The Mind Aiding the
Now does anybody
want to ask any questions about the baptism of the Holy Spirit? I’ll
just mention again, what it is. That’s you, believe it or not, or
me, and that’s God, and that’s the world. And God’s will is
that your friendship with him, just your friendship, your knowing him
and loving him, knowing what he wants to do in your work, knowing
what he wants to do in your home, just that friendship that you would
act from that. That you would do things, and say things, just
because you knew God wanted you to say them.
That’s what it is
loved ones; it’s as sweet and as clear as that. It’s just your
friendship with God, knowing what he wants you to say and he gives
that to you and you say it. And really, you know we’ve said it a
thousand times, but it’s just gone all the wrong way. We’ve just
put a big barrier between ourselves and him, and that’s the way it
goes. We’re just playthings of the world. We’re playthings of
what our friends want us to do, we’re playthings of what our
employers want us to do, we’re playthings of what the commercials
on TV want us to do. But, we’re just governed and dominated by
that dear world.
What happens when we
begin to realize that this was God’s plan up here? Really, many of
us attempt to get in touch with God, and we at last tell him that we
need him in our lives. The killer is many of us do it for all kinds
of strange reasons. Some of us do it just because we’re in real
trouble and so it’s just a kind of cry from agony and helplessness,
“Lord help me, I’m losing touch with reality.” Some of us
that. Some of us because we have no purpose in our lives and we say,
“Lord I want to have some purpose in my life.” Some of us are
just lonely and we just say, “Lord, I’m lonely. Will you come
into my life?” Some of us have just heard that all you have to do
is ask Jesus into your lives, so we don’t know anything else, we
just ask Jesus, “Lord come into my life.”
Some of us go up to
the front with some friends in a church and we have a great feeling
of warmth and we don’t know what happened, but we sense that we’re
different in some way. Many of us do, at least, begin to get that
going you know. We begin to get a little life going from God to us.
But the tragedy is that we’re still getting it from the world as
well. That’s a position of a person who isn’t baptized with the
spirit. They get some friendship from God, and they’re trying to
serve him, and they’re trying to do things for him but they are
very dependent on the world’s opinions, and they’re still very
dependent on the comfort they can get from the world, and they’re
very dependent on the things that they can get from the world, and
the happiness they can get from the world, and the security.
So they really live
a double life and that’s what Jesus meant, that a double minded man
can get nothing from the Lord. That’s what most people are like
who aren’t baptized with the Holy Spirit. The only way to be
baptized with the spirit, that is the only way to have that, the only
power and the only life in your life, is to have that crucified. You
remember, Paul says in Galatians 6:14 that I was crucified to the
world and the world was crucified to me. Loved ones, honestly until
you come to that place, God cannot trust you with the fullness of his
spirit. See he can’t.
You brothers, you
know how ambitious we men are, and how we want to achieve things. Do
you see that God can’t trust us with the mighty power of the spirit
that is able to raise the dead, and is able to heal people, unless we
have ground into the dust any desire we might have to be something,
or to be important? You can see what we would do with a mighty power
like the Holy Spirit if we were still in this business of getting the
applause from the world. We would just be demons let loose with a
supernatural power in our lives.
So loved ones,
there’s no way until we have that crucified. But ladies, it’s
the same with you, you know, while you still have a desire for the
worship that only God deserves, he cannot give you his Holy Spirit,
because you would simply draw all of us in admiration, and adulation,
towards you. And until you die to the right even to be appreciated,
until you die to what anybody thinks of you, the Father cannot give
you the fullness of his spirit.
So loved ones, it’s
vital to come to that place and for most of us it does require some
time. For most of us we have to get before God and we have to say,
“Holy Spirit, will you show me in what way I am not crucified to
the world, and in what way the world is not crucified to me? In what
way am I still a prisoner to the world?” There are a thousand ways
in which we all are. We all have rights that we will not die to, and
that dear man from Nazareth died to every right he had. Of course,
with him we died also. The moment we accept that, the moment we are
content with what he was content with, that moment we’re free,
Oh, I just saw, you
know, another thing coming. God is so good because he gives you
light then when you enter into this relationship with him. Life is
exciting because it doesn’t matter whether you’re a preacher or
not, he’s preaching at you all the time. So it’s good, and it’s
growing, and I just saw you know, on the way tonight, are you willing
to die to the right to have efficiency? Are you willing to die to
the right to have efficiency around you and have things done
We love, you know,
and we love to pride ourselves, “Well, I don’t know if I’m
willing to die to efficiency or not.” But really, it’s die to
having things done the way we want them done, you know. That’s
really what it is. God asks you that “Are you willing to die to
the right to have things done as efficiently as you think they should
be done?” Of course, you see we’re mighty Gods, we require
everybody to do it the way we want them to. That’s where our
irritability comes from, that’s where our impatience comes from.
That’s why we can’t pour out up building life to somebody who
lets us down. That’s it.
You think what
happens when somebody lets you down. Think of it, when somebody
isn’t there on time and you meet them and there’s that rising up
inside you that thinks “What right have they to keep me waiting?”
And you try to gather yourself together to love them, but they see
the irritability seething underneath. Of course, there’s nothing
of life that comes to them at all. Now loved ones, that’s part of
what it is to be baptized into Jesus’ death in order to be baptized
with the spirit, means a real crucifixion of the world to you.
Now, when that
happens loved ones, what then begins to take place is, God of course,
has free way with your life. And then there begins to take place the
movement of his life through you to the world. Of course, the
tragedy is that this poor little soul here, while he’s been
operating that way, and then when he’s been operating as a kind of
schizophrenic, his whole personality has undergone all kinds of
twists and perversions. Oh you know the way we described it in that
diagram. We said that that’s the way our soul was meant to work,
you remember. Our soul was meant to work that way with our will
obeying our conscience, and our mind understanding what God was
expressing, and then expressing the joy that God has given us in
But really, when we
begin to get our security, significance, and happiness from the
world, our soul becomes all perverted. Our mind, instead of simply
understanding what God is saying to us about what we should do in our
job, our mind manipulates like mad. And we’re great manipulators,
our mind is always manipulating. That’s what you get – that was
the problem you remember with Ananias and Sapphira, if you look at it
in Acts 5. It really wasn’t simply that they didn’t give all the
money to God that they got for the property, but they pretended.
They wanted the Holy
Spirit, though that seems so silly, they wanted the Holy Spirit and
they wanted Peter, and the rest of the church leaders to think that
they had given everything. You see in what Peter says in Acts 5:4,
“While it remained unsold,” the land, “Did it not remain your
own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal?” So all
you have to say to me was, “Look, we’ve sold this land and we’re
giving you part of it.” But, “How is that you have contrived
this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.”
And you find that, that your mind which should work with great
clarity simply understanding what God guides you to do through the
day, your mind has become a manipulating instrument.
It tries to
manipulate the things, and the people, and the circumstances in the
world so that you can get from the world what you were meant to get
from God. The tragedy is that even though you have gone back to the
place where you’ve been baptized with the spirit, and you’re
beginning to operate the right way, yet that dear old soul has got
used to this kind of activity. Your mind still tends to manipulate.
Actually, that’s why some of us still have soul distress. That’s
why any of us who are baptized with the Spirit would ever think we
needed psychological care, because often our soul has become so
twisted that it’s still operating in the old perverted fashion, and
it often takes a while for, you remember what God says through Paul,
“For the mind to be renewed.”
That’s what, you
remember, God means there, “Do not be conformed to the image of
this world,” which of course you are when your spirit is dead and
you’re being governed by the world. But, don’t be conformed to
the image of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind so that your mind will cease to manipulate and will begin to
Now loved ones, do
you see the distinction then between a mind that was once a mind of
the flesh, you see. A mind that was governed by your body, and
governed by the world, and governed by trying to get from the world
what you should get from God. That mind is a manipulating mind, it’s
a mind of the flesh, and that mind is enmity against God. Now maybe
you should see that in Romans 8:7. It’s necessary to understand
this in order to really understand the subject that we’re studying
this evening. Romans 8:7, “For the mind that is set on the flesh
is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, indeed it
Now, that mind you
see, that was set on the flesh, that was set on getting from the
body, which got from the world, security, significance, and
happiness. That mind was absolutely perverted and it’s hostile to
God. Actually it’s interesting, you find that is a problem to you,
because God often – you face a problem at work. There’s a
problem crops up with relationships in the office and you pray about
the thing. And before you started to pray you’ve been working out,
“How will I get this person to think this, and that person to think
that? And then how will I clear myself out of the mess and defend
myself if they come at me?”
So your mind is
contorted with all the manipulating. And then you pray about the
thing, and you spend time before God, and he gives you peace about
the thing. And he prompts your mind simply to understand how he sees
it all, and to see how he’s going to work in it. Isn’t it
interesting, that at that point, you feel, “But I’m supposed to
do more than this? I’m not just supposed to understand and have
faith.” The mind wants to get some manipulating done. You find
that you’ve prayed about the thing and you see how God is going to
move, and you see you’ve to exercise faith and simply understand
what he’s going to do, but you still feel there’s something left
It’s so hard to go
into the office the next day and keep your mouth closed. It’s so
hard to go into the office the next day and not try to get your own
hands into the mess and try to fix it. Now loved ones, that’s what
happens, your mind continues to work in the old way and that’s why
many of us are skeptical of using our minds in our spiritual lives.
That’s it. Many of us, when we see the title of this evening which
is the mind and really the principle of the mind aiding the spirit,
we think to ourselves, “No, no that can’t be. The mind is an
enemy of God and the mind cannot aid our spirits.”
But loved ones,
though the old manipulating mind, the old mind of the flesh cannot,
the mind that is being renewed in God’s image is able to be an ally
to you. Actually, God wants it to be. I don’t know if you
realize, but the whole purpose of God’s action is that through his
spirit coming through your spirit, your soul will be redeemed.
That’s his will. God is not content simply that your spirit should
be renewed, or regenerated, or be filled. But it’s God’s will
that your whole personality, that soul that is so perverted and this
body that is so weakened, will be wholly redeemed by his spirit.
That’s his will.
He doesn’t want a
crowd of spirits in heaven who have broken old bodies, and who have
perverted souls. He wants a redeemed people for himself. So God is
always trying to bring about the redemption of your total
personality. That’s why you’ll often find you’ll often wish he
would leave the bad things alone. But he won’t, he keeps on
working on the bad things, because those things can’t come into
heaven without spoiling heaven. So God is always working to, in some
way, redeem this soul completely.
That’s the meaning
of that verse, you remember, that is translated slightly different in
the RSV, “In patience possess your souls.” Or, “In patience
you shall possess your souls.” It’s God’s intention that we
should possess our souls, not that they should run away from us but
that we should possess them. And for that purpose, God at times,
will withdraw some life or liveliness from your spirit. That’s
So loved ones, let’s
look into the areas where this happens. First of all, that’s quiet
time, your quiet time, your time of devotions which you have each day
with God, a time when you pray to him and when you read the Bible.
At times, the Holy Spirit will give you a great liveliness. You’ll
get up in a bright morning and your heart will just be singing out to
God, and your spirit will be rising, and you’ll have no problem
praising. Or, you’ll get out the Bible study and it’ll just be
great, and you’ll enjoy it, and you’ll go to prayer with a sense
of joy, and thankfulness. And you’ll pray about all kinds of
people that you’re burdened for.
Often, that’s the
way God will work with you, and probably that is even the normal,
that there’ll be a rising up from your spirit of life. But
gradually, God will at times, withdraw that liveliness from you.
He’ll withdraw it for a specific reason; he’ll want you to
exercise your mind, and to exercise your mind in conjunction with the
way his Spirit normally works through you. Now, if you don’t
realize that, when there’s no liveliness in your spirit and you get
down on your knees to pray, you’ll go into TM. You will. That’s
what loved ones do. They think, “Well, there’s nothing rising up
from inside. I don’t feel or sense any praise of God.” And so
they go into transcendental meditation. They do.
They just go
passive, and they think to themselves, “Well, I don’t use my mind
because my mind is enmity against God.” And that’s just Satan’s
deception and trick to trick you into thinking of it that way rather
than seeing that the renewed mind is a good servant of God. But you
say, “No, the mind I dare not use. I have to do this prayer in the
spirit.” So you stay passive and you keep everything quiet waiting
or God’s spirit to lift you. Of course, the moment you do that,
you release the exercise of your will over your mind and emotions and
actually, over your spirit. And you leave the gateway open for
elemental spirits of the universe to come in and disturb your spirit
with all kinds of experiences, and feelings. Or, allows those
spirits to come in and make your own spirit absolutely dead and
Now loved ones don’t
do that. When that happens, when in the mornings or the evenings you
sense no liveliness in your spirit, see that God is allowing that to
happen and expects you to use your mind to begin to get out your
Bible, to read the passage, to study it, to use your intellect to
analyze it. And as you do that, the mind begins to prime the pump of
the spirit and the Holy Spirit begins to give light and revelation to
your spirit. But that’s why God does that at times.
So don’t be cast
down in the mornings when you find no liveliness in your spirit, no
use your mind, “Thou shalt love the Lord they God with all thy
heart, and with all they soul, and with all thy strength, and with
all thy mind.” It means you have to exercise your will over your
mind. Don’t be backward about it, or think you’re doing
something that is unspiritual or something that is soulish. As you
do that, as you begin to give your mind to God’s word, so the
Spirit will begin to give life to your own spirit.
Now loved ones,
that’s the matter of the quiet time, but it also takes place in the
matter of warfare and witnessing. I’d just remind you of the
position that we have in our warfare. The position from which we war
against Satan is that stated in Ephesians 2:6 and you might look at
it. Ephesians 2:6 and this is the fact, the eternal fact of our
present position. Even though we all look physically to be down here
in this room, we are in fact in this position spiritually. Ephesians
2:6, “And raised us up with him, and made us sit with him,” that
is God, God, “Raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in
the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
Of course, the
position, the importance of that position in warfare is given back
there in verse 21 of the previous chapter, Ephesians 1:21. Where is
that position? Oh well, “Far above all rule and authority and
power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in
this age but also in that which is to come.” So that position is
above Satan and above all his powers. Now, that is the position of
power for warfare when you’re fighting all kinds of opposition at
home. There’s a sneaking, seeping irritability and resentment
filling the house, that’s the position of power that you take in
warfare. You take that position in the heavenly places and you dwell
in that position.
Now the Holy Spirit
normally gives you a sense of that. I remember when I first came
into the reality of that, I remember I had a great sense that I was
sitting at God’s right hand far above everything. And these poor
little souls down here were like little insects fighting it out and
struggling. Really, I was in a position above it all, in a position
of power where I could speak to the mountain “Be cast into the
sea.” Normally, the Holy Spirit gives you that sense of being
ascended with Jesus at God’s right hand. If you’re living free
from sin and you’re living in trust and obedience, he’ll give you
that sense. But there are times, when the Holy Spirit withdraws that
from you.
Now loved ones, when
that happens, do not cast away your faith and do not back down and
say, “Well, I’m no longer in that position.” God is doing
that, because he wants you to use your mind to settle strongly and
firmly on his dear word. And that’s what I’ve done a thousand
times. I’ve said, “Lord I thank you that according to your word
you’ve raised me up who were dead in my trespasses and sins, and
you’ve made me sit with you in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus
far above every rule, and authority, and dominion, and power. Lord I
thank you for that and I fix thy mind on that.”
Loved ones, that’s
what God wants you to do so that the mind, you can see what happens,
the mind begins to be strong and it begins to be strong enough to be
a help mate to your spirit, and begins to be a friend to your spirit
and a kind of handmaiden to your spirit so that your spirit begins to
have really, strength, and reinforcement from the whole area of the
soul. Instead of the spirit trying to work against a soul that is
sick, the soul itself becomes an ally to the spirit and they become
dear friends because the mind has learned and remembered certain
things that the spirit taught it years ago. And it remembers those
things, and it practices them.
Now it is important
to do that. I don’t know how many of you do, I think I’ve used
the expression before, but I know it’s an Irish expression you
never catch it, but we would talk about – when we first learned to
ride bicycles, it was great to be able to ride your bicycle with no
hands. Do you use that expression? It doesn’t mean that you cut
your hands off, it just means you don’t hold on to the handlebars.
So you thought you were really clever when you were riding your bike
with no hands. But it wasn’t as easy to do it. Obviously, if you
were coming into some bendy spots in the road then, you used your
hands. That was the way to ride the bike.
Now I think
sometimes, we think, “Well we ought to ride the bike with no hands.
Yeah, yeah I walk this way just in my spirit; just bare spirit, raw
spirit. I won’t use my mind I won’t use anything, just the
spirit. That’s the way to do it.” Well, don’t be dumb you
know, use everything. Love God with all your heart, soul, strength,
and mind. If you can’t beat Satan with the spirit beat him with
the mind. If you can’t beat him with the mind, beat him with the
emotion. Beat him some way, but use everything but don’t back off
into this kind of – it’s really a false kind of spirituality
where we think, “No, we ought not to use our minds.”
Do, your mind is a
precious little computer that can remember truths that God has made
real to you before in your spirit. If you say to me, “Oh but isn’t
it God’s will that they should be vividly real to me? Isn’t that
the difference between a Holy Spirit memory and a mental memory?”
Yes, yes, it is God’s will that you should have a Holy Spirit
memory that the whole thing should be as vivid as when you first saw
it. But, there are times when it isn’t and at those times be
content to let your mind aid your spirit in this business of warfare.
Now, it’s the same
in witness. I don’t know how many of you have had to lead Bible
studies or have had to speak a little from the Bible. There are the
great times when the Holy Spirit just lifts you up, you go to it and
it’s easy. Especially, at the beginning when you’re first
witnessing, the Holy Spirit just seems to lift you along and you know
what to do, you know what to say, you know which verses of scripture
to use, you know how to prepare the thing. In fact, it’s as if the
spirit prepares it. But do you see that in a way it’s a kind of
honeymoon, because God wants your mind to come into an understanding
of these things.
So the Holy Spirit
will at times withdraw from you in connection with witness, and in
connection with preparing speaking, or preparing little sermons for
groups. The Holy Spirit will withdraw that and will require you to
use your mind. To just use the old mind, to get down to studying
God’s word and to preparing as if only your mind was available.
Now as you do that, you’ll find that your spirit will begin to stir
within you and revelation will come.
So it is important
loved ones, to be prepared to do it. It’s true also in the area of
intercession. Many of us kneel down to pray to God and we have no
trouble with intercession. The spirit does groan within us with
groanings that cannot be uttered. And the spirit intercedes
according to the will of God for the saints. And there are times
where we just sense the rising of our spirits on behalf of our
friends, or our relatives, or our colleagues at work and there’s no
difficulty. There are other times when it’s just dead.
Now, at those times
be sensible. God has told you all kinds of people to pray for
through his word. You’ve to pray for those in authority over you.
You’ve to pray that others will be fully formed in Jesus. You’ve
to pray for the mum and dad he has given you. You’ve to be
faithful for the wife and the children he has given you. God tells
us in his word many, many things to pray for. We have to pray that
he will thrust forth laborers into the harvest field. You can hardly
look at any part of God’s word but there aren’t commands there
what you should pray for.
Now when that time
comes, when you seem to have no idea what to pray for or to intercede
for, then go to his word and pray for those things. Do, and don’t
be all concerned because it’s not just all living, and all bubbling
up inside you. Be faithful and as you pray over certain things, the
Holy Spirit will give life to certain of those prayers and he will
begin to intercede with groanings that cannot be uttered. But first,
God will require you to use your mind. So do that and don’t think
it’s something less than the best. That’s the Holy Spirit
beginning to bring your mind into obedience.
It is interesting
love ones, it’s easy to do things when you feel like it. It’s
easy to do things when the spirit is bubbling up inside you and it
just carries you along. But it’s a much greater test of obedience
and faith in God, if you do the thing cold turkey, just absolutely
cold. And God looks down, and he sees a will commanding a mind to do
certain things. That brings a delight and glory in heaven such as no
amount of tongues will bring, really.
God delights in
nothing so much as pure, raw obedience. That is the greatest proof
of love to him. And it’s the same you know, in other things that
we come upon in our Christian life because the whole business of
guidance is involved in this business of the mind aiding spirit. Do
you know the normal way God guides? Maybe you’d like to look at
it, it’s Psalm 32:8. Psalm 32:8, “I will instruct you and teach
you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”
And the King James Version says, you remember, “I will guide you
with my eye.” That’s the normal way God guides.
You have your eyes
on him all the time and he just that way, and that way, and you see.
And as long as you have your eyes on him, there’s no problem you
just move and you move through life in order and with peace. But
there do come times when he just looks straight ahead. And he does
that so you will, at that moment, go on to the general guidance that
he has given to all of us, and that general guidance is endless, “Go
and preach the gospel to every nation baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and the of Holy Spirit. Be my witnesses.
Pray without ceasing. Love.”
God’s word is full
of clear commandments that are the general purpose that he has for
our lives. When you don’t have specific guidance then use your
mind to do the things that God has commanded us to do in his word.
Do those things with your whole heart. It is true loved ones, as you
follow out the general purposes that God has for all of us men and
woman, the Holy Spirit then will make the specific purpose that God
has for you, in that situation, clear to you. But often there are
times of guidance when there seems to be no guidance and you just
don’t know which way to turn, then go to his dear word and ask him,
“Lord, what are the things that I should be involved in daily?
What are your general purposes for my life?” And then be content
to do those with all your heart or with all your being.
Use your mind to do
them, because as you do it your mind is beginning to soak into this
dear word. Of course, you see what’s happening, really you’re
beginning to develop not just a mind that is a servant of your
spirit, but you’re developing a mind that is a sheet anchor to your
spirit. Do you see that? Because the mind is able to get from his
word what is his normal will for us so that if your spirit is ever
under attack from elemental spirits of the universe or if your spirit
is ever going through a time of darkness, your mind is able to hold
your spirit right in the middle of the road.
That’s why God
wants us loved ones, to develop our minds along the lines of his dear
word. The mind is God’s method of studying this word. As the mind
grasps this word and understands it, so the spirit is able to take
the life in this word and give it to our spirits. So the mind is
always the handmaiden or the nurse if you like, of the spirit. The
mind nurses your spirit along, keeps it in the main line of God’s
word. Now, it’s always your spirit that actually does the work and
produces the life. And the mind can never produce life in another
person, only the Holy Spirit working through your spirit can do that.
But, your mind can be a real friend to your spirit. So when these
times comes loved ones, see that the mind can actually aid the spirit
and that it is God’s will that you should use it, and you should
exercise it.
Now would you like
to ask any questions loved ones about that? The real problem of
course, with so many of us who have had holiday camps for high
schools, that’s a problem because our minds have gone to sleep.
And so you’re fighting the old passivity of mind that we’ll try
to talk about next year. But the only way, in a way, to begin with
that is to exercise your mind and to determine to exercise it and
bring it into activity and action.
Question from the
Does God teach you
to use your will more over your mind?
Reply from Pastor :
Well, you can see
loved ones, that that is the terrible tragedy of course, that has
taken place. The will has given up its normal position of kingship
in the soul. Normally, the will is the link, between the spirit and
your soul. But, the will has given up that kingship and the will is
a pour little slave usually, of our minds and emotions. So Cindy,
usually the problem is not just that the will needs strength but the
will needs to be exercised along the lines of the function that God
originally had for it. I think the answer is that by practicing, by
exercising the will, by the will telling the mind to think certain
thoughts, the will comes into a right relationship with the mind.
Always you have to
be trusting the Holy Spirit to be strengthening, but really it’s a
matter of exercising it in your soul, exercising the will’s control
over the mind. This is the great lie that Satan has persuaded us
all, “Oh, I can’t. Free association is the name of the game.
Any thought that comes into my mind I must just think it. I must
follow it out. Maybe there’s something deep, and mysterious, and
truthful about it.” So we’ve got this idea that any thought that
comes into our minds from wherever, we ought to follow it out and so
this way that God has for us is totally opposite to that.
It’s the will very
much exercising iron discipline over the mind and so it is important
to direct our mind what we think. Oh loved ones, if you think of it
for a moment, your poor mind, it’s more just like a vacuum cleaner
that sucks up everything in its path. Isn’t it? I mean it is. It
just sucks up all the time, all the things you hear. All the things
that come over television and it’s a lie that Satan has laid on us,
“That you ought to absorb everything. Absorb everything you can.
Don’t miss a thing.” Well really, God’s plan is that we should
be very selective and that the will should govern our minds and
should govern what comes into our heads.
Oh I think many of
us would have less trouble with dreams if we just turned the mind off
when Frankenstein came along in the early days. I think a lot of us
just opened ourselves to all kinds of ridiculous things because we
have this false idea that we can handle anything. No, you can’t,
there are a lot of things you can’t handle. And the will is given
to us to guard our minds from those things.
The beauty of
course, as Schaefer (a Christian philosopher and author) would say,
“The beauty of it is we’re made in the image of God so we’re
made to operate this way.” So actually, we have a lot going for
us. The personality was originally made to operate like this and it
will if you exercise it that way.
Question from the
Can you do anything
else except memorizing Bible verses?
Reply from Pastor:
I think memorizing
the Bible verses is a great help when you come to the beginnings of
prayer times. Indeed, “Thy word have I hid in my heart that I
might not sin against thee”, obviously its great strength as Jesus
used it in times of temptation. It seems to me, that the pray
reading is something that is very valuable, where you take a Psalm,
or a piece of praise in the Bible, and you don’t so much memorize
it but you read it, “Blessed the Lord, oh my soul.” And then you
close your eyes and you pray that up to God, “Bless the Lord, oh my
soul.” And you let your mind think on the very words that God
himself originated.
And it seems that as
you do that, those words that came from God himself, give your mind
such a sense of being in the right way that they are a great help to
beginning praise. So I think that that’s an important way too. I
think of course, books are great because the mind can get all kinds
of sense of God’s order from the inside stuff of writers and
Question from the
The Bible says, “As
a man thinketh so is he.”
Reply from Pastor:
It seems loved ones
that it is true that we’ve often said, “The spirit cannot get
directly to the body.” It can’t. The spirit – the only way
the spirit can get to the body and get to the world is through the
soul. So unless the mind begins to reflect and express the truth
that God has put in our spirits through intuition, really that truth
will never get through to our bodies and through to the world. So
not only as a man is in his spirit so is he, but as a man as in his
mind as he thinks and as his soul is, so that he is. That’s what
his outward life is.
So it is true
brother, that you can’t have your mind – that’s why the baptism
of the spirit is so important. It’s so important to get everything
going the right way because if the mind is still at the old
manipulating game, then that’s what comes over. And if you
remember, that’s what Paul said, “Are you not of the flesh and
behaving like ordinary men?” And a carnal person who is not
baptized with the spirit tends to be still in the manipulating game,
the still getting the joy game. So he’s still thinking as an
unregenerate person actually.
I think that’s
what the word means, “As a man thinketh so is he.” If he’s
still thinking in the old unregenerate way, that’s what he is to
the world. That’s what the world sees him as, a Jacob that is
involved in sending presents to his brother to try to pacify him.
But when he then, gets baptized with the spirit and the soul begins
to experience the spirit coming through, then the mind begins to
express itself. You can see loved ones, how vital it is to settle
this thing of crucifixion to the world. It just is, really.
Question from the
I was wondering how
much you should open yourself to the spiritual world.
Reply from Pastor:
Brother, early on, I
was kind of a free thinker or liberal in Britain and kind of thought,
“Oh, you ought to have experienced everything.” I was a poet,
enthusiastic about experiencing everything I could in Paris, and
Rome, and all that stuff. And so I thought, “Oh, that’s the way
to go.” But soon after I dealt with Jesus on the cross I saw, no,
you have to be a slave of Jesus Christ.
[Question inaudible
Okay, okay. Well, I
think I would hold to my ground brother, because I saw that God
wanted me to learn according to his program. And it seems to me the
Holy Spirit is our teacher and he leads, you know.
I could give you an
example. Soon after I came into the Holy Spirit, ran into some demon
possession. And the Holy Spirit just told me, “You’re a little
baby, you can’t do a thing. You just keep clear.” And it was
good that I had settled that issue that I am nobody, and I’m
nothing, and I don’t know anything. It was good that I had settled
that because then I could say, “Yes, Lord.” And later on as he
prepared me and strengthened me then I was able to deal with it.
So that’s what I
mean, it’s important to be lead by the Holy Spirit even in the
spiritual world, otherwise you can bite off more than you can chew
brother. Well loved ones, shall we pray?
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