Freedom and Burdens
of the Spirit
If you have been in
love you know how enjoyable it is and how freeing it is. Maybe it’s
good to make a distinction between the old infatuation thing and real
love, because I am sure many of you have been like me who were
infatuated and tried to make a relationship go that wouldn’t really
go because it was one sided. And that’s so different from love
where both of you love each other and there’s a freedom, a
fragrance, and a liberty about it that makes nothing work. There’s
nothing that seems work or labor, everything seems easy and light
when two people are in love.
I’m sure that’s
what all of us who are married want to preserve in our relationships.
Because of course, the battle is against all the burdens that you
take upon yourselves as you begin to mature. And the battle is to
keep the freedom, and I have to use the word again, because it’s
such a good word, the gayety of the original love. So a love
relationship is a beautiful thing whether it’s between a man or a
woman, or two dear friends who are men, or two dear friends who are
women. There is a beauty and a freedom about love.
And of course, that
love makes everything beautiful. If you see two people who are
happily married you’ll notice that actually they begin to look more
beautiful as the days pass by. It’s very noticeable at the
beginning of a marriage a girl seems to look more beautiful when
she’s happily married, because love makes everything beautiful.
It’s a magical power and the beauty in our world comes from a great
love affair. All the beautiful things that we see around us come
from a great love affair that has been going on from before any of us
were made, before the world was made.
The truth is that
our Creator has a son called Jesus, and they are eternally in love
with each other. All the things around us have been produced from
that love. We shared a little last Sunday about the great privilege
that we have because they resolved that they would share that love,
and that’s the arrangement they made for you and me. They made us
so that we could share in their love. That’s the whole purpose of
our creation.
You remember how in
my little diagram I drew God and Jesus, and then drew a little figure
to represent you here on earth, and instead of Jesus loving his
Father, directly through the Holy Spirit who comes through our
spirits, he loves his Father through us. We take part in an eternal
triangle that is the trinity family. So you remember, just to remind
you of it again, how God gives to his son Jesus his great love, and
his great care, and concern. Then Jesus gives it to you through the
Holy Spirit and then you give it through the Holy Spirit, back up to
That is God’s plan
for us. You remember too, we shared that many of us have not liked
to be at the disposal of God’s Holy Spirit. We have not wanted out
spirits to be ruled by him, and we have cut ourselves off from that
trinity family love and of course, it leaves a great emptiness in
your heart, a terrible sense of nothingness, a terrible sense of
having no purpose, a terrible sense of having no meaning, or no
position in the world.
Then you remember,
how we shared, we try to marry ourselves to this dear old earth here.
We try to marry ourselves to all the people, and all the things, and
all the experiences, and circumstances in it to try to get from them
the joy and the light that we have through God’s love. Of course,
it doesn’t happen, our spirits get all poisoned, and our spirits
get caught up with what are people thinking of us, and our spirits
get caught up with trying to get more things to make ourselves happy
and secure, and our spirits get caught up with trying to have more
happy experiences to give ourselves a sense of exhilaration.
Loved ones really,
your spirit is the inside part of you and it is the real you and what
your spirit is, that’s what your heart is and that’s what you
are. Of course, many of us instead of having spirits that are
eternally in love, and that’s why I mentioned a love relationship
at the beginning, instead of having spirits that are eternally in
love, and eternally clean, and joyous, and pure, and happy, many of
us have little miserable shrunken spirits. That’s why so many of
us have real trouble in living the way we know we’re supposed to
live, because our spirits are all shrunk, and poisoned.
If you looked into
your spirit at all, you’d see it’s a miserable petty little thing
all caught out with the bank balances, and all caught up with whether
the car is going alright or not, and all caught up with what so and
so is thinking of us at work. Many of us have little shriveled
spirits that are not worth anything and they’re dried, they’re
like dry raisins, there’s no fruit, or juice, or life that flows
from them. That’s why many of us have real trouble producing any
good thoughts or good feelings. That’s so why many of us just try
to imitate other people from our soul out we try to imitate other
people. We try to dress like other people, try to feel like other
people, we try to think the way we’re supposed to think, but it’s
all because in here there’s no life, there’s no juice, there’s
no beauty, and there’s no fragrance.
Now, what I’d
share with you is, it is possible to have within you a spirit that is
filled with fragrance and life. It is loved ones. It’s possible
to be eternally in love. You know the way we make fun of somebody
who is love, because this guy who is a steel worker starts writing
poetry, and this girl who is a very efficient typist starts looking
dreamy eyed. All of us have a funny feeling that that’s really the
way it was meant to be. When we sing, or say, “all the world loves
a lover” we really know that there’s some truth in that, that
when we see two people in love, they seem to be living the way we
were meant to live.
Loved ones, that’s
the way we were meant to live, and that’s the way you are meant to
live, and that’s the way you’re meant to sense inside your
spirit. You’re meant to have a spirit that is taking part in this
beautiful flow of love in the trinity family. If it’s not, you
know, it’s just because you have cut the connections here and
you’ve welded artificial connections here. If your spirit is
shrunk, and kind of stale, and stodgy, and lacks that sense of
lightness and liveliness that you know, isn’t it a beautiful thing
about God that he has made us so we all know what we’re talking
about tonight? We’re all in different stages but we all know what
we’re talking about. We know the difference between being heavy
inside in your spirit, and born down by all kinds of worries and
anxieties, and being light the way you were when you were five or six
years old and your mum and dad looked after everything for you. We
know the difference between those things. Loved ones, if your spirit
is stale, and heavy, and stodgy, and shrunken, and petty, it’s
because you really have cut these things and you’ve soldered these
connections so they’re massive chains that are shackling you.
Really if you find
your spirit heavy, and compressed by the other people in the office
so that you go into the office and you’re suddenly you’re all
concerned about whether they approve of you, or whether they love
you, it’s because you’re too dependent upon them. You are.
You’re just far too dependent upon them. You’re just far too
preoccupied with what they think of you, and actually it’s just
foolishness because they have no power over you at all. They’ll
die probably before you will, and after this life is over they’ll
have no ability to say anything about your eternal destiny and you’re
just a fool for paying any attention to what they think of you at
this time.
Bosses come and go,
and workers come and go, and really in a week or two, or a month or
two, or a year or twos times, it won’t matter what they think of
you so there’s a great unreality in it. But loved ones, until you
determine that you will once and for all take your place with our
dear savior on that cross, and die to what those people think of you,
you will not experience that liveliness of spirit that is God’s
will for you. So it is very important to come into one thing that
Mark mentioned and a thing that Laurie sang about, it’s very
important to come into the Savior, because of course that’s the
only way this whole thing can be changed you see.
What Jesus did on
the cross was he took that little personality of yours that is so
bound to these things, and so incapable of experiencing the Holy
Spirit of Jesus coming through you, he took that and he put it into
himself and he destroyed it on the cross and our old self was
crucified with Christ. When you’re willing not only to believe
that but to allow it to happen in you, then of course a great cross
experience takes place in you and you find yourself raised above the
world and separated by the cross from the world so that you’re
preoccupied with this trinity family experience.
Of course, all other
things then are added unto you because the beauty of it is God does
not leave you, he takes care of the things in your life that you are
utterly preoccupied with at this present time. He takes care of your
relationships with people, takes care of what they think of you and
what they don’t think of you. He takes care of the things that you
need for your life, the clothes, and the cars, and the houses. He
takes care of that. He provides that as a natural outcome of your
doing his will in the world, whatever that job or that will may be.
And he takes care of your circumstances, gives you enough good
circumstances and enough bad circumstances to keep you two feet above
the world.
That’s where we’re
to be, just about two feet above the earth all the time. And it’s
such a difference you know, to walk out in the morning two feet above
the ground. It really is. It’s so different when you come to the
office and you’re two feet higher than everybody else, and you’re
two feet higher than all the problems, and all the difficulties, and
all the preoccupations, and the worries that everybody else is
concerned about. And loved ones, that’s the way we are meant to
I know it’s put
funnily when you say it that way, but that is really the effect of
it. Inside, underneath your mind and emotions, that’s your soul
your mind and emotions, underneath your mind, and your emotions, and
your will there’s a spirit and your spirit can live two feet above
the ground. And your spirit can share eternally in that love affair.
Now that’s really true loved ones and if you’re sitting there
tonight and you’re thinking, “Well you’re being a little
poetic.” Loved ones, that’s the way we’re meant to be.
We’re meant to be
in this love relationship with God, and with Jesus his son. There’s
meant to be that flow of Jesus’ love coming through us and of
course that brings a sweetness to life. I don’t know how many of
you have real trouble dealing with criticism from other people. I
don’t know if you have trouble dealing with some comment that you
hear someone has made about you. And somebody says to you, “Oh
yes, so and so said that about you.”
And I don’t know
how you deal with that, but some of us have real trouble dealing with
that and we try all kinds of little techniques for dealing with that
criticism, but we’re not really in victory over it. We’re
actually down here slogging it out with that thing even. We’re not
really in victory over it, we say, “Oh well, well, he has his
opinion you know.” Or, “Well, he often says that kind of thing
ha-ha.” And you know we whistle a merry tune and walk away two
feet under the ground really.
Loved ones, that’s
because our spirits are not in good shape you see. Because, when
your spirit is taking part in this kind of love with the Father and
the Son, you’ll blow right over the top of it. You don’t even
think of it, it’s no big deal at all in your heart, and you
continue to walk in lightness. You really do loved ones. There’s
a difference, you see between this victory and the kind of victory
that we can work out ourselves by agony.
It’s the same you
see with worries. You know when we have worries we worry about the
exam, or we worry about our career the way it’s going, or we worry
about our money troubles. And then we try to deal with the worry,
and we try all the techniques. Carnegie (an American philanthropist)
“Let’s imagine the worst thing that could happen to me. I could
die. Could I face that? Yes, I could face that.” We try all the
little tricky techniques, or we try rearranging the checkbook stubs,
or we try to think differently about the thing. “Let me think of
the good things that will happen to me. Let me think of vacation, let
me think of happy times.”
Well loved ones,
it’s not really victory it’s just down there slogging it out
even. But do you see when your spirit is light, filled with Jesus’
Spirit taking part in the love relationship with God the Father and
the Son, you fly right over the top of those things, you do, you just
lift above them. It’s just as if it’s a mountain and the wind,
the air the hot air comes along and just rises over the top of the
mountain. That’s what happens when your spirit is in good shape.
So it is important loved ones, to really know that your spirit, the
real you inside is in its right position in relationship to Jesus and
God the Father.
And if you say,
“Well, how do I make sure that that’s so?” Well, note where
there is staleness, note where there’s heaviness and then ask the
Holy Spirit. You see, he’s the one that connects your spirit up
with God and Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit, “Holy Spirit, show me,
show me if there’s any way in which I am not living as if God is my
Father and Jesus is my dearest friend and savior. Show me if there’s
any way in which I’m depending more on the world than I am on them.
Show me.” And the Holy Spirit will show you that.
Often, it’s things
like resentment. We have all kinds of deception in our lives, those
of us who are born of God, even those of us who are filled with the
Holy Spirit. We have all kinds of resentments, all kinds of things
that we think should be our right, all kinds of things that we think
our wives should do for us, or our friends should do for us, or our
sons or our daughters should do for us. All kinds of things that we
think our colleagues should do for us. And we have sneaking
resentments that develop in our hearts.
And of course, those
lift us right out of this trinity family because the trinity family
has no time for that stuff. The trinity family has constant love,
and openness, and delight, and joy. So when you get a resentment, or
you take something into your heart, and you begin to resent some
thing, or some body, or even some circumstance you’re in, I think
many of us get into that, “Well, I wish I hadn’t been left to
look after my mother.” “Well, I wish I hadn’t been left in
this situation.” “Well, I wish I had had the opportunity so and
so had.” We begin to live with a resentment inside us that forms a
hard knot in our stomach and of course begins to defile our spirit.
And immediately we begin to acquiesce in that, we’re pulling
ourselves out of this light spot that we have in the trinity family
and we sink to earth with a thud like that. And we immediately begin
to be incased again in the earthiness of the earth.
So if you find that
your spirit is not fragrant, that it is not sweet, that it is not
fresh, that it is kind of heavy, and petty, and down, ask the Holy
Spirit, “Holy Spirit, show me why I’m like this. Show me what
weight there is here.” See, it is like a hydrogen balloon, you
know, or a hot air balloon, all that’s necessary to lift the thing
is there and the spirit will lift loved ones. God has put you into
Jesus and has crucified you, destroyed you completely and raised you
up with him, and is sitting now at the right hand of God. That’s
where you are with Jesus, that’s reality.
And so in order not
to experience that reality, you actually have to be like a hot air
balloon that has anchors in the ground and large ropes tied to them
holding it down to the earth. Because, the natural tendency of your
human spirit in the light of what God has done to you in Jesus is to
rise up and to take part in this love family. And so if you’re not
doing that it’s because you have ropes of some kind tying you to
the earth. So ask the Holy Spirit, “Holy Spirit, is there any way
in which I’m tying myself to this old earth?”
Of course, it’s
almost always loved ones, connected up with this great trio here.
It’s almost always connected up with people, or things, or
circumstances. Always you’re expecting too much of people. You’re
expecting too much of them or you’re too dependent upon them and
they’re not coming up with what you think they should and so it’s
not long before you begin to resent them. Or it’s things, you’re
too tied to things, you’re too preoccupied with what you own, or
you’re too preoccupied with what you don’t own and what you’d
like to own. Or, you’re too preoccupied with accumulating more
things, or when something happens to your things you get all upset.
You’ve tied
yourself like a little machine to your car, or to your clothes, and
so when anything happens to them you immediately are affected too.
Or, you’re too wrought up with circumstances, you’re too caught
up with, “Well, if I had a better situation at work, if I had a
nicer office to work in, or if I had a nicer living situation.”
Your eyes are too taken up with the outward circumstances in which
you live. But loved ones, usually it’s that famous trio there that
pulls you out of the more famous trinity trio that wants to have you
as part of their family.
So it is important
to be real about that. I would encourage you not to stop anywhere
short of a pure clean spirit. Really, I wouldn’t put up with the
stuff loved ones. And I know why many of us do. Many of us do
because the Christendom has devised a low level of Christianity. And
the level is, as long as you’re doing outwardly what seems Christ
like, you can’t expect everything to be absolutely pure and clean
from within. Well loved ones, that’s hypocrisy, it’s not
Christianity, it’s just hypocrisy.
In actual fact, we
are meant to be pure and clean inside. And every time you find
anything less than that, any critical spirit coming out to another
loved one, any resentment coming out to another loved one, see that
that is not God’s will for you and that you will never, never come
into victory over life unless you get clear of that defilement, so do
loved ones, put up with none of it.
Brothers you know,
from the cleanliness that we’re to have in our hearts, to sisters
the cleanliness that we’re to have in our love for each other,
right the whole way through. Don’t put up with anything don’t
let a hard heart grown inside you. Your heart is your spirit, that’s
the very heart of you and that’s what is to feel good, to smell
sweet, and to be sweet, and fresh, and fragrant. That’s God’s
will for us.
Now loved ones, when
we’re like that it is interesting but God is able at last to begin
to do something through us. When our spirits are like that he’s
able to do something through us, because here’s what’s happening.
God is involved in trying to rescue not just you up here, but
actually three and a half, and I think it’s now four billion of us
miserable little insects from that same slavery. And God is involved
in trying to get us all to experience what he has done to us on the
cross in Jesus.
So he is working
towards that end. But, he has a definite play for it with your mum
and dad, with your sons and daughters, with your colleagues, with our
friends. God has a definite plan for doing it. So he has brought
about the miracle on the cross but he also is in charge of applying
that miracle to all our friends, and all our colleagues, and to the
whole world. And so God has a great salvation campaign a foot and he
is directing it.
Now, the way he does
it is he requires someone here on earth to want what he wants. He
requires someone here on earth to want what he wants. In other
words, having sent Jesus to earth, that’s all God is able to do
from the point of view of exerting his will here on the earth. Now
that Jesus has risen to be with him, God depends on miserable little
creatures here on earth wanting the same thing as he wants so God can
have a definite plan for Jim’s dad, or for Vern’s colleague at
work. Or, God can have a definite plan for my brother, or for Jim’s
mother in Pennsylvania.
God can have a
definite plan for each of those loved ones in order to bring them on
to the cross with Christ. But the only way he can bring that about
is if Jim, or Vern, or Jim, or me hear from God what he is intending
to do and ask him to do it. Now that’s right. God is only able to
touch another one’s life if one of us whose spirits are free, and
who are therefore able to hear from him what he’s intending to do,
ask him to do that thing.
Now that’s
enshrined you remember, in that verse we’ve often looked up
together and I’d just ask you to look at it, Ezekiel 36:37. “Thus
says the Lord God: This also I will let the house of Israel ask me to
do for them: to increase their men like a flock.” It just is so
strange to put it that way. You feel like saying to God, “Well, if
you know that they need to be increased now after this experience,
why don’t you just increase their number?” But God puts it
clearly this way, he says, “This also I will let the house of
Israel ask me to do for them.” And so God knows what he wants to
do for the house of Israel but until somebody here on earth asks him
to do it he is not free to do it.
Now loved ones, I’m
sure we’ll understand the whole mystery of that when we get to
heaven but I’m sure that part of it is the whole protection of our
free will that God wants to continue to exercise so that he does not
just intervene in our affairs here on earth overwhelming our free
will and doing whatever he wants, but so that redemption and
redemption grace can only be experienced when we ask him for a
certain thing.
Now loved ones
that’s the way God works and you remember, Jesus stressed the same
thing when he said in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given you;
seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” God
knows what is needed because there’s another verse in scripture you
remember, that says, “God knows already what you need.” So God
knows it but he can only act when you yourself realize what he wants
to do and that is called a burden of the spirit.
That’s what I’d
just like to share a few minutes about, burdens of the spirit.
That’s a burden of the spirit that God is putting on your heart.
Now, do you notice that it’s very different from weights that Satan
puts upon you? When your spirit is heavy with weights that Satan
puts upon it, then when you resist those weights, they’re lifted
and they go away. Moreover, Satan’s weights tend to throttle your
mind and throttle your whole personality so that you are unable to
act, or pray, or speak.
But burdens of the
spirit that God puts upon you are joyous things. That’s why Jesus
said, “Take my burden upon you for my yolk is easy and my burden is
light.” Burdens of the spirit are joyous things, they’re
delightful things. And as you pray the burden is released. And so a
burden of the spirit is given to move you to pray, or to speak, or to
act. Whereas, a weight that Satan puts upon you is given to throttle
you and prevent you from any action, or any speaking, or any praying.
So loved ones, the
way that God works is Jesus himself, do you know what he’s doing in
Hebrews 7:25 at this moment? Maybe it’s good to be clear what
Jesus is doing at this moment. Hebrews 7:25, “Consequently he is
able,” Jesus, “For all time to save those who draw near to God
through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.”
So Jesus at this moment is interceding to the Father for us and for
the plan that the Father has for applying the resurrection of Christ
to the world. But do you see how he intercedes? He does not
intercede to the Father directly. He’s living ever to intercede
for us but he intercedes through us.
So if you say, “Do
you mean that Jesus’ intercession is limited in its power by the
fact that he has to find one of us who will receive his burden and
will pray it up to the Father?” Yes loved ones, that’s it.
Jesus intercedes through us to the Father. Now you see how different
that whole way of praying is to sympathetic prayer. You see how far
we are from that kind of – that’s called a prayer of faith. A
prayer of faith is one that Jesus puts in you through his Holy
Spirit. It’s a burden that he gives you, a thing that he knows God
intends to do but he knows he cannot do it until you ask him to do it
so he gives you that request.
That is so different
from the praying that we pray when we’re two feet under the ground,
or when we’re slogging along overwhelmed, “Oh my finances,
they’re coming part.” “Oh, that person she’s never going to
marry me.” “Oh, my career is coming apart.” “Oh Lord, what
will I do?” Loved ones, when you’re in that situation the one
thing you have no time to listen for is what Jesus is saying to you.
The one thing that you have no time to be concerned with is what God
is intending to do in your situation.
You’re so utterly
preoccupied with yourself, and so utterly taken up with your own
troubles that you cannot hear anything that Jesus is giving to your
spirit. Indeed, you’re spirit is not light, it’s not free, it’s
not liberated, it’s heavy. And loved ones, that’s why we have so
many unanswered prayers, you know. Because, they’re not prayers at
all, they’re just those old foxhole cries for help and they bear
little relationship, most of them, to anything that God intends to do
in our lives or in the lives of our friends.
And really, the only
way to come into the kind of victorious prayer that you read about in
George Mueller, you remember, with all the answers to prayer by which
he built those homes for children and for orphans, and people like
the Welshman Rees Howells , the only way to come into that kind of
victorious prayer is to come into a freedom of your spirit where you
commit unto God the things that you normally are supposed to be
concerned with in your own life and you enter into this love
relationship with the trinity family, and then at last God is able to
lay on your spirit what he intends to do in the lives of your
friends, and your relatives, and your colleagues, and in the life of
the loved ones in China, and Africa, and India.
Now, that’s God’s
plan for us, that we should receive burdens of the spirit from him.
And I’d just remind you of that illustration that we’ve used
before that Nee gives, you remember, of the little guy who was out in
the garden digging away and his dad says to him, “John, will you
come over and help me here?” And John says, “Well wait Dad, I
have something in my hands at the moment.” And he hasn’t freedom
to go and do what his father wants him to do because he’s got
something in his hands that he’s preoccupied with.
And loved ones, you
see what – really what a mess it is. All us little moles poking
around with our noses in the earth trying to get enough little nuts
to keep ourselves alive until the winter is ended, and trying to get
enough little clothes on to keep ourselves warm, we haven’t a
moment to listen to that person up there. We don’t. We’re so
taken up with what we’re doing.
So you see, before
we can enter into any real burdens of the spirit, we ourselves have
to come free of this preoccupation with ourselves, preoccupation with
our lives, preoccupation with getting them going right. We have to
actually live as if we’re dead, we really do. We have to come to a
death to all that stuff and say, “Lord, you’re our Father. You
take good care of this world and the whole universe; you can
certainly take care of me. Lord, I want to love you and to trust
you. Lord Jesus, thank you that you both are the meaning of life and
I want to love you, and praise you, and be with you, and I’ll take
care of my things as you guide me to, but will you add all other
things unto me that I need? And now Lord Jesus, what are we about
here? What do you want to do? You know what your Father intends to
do in India, what do you want me to do to enable him to do that?”
Loved ones, that’s
God’s plan. There’s a lot more to say, you can guess. I’d
just share one more thing that you need to ask the Holy Spirit, “Holy
Spirit, what is this burden for?” Because sometimes it’s a
burden for prayer. As Paul said in Galatians you remember, “I am
in travail that Christ may be fully formed in you.” Sometimes it’s
a burden for prayer. Sometimes it’s a burden such as Jeremiah had
for speaking to someone, saying something, voicing something, in your
office, or to a friend. Sometimes it’s a burden for action. It’s
a burden that you have to do something and you need to act.
Now, it is important
to know the difference there, you see. So that you don’t lay on
the rest of us some burden that you should actually be involved in.
It’s good to know, “Holy Spirit, what do you want me to do? Do
you want me to act here in this situation, or do you want me to pray
through on this? Or, do you want me to speak to someone?” And
then of course to do that thing.
And I think, you
know, most of you have had a little experience of burdens loved ones.
Even though your spirits may have been very weighed down and very
impure, most of us have experience, at least in the human realm of
some problem. You know, you feel there’s something that I haven’t
settled. There’s something that I haven’t settled. And you may
think it’s with a relationship at work. There’s something I need
to settle at the office. I need to make that thing right. And you
know you can’t really feel at rest inside until you make that thing
Or, you feel there’s
something I need to write, and I need to put it on paper, and I need
to write a letter and that will settle it. And some business
problem, and you feel, “I have to solve it. I have to take
action.” And then at last you take the action, you write the
letter, and then you go and sleep the sleep of a little child. Now,
that’s the kind of thing a burden is in the spirit, you see. Those
happen to be burdens that are put upon us often by our own human
spirits and often by other spirits, and often they’re just burdens
of the soul, but that’s the kind of thing that a burden of the
spirit is.
And so when you
receive a burden and you sense, “Father, you do want me to go out
in prayer for my grandmother.” Then it is important that you do
that. It’s important that you set everything aside first of all,
and you ferret out through the Holy Spirit’s light what the burden
is and then it’s important that you bear that burden. And if it’s
a prayer burden it’s important that you pray through on the burden.
And many of us, of course, go astray there because, we don’t pray
through on the burden. We keep praying while we’re still in the
middle of the burden instead of praying out the other side of it.
Now, it might be
good loved ones to look at just a few examples in Psalms of people
praying through. And Psalm 54 is one of them. “Save me, O God, by
thy name, and vindicate me by thy might. Hear my prayer, O God; give
ear to the words of my mouth. For insolent men have risen against
me, ruthless men seek my life; they do not set God before them.”
So many of us stop there in our prayer and so we hear of somebody
that’s talking against us in the office and we’re all borne down
by it. And we know we shouldn’t be borne down, and we know we
should be rising above it and we go to God and we pray, “Well, Lord
forgive them. Well, give me strength to rise above this. Well, help
me Lord.” And we go to bed at that level of prayer instead of
going on through. “Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the
upholder of my life. He will requite my enemies with evil; in thy
faithfulness put an end to them. With a freewill offering I will
sacrifice to thee; I will give thanks to thy name, O Lord, for it is
good. For thou hast delivered me from every trouble, and my eye has
looked in triumph on my enemies.”
Loved ones, unless
you pray through on a burden, God may as well not have given you the
burden at all. You have to stay with it and if you say, “Well, now
do you mean all our prayers should be like that?” No, often your
prayer times will be praise times, and worship times, and during that
praise and worship time God will lay a burden upon you. So sometimes
they’ll come from the midst of your praise and worship, but
sometimes they’ll come from a real burden out of your ordinary
every day life. But the important thing is to pray right through and
out the other end of the burden. And really do. Don’t be
concerned about making sure you get all your other prayers in, pray
through on that burden and pray through to lightness and life. And
that’s why God gave you it.
And then when you
come out the other end, and you see – usually it is, see what we’re
doing, we’re usually doing what Jesus did on the cross. Do you see
that? He took all of us, with all our dirt, and all our sin, and all
our rottenness, and our selfishness, and he lifted us back up into
the relationship that he had with his Father. That’s what he did.
So when you’re bearing a prayer burden, that’s really what you’re
doing. You’re with that Father in joy, and delight, and glory, and
you’re down here and you’re getting some dirt on your feet as you
walk along the road of life and you see a burden. And he gives it to
you and you’re lifting it up into the relationship that you have
with him.
Do you see it’s
not enough to leave that light place that you have with God and get
down there and start heaving the stuff up like that. You can’t do
it. And it’s not enough to do one of those gestures you know,
“Well Lord here. Yeah, well.” No, you go right through with it,
you lift it right up and that’s what it is. It’s drawing the
world up into God’s love and God’s faithfulness. It’s you in
your heart triumphing over the apparent impossibility or the
intractability of the problem. That’s it.
It’s one little
person here on earth seeing the solid massive obstacle, the massive
sin, and seeing God more clearly right through it. And that’s how
the thing is lifted, and that’s what enables God’s Spirit to
touch it. So you see, prayer burdens are very real things. See,
it’s not that heavily minded stuff you know, “Well, that’s the
burden but Lord I’m glad I can preoccupy myself with you.” No,
it’s looking the burden straight in the face, seeing it solidly,
and then getting back into your relationship with the Father so that
you can see this thing lifted up into his presence.
Just a very little
example, it was very easy at the beginning of our businesses to feel
that you walk by faith not by sight. The best way to walk by faith
is to not look at your bank balance because the sight of it would
just steal any faith from you. And it’s very easy in the early
days to think, “Oh, that’s the way to do it.” And it’s very
easy to carry it on into your own personal finances, “No, I don’t
want to know how bad it is. No, I could never have faith if I knew
how bad it was. What I’ve to do is to preoccupy myself with God’s
power, and God’s strength, and God’s manifold provision.”
Well of course loved
ones, that’s not bearing a burden at all. The only ones who can
bear burdens are those who can look at the finances, know the
balances, know what the assets are, know what the liabilities are,
know what the cost of goods are, and know what you’re facing, and
know what the interest rates are, and know fully every detail of the
earthly situation. And then lift that up into God’s light and
power until you can see, “Yes Lord, you are going to lift every bit
of that. You are going to triumph over every piece of it.”
In other words, it’s
putting God’s power and might against all our weakness and
inadequacy on earth and it’s seeing that God’s power is greater.
And it comes of course, partly through his promises, partly through
seeing him as the Holy Spirit is showing him to you until he becomes
so real that you see, “This God can lift anything even this
detailed burden that I know so well.” And then when you see it,
when one little person here on earth sees that God not only can but
will do it, then the thing is done. Then the answer is made real and
the thing is settled.
And it may be three
weeks later before the person’s healed. It may be tomorrow when
the money comes in, but it’s done. The moment a person sees that
God is able, and is willing, and has now down it, that moment it’s
done. But loved ones, that’s the way God plans for us to operate,
you know. So it is vital that we do it, especially since he has
called us to get 10,000 of us into this world. And since we look
around the world and see how it’s falling apart in all directions,
you can see the only way we’re ever going to get into places like
Russia, or even into the Middle East, or places like China, is if all
of us here this evening, can begin to pray according to the burdens
that God puts on our spirits instead of just offering up the little
wishes that we have for ourselves and for our loved ones.
So it is important
you know, to see that God has something definite for you to pray for
this evening, something definite. And it will be something that is a
natural preoccupation of your whole heart, something that you’re
very concerned about. It won’t be hard, it will be very obvious.
So I pray that you’ll begin to move that way in your prayer life.
And of course, immediately you do, immediately things will begin to
happen around you, miracles will begin to take place.
Let us pray. Dear
Father, dear Lord Jesus, dear Holy Spirit, we thank you for the
holiness of this evening, and we thank you for the holiness of our
position. We cannot believe that you great beings have destined us
to share in your family. Oh, we thank you, thank you. And Lord
Jesus, we are just overwhelmed to think that your intercession is
tied to our reading your heart and your mind.
Lord, we see what a
privileged position we have. We see how we can crucify you afresh
within us, bind you again, and put you into a tomb, or how we can
release you and take those binding clothes off you so that you’re
free to wander through the earth, and to work miracles. We thank you
that we have that great privilege. And we thank you Lord Jesus, that
we are co-workers together with you, co-workers of God the Father.
And that you have definite things that you plan to do in our lives
this coming week, and in the lives of our friends, and our
colleagues, and our relatives. And that you can begin to bring them
about as we begin to bear our burdens in prayer, and bear our burdens
in speaking and in doing.
And we thank you
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, that these are ordered lives
with direction and guidance that you have given us. Thank you Lord.
We would give ourselves together to you, for your plans for this
world during these next 20 years. And we ask you three dear beings:
the Father; Son; and Holy Spirit, to use us to bring about your plans
for your glory.
And now the grace of
our Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit, be with each one of us now and throughout these coming weeks.
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