the motive that is different, you see? It’s
not that your personality dies -- but it’s whether your personality
is used to bring glory to you or to bring glory to Jesus.
I’ll just share
one more with you, loved ones, because it is heavy stuff, and then
try to point out the way of victory. I think some of you come into
this, it’s Philippians 3:10. Again, another doctrine of demons
that are mentioned in 1 Timothy 4:1 there. Philippians 3:10, Paul
writes, “That I may know him,” Jesus, “And the power of his
resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his
death.” There are many loved ones that sink into passive
Paul sharing in
Christ’s suffering was an active thing. I mean, he sensed the pain
that Jesus sensed when the people made idols. He sensed the pain
that Jesus sensed when the Corinthian church got into immorality. He
sensed the pain that Jesus sensed as he travailed in prayer that
Christ might be fully formed in people who didn’t want him. His
was an active co-suffering with Jesus where he was actively involved.
But there are many loved ones who interpret fellowship of Christ’s
sufferings as, “I’m here to suffer. This is what I’m here to
do. I’m here to suffer.”
I can give you a
very easy instance. It’s very interesting because God has given us
a very good recipe for victory here in the body because he’s given
us the truth of dying with Christ to self and to protect us against
the passivity or the monasticism that that might bring, he’s
involved us in business -- which is just about the least monastic
kind of operation you could have. And so it is interesting, and
challenging, and exciting to become a person who is walking on the
Calvary Road and yet is being used to run businesses efficiently.
And I remember
speaking to one of our waitresses in the service area and we were
making some changes in the service area. And I was saying, “Well,
why can’t we move the salad over here? And why can’t we move
this refrigerator around here? And why can’t we change those
things?” And she was looking at me kind of staring and I said,
“Don’t you think that would be better? Don’t you think that
would make the thing more efficient? Don’t you think it would be
less trouble for you? I mean, it would help you waitresses.” And
she said, “Well yes, but I thought the inconvenience was part of
the cross.”
And it’s
interesting you know, how many of us might have something of that in
our own personal lives. We might think, “Well yes, things aren’t
the way they should be but if I were on the cross I should be ready
to put up with it.” Loved ones, do you see what a triumphant lie
that is of Satan? Our job is to transform the world. Our job is to
turn the world upside down as the apostles did. Our job is to put
things right. Our job is to make things look like Jesus so that when
he comes he’ll be delighted because it will be so like heaven.
That’s why he sent us here.
He has not sent us
here to suffer continually the unpleasant circumstances that are
around us. He has sent us here to rectify those circumstances. Now,
I’m with any of you who say, “Oh, well aren’t there certain
things, according to old Saint Francis’ prayer, that you can’t
change?” Certainly, and God expects us to live in patience, and
forbearance, and joy in the midst of those things. But, he has sent
us primarily to change things and to transform things.
And do you see,
that’s why loved ones like Karl Marx would say, “Christianity is
the opium of the people.” Because, he felt that religion is used
to keep people passive so that they will not change, or want to
change their circumstances and their social environment, and their
political state. And really, in so far as he’s interpreting
passive Christians, he is right in that way. But it’s not at all
the meaning of suffering. Suffering is not something that is meant
to wear us down and it is not meant to be continually our lot in
We are meant to go
into situations and change them and transform them. And I’ll just
share this very briefly with you, a little of Lewis and then we’ll
close. And she says this in her way, “Suffering passivity by wrong
acceptance of suffering. The believer consents to accept suffering
with Christ in the way of the cross -- and in fulfillment to this
surrender to suffering, from this time on passively yields to
suffering in whatever form it may come. Believing that suffering
with Christ means reward and fruitfulness, he does not know that evil
spirits can give counterfeit suffering and that he may accept
suffering from them believing it to be from the hand of God and by
thus doing give ground to them.” And then she says, “Suffering
directly caused by evil spirits may be discriminated from the true
fellowship of Christ’s sufferings by a complete absence of result
either in fruit, victory, or ripening in spiritual growth.”
So do you see that
you can discern the suffering that you’re putting up with from evil
spirits by seeing that with it there’s a complete absence of
results either in fruitfulness in other people being drawn to Jesus
or in your own spiritual growth. There’s a complete absence of
results. It’s just a dead thing that lays upon you. And there are
a lot of loved ones that lay under continual heaviness. They have a
heaviness about them. They feel their lot in life is just to suffer
the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and just to keep
suffering and keep bearing up and grinning valiantly.
Loved ones, do you
know that the walk of the saint is victorious, and joyful, and
aggressive, and triumphant. It is not a kind of down at the mouth,
“Well, let’s grin and bear it. Jesus will give me grace to put
up with it.” It’s not. Loved ones, if you find yourself
preoccupied with Satan there is some way in which you’re not
actively cooperating with Jesus’ Spirit. God’s saints are not
constantly preoccupied with Satan, they aren’t. I’m not much of
one and I don’t have much time with Satan, I don’t. I don’t
spend a whole lot of time warring against Satan.
Most of us are too
busy moving on, taking ground from him and triumphing over him and we
haven’t time to have a whole lot of concern about Satan himself, or
about suffering. The saints are not preoccupied with suffering, even
dear souls that have tremendous suffering. They’re not conscious
of the suffering. They know it’s there but they’re not
preoccupied with it. Whereas those who come under the suffering of
evil spirits allow it utterly to dominate their life and that’s one
of the chief marks and characteristics of their life.
“If carefully
observed it will seem to be entirely purposeless, that brought by
evil spirits. On the other hand, God does nothing without a definite
object. He does not delight in causing suffering for the sake of
suffering. But, the devil does. Suffering caused by evil spirits is
acute and fiendish in its character and there is no inward witness of
the Spirit which tells the suffering believer that it is from the
hand of God. To a discriminating eye it can be as clearly diagnosed
when from an evil spirit as any physical pain can be discriminated
from a mental one by a skillful physician. The suffering caused by
evil spirits can be spiritual by causing acute suffering in the
spirit, injecting feelings to the spirit repugnant or poignant;
soulish, by acute darkness, confusion, chaos, horror in the mind;
anguish, knife like pain in the heart, or other innermost vital parts
of the being, or physical in any part of the body.” Loved ones,
that kind of suffering is not of God.
What have you to do
in the situation? See that if you’ve been crucified with Christ
then the glory is that you’ve been raised with Christ and that is
your position. And your power over Satan depends on continually
living in that position. And I think you know that Wilkerson was
right years ago, he wrote, “There are some people who do not really
die to self with Christ, and therefore continually are preoccupied
with death and crucifixion. But there are others who do truly die to
self with Christ and immediately experience resurrection with Christ
and they are preoccupied with their position in Christ at God’s
right hand.” And loved ones that is our position.
Maybe you’d look
at it, it’s Ephesians 2:6. There are two verses that are the basis
of our victory in this spiritual warfare. One, is Ephesians 2:6, and
you remember you get the continuation of the grammar if you look at
Ephesians 2:1, “And you he made alive,” made past tense, “When
you were dead through the trespasses and sins in which you once
walked.” And then in Verse 6, “And raised,” -- ed, the past
tense, we’ve already been raised. Not “will raise” but “has
already raised”. “And raised us up with him, and made us sit
with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
Now where is Christ
Jesus? Oh, Ephesians 1:20, “Which he accomplished in Christ when
he raised him from the dead and made him sit at his right hand in the
heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and
dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age
but also in that which is to come; and he has put all things under
his feet and has made him head over all things for the church, which
is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.” “Put all
things under his feet,” which means Satan and his power is under
the feet of Jesus. And even if you have just got into Jesus’ heel,
or maybe you’re just in his big toe, but you’re still above the
things that are under his feet and that’s our position of victory.
Loved ones, first
you have to believe that you are in that position in Ephesians 2:6.
And if you ever lose your belief in that position, if you ever think
in the middle of a conflict in the office, or in the middle of a
battle at home, or in the middle of depression over finances, if you
ever for a moment think, “I’m down here on earth slugging it out
toe-to-toe with Satan and I can’t push him off me,” you’re
lost. At that moment repeat Ephesians 2:6 to yourself and say,
“Thank you Lord that I have been raised up and made to sit with
Christ in the heavenly places. And thank you that that’s where I
am at this moment. And from this holy and high and powerful place I
then,” and then James 4:7, loved ones.
It’s the second
clear direction of God’s word to us for victory in spiritual
warfare. James 4:7, first “Submit yourselves therefore to God.”
In the position that he has given you in his right hand and then,
“Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Then resist Satan.
Do not put up with circumstances that are wrong. Do not put up with
situations that are wrong. Do not put up with an absence of money.
Do not put up with an absence of clothing. Do not put up with
situations at home that are unbearable. Resist Satan; stand against
In your prayer time
stand against him. Even if you have to repeat audibly to yourself,
“Satan I reject you in Jesus’ name.” Do that and constantly as
you come against the situations don’t for a moment accept those
situations, don’t for a moment believe that those situations are
God’s will. Resist them and from your position in Jesus at the
Father’s right hand, speak to them in faith-- to the mountain be
removed and cast into the sea -- and act on the basis that the
mountain is going to be moved. Because, that’s what faith is.
Faith is not just a
lot of shouting and yelling. Faith is living in the basis and in the
belief that in fact, the mountain has been removed by God. And so if
it’s not removed you walk through it. But, you set your sight on
it having been removed. Now loved ones, it’s the only way for
spiritual victory in this kind of warfare. But, would you see that
the only hope is that you continue to allow the Holy Spirit of Jesus
to move out through you. The Holy Spirit is always moving out,
always taking over new ground -- so if you see some area of your life
that is just stagnant, loved ones, that area will drown you. It will
drown you in its own stink and its own smell unless you move forward
and transform that area of your life for Jesus. And it’s done by
willing together with God from your position in Jesus at the
Father’s right hand.
Now loved ones, be
sure that you ask only the questions God wants you to ask because it
is difficult and dangerous stuff, you know, that we’re talking
about. So are there any questions?
Question from
Is it true then that
the suffering you’re aware of, comes from demons -- and the
suffering you’re not aware of comes from God?
Reply from Pastor
Well, do you see
brother one of the reasons I’m even hesitant to answer questions on
teaching like this is that there isn’t a set rule because there are
demons listening to us. And as soon as we set a rule they then bring
you some suffering that you’re apparently not aware of and they
begin to get hold. Besides, your victory then depends on being able
to discern with your mind something that I have told you because of a
law that we’ve established. And I really do believe that the only
safe place is our faith in our position at God’s right hand and our
constant awareness of the Holy Spirit’s discerning and guidance.
That’s why I
think, in the New Testament when they warned of the deception that
would come in the last days, there were two guards against it. One
was God’s good word, the Bible, and the other was the Holy Spirit.
So I think that that’s the right answer. I’m trusting Jesus to
guide me to say the right thing to you in that situation.
(Question from
Audience inaudible:)
Reply from Pastor
Well loved ones, do
you see how Satan has transformed God’s mighty army into a pretty
weak harmless group of part time philanthropists? Do you see that?
You can see how it’s happened because you know that many of the
things that God has shared with us this evening really apply to so
many of us and so few of us are moving forward. And loved ones, we
have to move forward and it will be agony, and it will be torture. I
can tell you because I know from the businesses that we’re involved
in through the week, it is agony to begin to use your spiritual life
in an active life in the world.
But, unless we do
it, we’re harmless, really. Satan has effectively neutralized us.
And I would ask those of you who are in ordinary jobs to be sure that
you are moving forward. And probably the worst attitude and the most
dangerous attitude is this kind of down at the mouth attitude, “We
poor Christians, we’re constantly being persecuted and I wish they
wouldn’t swear when we’re in the office. And the Christmas party
-- I can’t go to it because they drink.” That’s terrible.
That’s pitiful.
Jesus was the dear
one you know, who was into everything, into everywhere. Wherever
there were people that needed to be saved he went there. And he went
aggressively, and constantly, and triumphantly. And there is no
place for that attitude, “They’re telling dirty jokes again.
I’ll have to get out of the room.” Get out of the room? You
should be staying in the room and telling them what you think. But
loved ones, unless you move forward you’ll sink, you really will
You’ll sink,
you’ll deny your Lord until there’s no Lord left in you, you
will. Or by silence you’ll deny him -- so you must take arms
against these things and you must begin to wage aggressive warfare.
Otherwise, Satan will leave you the little bit of spirituality that
you think you have because he knows it’s harmless unless you are
engaged in spiritual warfare from your position in Jesus at the right
hand of God. And do you see that? That not one of us are really
here, do you see that?
Not one of us is
really here. We have been raised with Jesus and in spiritual reality
-- as far as the powers of evil are concerned -- we are at God’s
right hand at this moment and Satan knows it. “One little word
will fell him.” That’s what Luther said and he knew one little
word would fell Satan. One person who stands in Jesus and says, “I
reject you in Jesus’ name.” That person has power over Satan.
Satan, and his circumstances, and his evil works will fall away out
of all things, because of your word. Your word -- not because of you
-- but because of the person in whom you live.
Question from
Audience Inaudible:
Reply from Pastor
The word “exalt”
would be good enough, brother. I’m game to stand on it, yes. It’s
our response, you see? It’s not suffering but it’s a response to
suffering. Do we exalt in it, and do we glory, and do we triumph
because of it or through it? Or, are we under it? And it seems that
when we come under the suffering that evil spirits bring, we lay
under it and we suffer and nothing comes of it, no fruit comes.
Question from
Could you say a
little in regard to passivity -- particularly in the sphere of
authority and submission?
Reply from Pastor
Loved ones, I’ll
just very quickly do it. It was new to me coming from the British
kind of educational background, it was new to me that a person in
authority when he said something would not be questioned. That is,
in Christian circles. Often in Christian circles a person in
authority says something and the person who is supposed to be in
submission to them says, “He said it? It must be right.”
Now, I didn’t
believe that that was authority and submission. I thought authority
and submission was the person in authority saying something, and a
person in submission who had real doubt about it saying to them in a
spirit of submission saying, “Now, could you explain why you think
I should do this?” Or, “Do you not think that there is something
to be said of this?” And they would reason with the person in
authority over them. And I thought, you see, that you can do that
with a spirit of submission that is absolute but knowing that
authority itself is relevant.
As in the example,
you remember, “We must obey God rather than men.” And so what I
have seen certainly is a tremendous misconception about authority and
submission not only in our Christian businesses and in church
ministry but also in husband/wife relationships. I’ve seen many of
you come under a kind of fearful thing that you call submission and I
don’t think it’s submission.
I think submission
is absolutely consistent with you using your mind and you being in
such a relationship of trust with the one who is in authority over
you that he doesn’t think for a moment that you’re trying to
undermine their authority when you say, “Well, now do you think we
should do it this way?” Or, “Do you think we should do it that
In other words,
reasoning with them in a spirit of submission is not a questioning of
authority. But Bob, if I could follow it up, I think that where many
of us have failed is we’ve engaged in the practice that brought
Miriam and Aaron, I believe, into leprosy and I think it has brought
many of us into spiritual leprosy. We have not in fact, spoken to
the person in authority but when they have gone out of the way we
have murmured among ourselves and we have complained, and criticized
until all relationship with Jesus was lost and then we became Satan’s
agents in the ministry of Jesus. And I’ve seen a real failure
among children of God in that regard.
I think there’s no
place for murmuring. There’s no place for negativism. I think I
could do the most idiotic thing in the world and there’s no place
for you to murmur against me or criticism me. You ought not to touch
any of us who have been anointed by God and put into places of
authority. You have every right to come to me and say, “Now
brother, do you think that’s a sensible thing? Do you not think we
should do it this way?” That’s entirely different. That’s
coming and letting us reason together.
But there’s no
place loved ones, for murmuring or criticizing. And maybe could I
share that, because I sense some of you are from other churches. No,
you don’t help your dear pastor one iota by murmuring against him,
not at all. In fact, you confuse the whole issue because he knows
that that is of Satan and so there’s no possibility of him ever
seeing what your point of view is at all because he knows that’s of
Whatever else is
right, the murmuring and the criticism is of Satan and it is simply
destroying the church so he moves against that in full confidence
that he’s right. So never murmur or criticize against your
pastors, or your leaders, or your teachers. Go to them in love and
say, “Pastor,” or, “Brother,” or anything that convinces them
that you’re not trying to undermine them, “What do you think of
this possibility?” Or, “I don’t quite understand,” and make
it clear to them, “I’m not saying this to undermine you. I’m
not doubting your spiritual authority or your wisdom but I don’t
understand this. Now, can you explain to me why you think we should
to this?”
And of course that
brings light and life, and brings fellowship and friendship, and
opens relationships. But the murmuring, and the criticism, and the
negativism is straight from hell. Straight from hell whether it’s
right or wrong, it’s straight from hell if it’s murmuring and
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