Spiritual Life
Series #98
Original Sin #2
Loved ones, it’s
good to clarify again that on these Sunday evenings we’re talking
about the problem that many of us have who are children of God. That
is the problem that we have with inward sin. Outwardly we manage to
obey God in most things and even when temper rises, we manage often
to hold it down. Or, when we do something, we at least have the sense
to repent and to stop it. But often what hampers our steps is the
feeling that this inward sin is still inside. It’s still writhing
about and wriggling and trying to get out.
That’s often what
causes many of us as Christians to walk with strain and often in
defeat because repeatedly this inward sin breaks out. What we’re
talking about these Sunday evenings is the possibility of being
delivered from that, being freed from it, so that you are able to
walk in obedience from your heart, naturally, by the power of God
within you.
What we have said up
to now is that there are two problems involved. Or, there are two
reasons for this inward sin. I could give an example from my own
experience as a European coming to America. In Britain, we drive on
the left hand side of the road, which is the right hand side; no,
it’s not. It’s the wrong side. But, we drive on the left hand
side of the road and our steering wheels are therefore on the right
hand side of the car.
If you take and you
bring that car to America and you have to then start driving on the
right hand side of the road, you find yourself with your steering
wheel next to the pedestrians on the sidewalk and it actually is
quite difficult. It will surprise you. I know because we would do the
same. We would take the Irish car to France and there they drive on
the same side of the road as America. You find yourself with your
right hand wheel driving on the right hand side of the road. And you
think of trying to pass a semi when you’re on the inside like that.
It is impossible. You go inside and you try to look up the inside and
then you whip right out but half of your car is out on the other side
of the road before you can tell whether anybody is coming the other
way or not.
So, you can see, you
have a real problem with equipment there. You have the wrong kind of
equipment. You need a left hand wheel car for right hand roads, or
right hand side of the road, and you need a right hand wheel car for
driving on the left side of the road. If you ever mix those up, it
really is very, very hard going. Not impossible. But, it is very hard
It's the wrong kind
of equipment. That’s what we’ve been saying. We find ourselves
with what the Bible calls a body of sin---minds, emotions, and
personalities, even bodies that are used to depending on people and
things and circumstances. Now that God’s Spirit has come into our
hearts, he wants us to depend on him. But, we have a personality that
has been trained and disciplined and, indeed, we would say perverted
through depending on men and circumstances and things for the things
we were meant to get from God.
One of the needs we
have is to take the right hand wheel car back to the manufacturer and
get him to change the wheel to the other side. In other words, he has
to take out what is there and he has to put back in what is needed.
We have shared often that that’s what God did in Jesus on Calvary.
That we have an old self here that is perverted through having
depended on people and things and circumstances for what we should
get from God and what we need is to take that back in and have it
absolutely melted down and remade.
That’s what we’ve
been sharing happened in Jesus. When Paul says in Romans 6:6, "Our
old self was crucified with Christ." He means that. Our old self
that was brought up to depend on the world that was crucified with
Christ so that we might no longer be enslaved to sin.
However, the second
step is I can bring the car over here and I can take it back to Ford,
if it’s Ford, and they can put the wheel on the proper side of the
car and then I have a matter of will that I have to decide. Am I
going to join you or am I going to try to beat you? That is, am I
going to drive on the left hand side of the road or am I going to
drive on the right hand side of the road? I think overall the sheer
weight of numbers eventually forces you onto the right hand side of
the road. You do see that even though you’ve got the right
equipment, you have to decide am I going to use it the way it was
meant to be used.
That’s the second
factor that we have to deal with in coming into the fullness of the
Spirit. Are you actually willing to live dependent on God? God
Himself has already destroyed you and remade you in Jesus so that you
are able to do it. But, are you actually willing to do it? That, I
think, is what takes up a lot of the time in seeking the fullness of
the Spirit. It is pretty easy to see Romans 6:6, "Our old self
was crucified with Christ." But, the issue is do we want to live
dependent on God and not on people and circumstances and things.
Loved ones, that is
the issue of original sin. Original sin was Adam and Eve’s original
decision to live independent of God. Sin is the power of Satan that
manages to pervert the world so that you can live in some fashion
apart from God. Original sin was the original moment when our great
forefather resolved that he would depend on that independent life and
he would live dependent on Satan’s perversion of the world instead
of on God.
Now, what I thought
we might do just for the last time this evening is look again at the
heart of that original sin as that is the second great factor that
determines our ability to enter into the fullness of the Spirit.
Now, maybe you’d
glance at it, Loved ones, as we did last Sunday back in Genesis 2.
You remember that the two trees were set forth there and I’ll just
mention this briefly because we’ve spent so much time on it last
Sunday but Genesis 2:9, “And out of the ground the Lord God made to
grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the
tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil.” Those were the two trees and God
intended us, to live by his life rather than by our knowledge of good
and evil.
You can get a very
clear illustration of it if you look at Hebrews 11. It’s the
chapter that we read this morning a little. Hebrews 11:7, “By faith
Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, took heed
and constructed an ark for the saving of his household.” That’s
living by life. That’s living by depending on God for guidance as
to what you should do. He has to use his head to get the nails into
the wood and to measure the whole thing up and to make sure that it
doesn’t flop over once he puts it in the water. He has to use his
mind to work the thing out in deductive detail but the actual
direction comes from God and he acts by faith in God’s inner
Now, that’s as
opposed to the old knowledge of good and evil. You remember, that
Negro spiritual, I don’t know how it goes but, you remember, all
his neighbors are supposed to come along and say, wow, you’re
building that silly ark, you know, the sun is shining, there’s no
danger of a flood and old Noah says, oh, yeah, there’s going to be
a flood and the neighbors say, no, no, it won’t happen.
Now, that’s
walking by knowledge of good and evil. You try to work out yourself
how to live your life best and how to make what money you need to and
how to fulfill yourself and how to be satisfied in this world by your
own knowledge of what is good and evil. You determine yourself, oh,
yeah, that looks good; oh, no, that looks evil; oh, yeah, I think I’d
like to do that job; no, I don’t think I’d like to do that job;
oh, I think I’d like to live there. That’s knowledge of good and
evil, you see.
It’s not that you
don’t accumulate a lot of knowledge of good and evil as you go
through life. That’s why the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
was in the garden. You acquire it through your own experience of
God’s guidance to you in prayer so that you repeatedly move by
faith and gradually you begin to understand, "Oh, this is the
way God works." You build up a knowledge of the way he works,
not a knowledge of the way men and women have manipulated the world.
So, there are two
very different kinds of knowledge. One comes through living by God’s
life. The other comes by trying to manipulate the world without any
dependence upon God. Now, Hebrews 11 was full of the same kind of
thing because in verse 17, “By faith Abraham, when he was tested,
offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was ready to
offer up his only-begotten son, of whom it was said, ‘Through Isaac
shall your descendants be named.’”
Now, if he had used
his own knowledge of good and evil, he would say, now listen I have
waited long for this son and this is the son that my Father promised
me by which I would be able to people the world. Now, some voice
within me is telling me to offer him up as a sacrifice. If he had
used his own knowledge of good and evil, he would have said, “No
way will I do that!” But, verse 19; he considered that God was able
to raise men even from the dead and figuratively speaking he did
receive him back. God wants us to walk by his life.
Loved ones, I would
just ask you again then to allow the Holy Spirit to search your own
heart as to which way you walk in your everyday life. I think many of
us feel a deadness and an emptiness in our lives frankly because we
walk no different from the rest of the world. We don’t. We decide
it’s cold today so I’ll put on this coat and I get out and I get
into the car and I drive to work.
Most things we just
go by the old knowledge of good and evil that everybody else is going
by. Do you not think that’s why our witnessing lives are probably
so dead? Because we don’t really go out in the morning with an
attitude of the Father, "Father, I know there’s someone that
I’m going to meet this day that you’re going to open up a
conversation with where I can share you." So, there is nothing
left to chance in our lives. It’s not chance, obviously, it’s
God’s providence. But we leave no room for God. There’s a verse
that says, “Make no provision for the flesh.” Well, we make no
provision for the Spirit. We live strictly by our knowledge and
understanding of good and evil and we never leave room for this whole
realm of faith.
Indeed, we don’t
go out on the days we work in a spirit of faith in God, in a spirit
of kind of excitement. Lord, what are you going to do today? Anything
could happen today. I could lose my job today. I could get another
job today. I could bring my boss to Jesus today. I could see a
miraculous answer to my prayers for finances today.
But, instead of
that, we grind ourselves down to the old knowledge of good and evil.
That’s why; do you not think so many children of God are so boring
and so unexciting that really they walk like the children of this
world, pretty dead, pretty worn out? "Yonder see the morning
blink; the sun is up, and up must I, to wash and dress and eat and
drink and look at things and talk and think and work, and God knows
why.” [A.E. Houseman,1859-1936]
That’s it. We just
feel the same as the children of this world. That’s original sin,
that’s original sin. It’s an attitude; it’s a subtle attitude,
isn’t it? Where you live your life by the old knowledge of good and
evil and not by this life that’s streaming from God today. Lord,
you have new life for me today and I’m anxious to receive it and
I’m anxious to start going out on limbs for you today by faith.
Maybe I’ll just
put one more question to you. Do you ever do anything that you don’t
calculate? Do you? Do you ever do anything that you don’t
calculate? Do you ever do anything that’s unusual? Do you? Well, it
is amazing, how many of us would say, "Well, I don’t have much
time. I have a whole lot of things to do."
So, we live our life
doing a whole lot of things but never living by this life that comes
from the Father. It’s quite interesting how varied nature is. There
are a lot of birch trees that look the same until you look close to
them and then there’s no birch tree the same. The same with a lot
of daffodils. They all differ at least the place where they’re
positioned or the way the leaves are bent or the petals are bent.
But, it’s amazing how in nature so many things are the same at
first glance but there’s always a difference.
Except when you come
to men and women, they can be so boringly the same because they eat
of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and not of the tree of
life. So, loved ones, there’s something there I think. I’m not
too good at explaining it. I can only give you a hint of it that I
have seen in my own life. There is a difference between living by
this life that comes from God and this knowledge of good and evil
The second part of
the original sin, loved ones, is seen there in Genesis 2:16-17. It’s
pretty plain and straight and has no subtleties to it. Genesis
2:16-17, “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘You may
freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you
eat of it you shall die.’” It’s a direct command. Plain enough.
Don’t eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You’ll
die if you do. Genesis 3:6, “So when the woman saw that the tree
was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that
the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit
and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate.”
Disobedience. Just plain disobedience.
So, the original sin
involved just plain disobedience. You need to look and I need to look
for plain disobedience in our lives towards God. Then, when you find
the disobedience, ask the Holy Spirit to show you why it’s there
and usually it’s there because you don’t really trust him in some
way. We disobey God because we don’t really trust him so he tells
you, "Don’t worry about marriage, and don’t worry about
getting the right girl or the right guy. I will lead you. I will be
faithful to you. I love you too much to leave this most important
part of your life alone so I have it planned."
We believe, but we
don’t believe. Well, yeah, yeah, well, well, maybe for those great
servants of God, or maybe for Isaac and the patriarchs. But, we don’t
trust him and that’s why we disobey. That’s why we start with the
little telescopes out looking for the right girl or the right guy or
we start trying to maneuver friendships that are good in themselves
but we try to turn them into something that they’re not. So, we
disobey God because we don’t trust him.
Loved ones, we need
to ask ourselves to what extent original sin exists in us in that
way. By disobedience because we don’t trust him because there’s
distrust in us? I would ask you is there distrust in you deep, deep
down? Is there a distrustful attitude towards God? A distrustful
attitude. A feeling of anxiety when things aren’t going well.
That’s it.
That’s just what
it is. Some of us here say, oh, well, that’s normal, that’s
natural. If things aren’t going well, you get anxious about whether
they’ll turn out all right. No. No, that’s carnal to do that. The
fact is you know that God is in charge of the universe and you know
that he’s everything organized according to the counsel of his will
and you either trust him in that or you distrust him.
I just push you a
little. We’re no dummies. I don’t step off this stage unless
there’s somewhere else to step. I’m not dumb. I don’t step out
into space there. I only step off this stage if there’s somewhere
else to step. I don’t distrust this stage unless I trust somewhere
else. See, that’s the other side of disobedience and distrust. We
distrust God because we’d rather trust ourselves. We put trust in
Loved ones, you need
to ask the Holy Spirit, “Holy Spirit, is there any way in which I
trust myself more than........? It just startles you, doesn’t it?
More than God? But, that’s it. It’s unbelievable. You can’t,
it’s so ridiculous, but that’s it, loved ones. The only reason
you or I ever disobey God is because we trust ourselves more than
God. Apart from the whole intellectual stupidity of it, it brings
tears to your eyes, that you or I trust ourselves more than we trust
Nothing could be a
greater insult or more pain to a father’s heart than that. He holds
up all the planets and then he sees this little fly that we are who
trust ourselves more than we trust him. Loved ones, are you
distrustful of God? Is there a distrustful attitude in you to things?
If you have an area of defeat in your life, it can be because there
is some of this attitude of original sin inside you that causes you
to be distrustful. Especially, those besetting sins that we talk
about, we fall the same thing again and again and again and again.
That’s usually
because there is a whole area where you just are governing it
yourself. Where you’re not trusting God at all. So, seek that out
and then the Holy Spirit wants you, of course, to be willing to move
into obedience there. That’s another part of it, loved ones. I just
want to go through it because I want to touch each of these and let
the Holy Spirit apply it to your heart.
Genesis 3:1-3, “Now
the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the
Lord God had made. He said to the woman, ‘Did God say, ‘You shall
not eat of any tree of the garden’?’” Actually that’s the
beginning of original sin -- listening to the suggestion. Because
what the serpent is doing is he’s questioning, now is that what God
said? It’s the old bluff; I didn’t hear him quite well. Is that
what he said? Except that you know fine well. You heard him very
well. But you think now, now did God mean that, I wonder?
Well, that’s the
beginning of original sin. Do you see that? I mean questioning what
God has told you is the beginning of sneaking behind a tree of the
garden. It’s the beginning of sneaking away into the possibility of
doing it your own way. I would encourage us all to see that the very
questioning of God’s word to you is the beginning of original sin
and it’s the thin end of the wedge. If you say to me, "Well,
brother, do you mean I should just turn away without -- should I not
find out what it’s all about? Boy, I’d turn, I’d run fast. I
think you should.
I think we all have
a fair idea when we’re near something questionable and don’t you
think whatever is not of faith is sin? How can a questionable thing
be of faith? If the thing is doubtful, now, such as, should I eat
meat or maybe I shouldn’t eat meat, or should I drink or should I
not drink? If the thing is questionable, why touch it? Why go
anywhere near it? Unless you really hope that somehow you might be
allowed to do it. That very attitude is a lack of full and complete
faith. It’s a lack of confidence in the Father’s faithfulness and
love. That’s really what it is. This is what this was, you know. I
wonder if there are any other good trees that he’s prevented us
having. Maybe there are some really good grapefruit trees around that
he has not allowed us to use. It’s that kind of thing. Yeah, that’s
right; I wonder did God really mean it? Well, maybe there’s
something over the fence that’s nice.
Loved ones, that’s
original sin and I think many of us get ourselves into real trouble
because it’s a chain reaction. It is. It’s the old nuclear
explosion business. Once the first explosion occurs, you can’t stop
the rest. So often the only place to stop original sin is right at
that moment. Genesis 3:2, “And the woman said to the serpent, ‘We
may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but God said, ‘You
shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the
garden’.’” No, he didn’t say that. “Neither shall you touch
it, lest you die.” Because there were two trees in the midst of the
garden, you remember. God said specifically, look, it’s the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden that I
don’t want you to eat of.
But, Eve became
involved in this rationalization and subtlety she changes God’s
original command. Now, I think that’s the tendency of us in
original sin. Just switch it a little. Now, do you see, the stupid
thing about the whole business is the issue is not what is right or
what is wrong? The issue is not which tree to eat of. That’s not
the issue. The issue is the attempt to rationalize away God’s right
to tell you exactly what to do and have you trust him to do it
exactly and instantaneously. That’s the problem, loved ones.
We often get
ourselves into trouble, with due respect to lawyers, by taking the
old lawyer/attorneys’ attitude, "Now, now is this what you
said?" The Father is saying, "Look, I told you what to do.
Now I expect you to trust me. I love you more than anybody else. I
want the very best for you. I expect you to trust me, not to question
Loved ones, I think
in our own lives, original sin can show itself in that kind of
questioning attitude and that uncertainty. Probably it’s true,
isn’t it, behind that again is the feeling, well, I want the best,
you know? I want to get the best for myself. I want to get the best.
I’m just anxious that God has really given me the best. Well, what
right have we to have the best? If God chooses to give us the worst,
he has that right. But his worst for us will always be better than
our judging of what is best.
What we do is we get
back into the judgment of the knowledge of good and evil. That’s
what this whole argument is about. Now, are you giving us the good
and not the evil? Well, God says, you leave that to me. I’m telling
you what to do, now do it. No, brothers and sisters, our lives would
be much less complex if we would just obey God. Even if it meant we
were going to be single for the rest of our lives or if it meant we
were going to be poor or if it meant we were going to be unpopular.
It would be far better. Life comes into great simplicity when you
start obeying God. That’s another part of original sin, loved ones.
Then, Genesis 3:4,
“But the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not die.’” You
will not die. That’s part of original sin. The whole world is bent
on proving that it’s not dying. That’s it. The whole world is
bent on proving that it’s not dying. And if conscience troubles
then the tranquilizer is popped in and that tries to get away the
feeling of death. Deep conviction of sin comes in, and then you read
a book that kind of talks up your self image. At all costs, you try
to prove that you’re not dying, that you’re not going to die and
that you’re not under sentence of death.
There’s an
attitude of original sin that is not prepared to die and is not
prepared to bear any of the pain of death. In fact, death isn’t so
bad. Jesus went through it and we’ll be called to go through it.
Death isn’t so bad. But original sin doesn’t want death and it
won’t believe God that you will die if you do this thing. That’s
another side to it. God says if you do that, if you speak to that
person in this way or if you turn the page of that book, or if you
buy that book or if you go to that movie or if you don’t get up
tomorrow morning for prayer, you will die. There will be a death will
begin its work in you.
Original sin won’t
believe that. Original sin believes, no, I can do that thing and not
die. In fact, you can’t, you can’t. You lose out. A little bit of
you dies. A little bit of the alive, vivid sense of God dies when you
disobey whatever he has told you to do. My heart goes out to you, you
know, if you feel, oh, I don’t feel the joy of God’s presence. I
don’t feel great praise in my prayer time or I’d love to come to
that prayer meeting but it’s a quarter of an hour of prayer. That
gets kind of boring. It’s dead. I can’t feel life in it. Well,
it’s because of all the little times when you’ve disobeyed you’ve
begun to die inside and you feel no life inside you.
If a man or a woman
begins to obey God in every detail, they’ll somehow begin to sense
a new life coming inside them. What numbers of us are trying to do…we
had song, I’m H-A-P-P-Y, I’m H-A-P-P-Y, I know I am, I feel I am.
I’ve never sung it since I was seven but I remember that’s the
way it went. I think a lot of us are like that. I’m happy, I’m
happy, I’m happy, I’m happy, I’m happy, I’m happy, I’m
happy and, if I’m not happy I’m going to sing another good hymn
to make myself happy and, if I’m not happy then, I’m going to go
to another good preacher and I’ll hear him and he’ll make me
Because there isn’t
a rising of joy and delight from a conscience that is clean. So often
original sin is trying to prove I won’t die, I won’t die. I can
play fast and loose with God’s commands and I won’t die. You die
anyway. He has set it up so that you die as you give vent to this
little bit of disobedience.
Just, I think, about
one more, loved ones. Genesis 3:5, something more in this original
sin, “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be
opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Original
sin has in it a great deal of the attitude I am God. I won’t go
over a whole lot of illustrations, but the most obvious one, of
course, to a husband, but you can do it with your friend, is when
you’re going out to the store for the Saturday shopping and you’ve
told your wife, now we leave at such and such a time, and you’re
there in the car and it’s running. She is not there yet. You’re
waiting and you push the accelerator a little but it doesn’t make
any difference and then, at last, she comes out and you firmly shut
the door. Firmly. It’s all because you have the feeling, it’s
silly when you think of it, I know the perfect time this caravan
should hit this road. I have set it. I have written it in stone. I am
God. You were not here at that proper time and I have the right to
take it out on you.
It’s the same
whether it’s with our roommates and where the socks go or where the
laundry goes. It’s the same attitude. We have the feeling, we have
the right to determine what everybody else will do that comes
anywhere near us. It’s that feeling that we are God and we have the
right to have our way and we have the right to be respected.
Loved ones, we
aren’t God and actually we have no rights. You and I are so evil
inside that we have even no right to be on this earth. That’s why
God took us right off it in his Son, Jesus. The moment, strangely
enough, it’s not, you know, what so many say. So many say, “Oh,
if you treat yourself like that, you’ll be all worked up with
inferiority complex.” No, if you treat yourself as God treats you,
suddenly you’ll come into reality. If you cease to treat yourself
like God and you treat yourself as an ordinary little creature, an
ordinary little child of God, who has no rights to anything that he
doesn’t give us, then there begins to come peace into our hearts.
The last one (I
promise this is the last one!)is Genesis 3:6, “So when the woman
saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the
eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took
of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he
ate.” And, you know how it goes. So, when the woman saw that the
tree was good for food. We need food, shelter, clothing, housing, and
we so often feel that security that we get from those things. We’ll
get it from the world, we’ll get it from our salaries, we’ll get
it from our bosses, we’ll get it from our wives, our husbands, our
friends, but we’ll get it someway from the things of this world.
We’ll get security.
You remember, Howard
Hughes, the pitiful sight as he even failed to get it despite all his
money. And, that it was a delight to the eyes, and we say we want
happiness, we want happiness. We’ll get it from this world somehow.
We’ll buy a faster car. We’ll go out with a different kind of
girl. We’ll have more fun somehow or other. We will delight
ourselves. We’ll use the circumstances of this world. We’ll have
good vacations. We’ll somehow delight ourselves. We’ll get
If the tree was to
be desired to make one wise, somehow people are going to treat us as
important and we’re going to show them that we’re important and
we’re going to manipulate them by our minds to make ourselves seem
important in their eyes. Really, that’s the heart probably of
original sin. Looking to the world for all the things that we’re to
get from God only.
I would encourage
you to do what I did. I asked the Holy Spirit, "Will you show
me, Holy Spirit, where original sin still exists in my attitude and
will you track this down and will you search it out and expose it to
me until I am sick and sore and tired of it? I’m so desperate that
I am willing for that terrible remedy that you have provided for my
complete destruction in Jesus and my complete recreation as you want
me to be.”
Loved ones, that’s
what I did. Some of you have asked, "Well, how long did it
take?" Well, really, it’s as long as you want it to take. It
can take months or it can take just tonight. But, frankly, the heart
of it is that a man or a woman finally allows God to be God in their
lives and ceases to try to be God themselves. They begin to depend on
him and to want nothing more than he will give them.
That’s the heart
of original sin. It’s wanting from the world what you want to have
instead of being content to have from God whatever much or whatever
little he wants you to have. Loved ones, I pray for you and ask you
to pray for yourselves and to seek God’s Spirit because those are
only the hints of it. You have to ask him, “Holy Spirit, show me
where I am like that -- show me where original sin is still part of
my willful attitude. Lord, I want to change it.”
I just kept looking
at it and I kept using words of scripture to show me how wrong I was.
How me and God could not exist in the same universe while I have that
attitude. So, do that. Use the words of scripture and the sword of
the Spirit to cut into that original sin that is in your heart.
Because, loved ones, on the surface, we’re nice people but really
deep down we are monstrosities. We are. We are just monstrous rivals
of God if we could have our way. That’s where all the trouble comes
Let us pray.
Dear Lord, we can
see ourselves in some of these things. Oh, blessed Holy Spirit, we
know that no man can show us through the labyrinthine complicated
ways of our own minds. Lord, any of us here who are even 17 or 18
years of age, let alone 20 or 30, 40 or 50 or 60, Lord, just a few
years are enough for us to become too complicated for any
psychiatrist to follow us, or for any friend to help us. So, Lord,
we would come to you and the Counselor that you have sent us, the
Holy Spirit. And Holy Spirit our Lord Jesus promised that you would
lead us into all truth and that you would convince us of our sin. We
would ask you as we meditate on these verses in Genesis, we would ask
you to apply them to our lives and to show us the depths of our own
hearts. Take us down that journey that Conrad [Joseph Conrad,
1857-1924] talked about, into the heart of darkness. We would ask
you, Holy Spirit, to take us to the ground of our hearts until we can
find our feet.
Lord, so often we’ve
thought we had our feet on the ground of our heart but suddenly we
found them sinking again into greater depths of complexity and of
selfish subtlety. So, Holy Spirit, we ask you, will you take us to
the ground of our hearts until we have laid everything before our God
and have, at last, sensed the witness of the Spirit? That’s the
end. That’s it all. Now, allow it all to be crucified with Christ
and accept God’s will for your life. Lord, we know that the moment
we say that, in all honesty as the Spirit witnesses to us, that
moment, blessed Holy Spirit, you will be able to make real in us the
deliverance from self that has taken place in Jesus on Calvary. Lord
Jesus, we will be at home with you on your Cross or off it, in the
tomb or out of it, wherever you are, we will be content to be there
with you. And with that contentment comes joy beyond anything that
man has ever felt. Lord, we thank you. Thank you for your blessed
plan. Dear Lord, we would give ourselves to you this night to seek
the fullness of the Spirit at home and throughout this week for your
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