How to Continue in
Shall we pray? Dear
Holy Spirit, we ask you to override our minds and to bring the dear
mind of Christ among us. Oh Holy Spirit, we would ask you to enable
us to see in to Jesus’ heart this evening, into our dear Father’s
heart and to see each one of us personally as he sees us and as he
has planned us to be. We thank you that you have a plan there Father
for us. We thank you that you have a place for each one of us and
you have a ministry for each one of us. We would ask you by your
Holy Spirit to enable us to see your vision for us and to be caught
up with that and that only, our Father. To turn our eyes from all
that others expect from us, turn our eyes from what we expect of
ourselves and see what you expect us to be. We know that that is
perfect freedom, our Father, that you can give us the power and the
life to be what you want us to be. Other men can only demand from us
but you can offer us the power and the grace to be what you made us.
Lord we thank you.
We pray Holy Spirit
that you will move among us and that you will speak to our spirit
independent of what a man’s voice may say. Holy Spirit we ask you
to speak to us and to reveal to us where we are in Jesus. We ask
that you would be glorified in us tonight and in our lives in the
coming years and all the days of our lives. Amen.
We have talked loved
ones for maybe seven or eight weeks about the defeated Christian.
And you remember that the defeated Christian is defeated because he
is not living off the life that God has in fact provided for him and
he is in fact going back to the old life that he lived off before he
came to know God at all. I would just point to you the verse that
states that clearly in Galatians 5:17. And it sets forth clearly the
two principles that govern men in their life before God. And it says,
“the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires
of the Spirit are against the flesh; for these are opposed to each
other, to prevent you from doing what you would.”
And God intended us
to live off his love and we for years, most of us, have been living
off other people’s love. Mainly because God’s love was not real
to us and that was because we had no relationship with him and that
was because we had determined to live our own way and he could not
give us his Holy Spirit. And then many of us realized that and we
stopped living life our own way and we came to him at some point in
our lives and we said, “Lord God we know you have a plan for the
whole world and you have an individual plan for my life and I want
it. So I will stop doing things my own way and I will do them your
Many of us then, at
that very moment, experienced the spirit of God coming into us and we
sensed that God was real. And we began immediately after that to
live off God’s love. And we lived that way, most of us, for a
number of months, sometimes for a number of years. And then we began
to slip back into living off other people’s love and that’s when
we began to experience in our lives what is described there in
Galatians 5:17, the desires of the flesh are against the spirit and
the desires of the spirit are against the flesh.
We would find
ourselves often in situations such as Peter was in in the court yard
and the little maid said, “Aren’t you one of the Galileans?”
And the love that he had for Jesus made him want to say, “Yes, I
am.” But, the love that he received and he had for other people
and for their opinion made him deny that he ever knew Jesus. So that
is that picture of the carnal Christian and most of us here have
experienced it a thousand times in a thousand ways.
We want to
experience the friendship of God but we also want to experience the
friendship of a girlfriend or a boyfriend. And when it comes to a
choice between those two -- whether we will go out and do something
for God in a certain evening or whether we will go out with this
girlfriend or this boyfriend because it will forward that
relationship a little more and develop that possibility of a source
of love independent of God -- we have real trouble. It’s not only
boyfriend girlfriend, it can be two guys and their relationship with
each other in some sport, or it can be a husband and wife. But many
of us find that the carnal Christian cannot do what he wants to do
and that’s what that verse says you remember, “the desires of the
flesh are against the spirit and the desires of the spirit are
against the flesh for these are opposed to each other to prevent you
from doing what you would.”
And really, the only
way to ever come free from the satisfaction that we get from other
people and the world is to destroy the world. That’s one
alternative. Just blow it up and then you won’t be tempted to live
off the thrills that you get from speeding across a lake at high
speed in a motor launch, or you won’t be tempted to get from your
peers adulation and admiration that gives you a sense of
satisfaction. And so that is one alternative, you could destroy the
world. Or, you could destroy your own life and cease to live in the
world. And that is of course, what God did to us in Jesus.
He took that whole
part of us that depends on the world and people and he destroyed it
in his son Jesus. That is what that verse means in Romans 6:6, “our
old self was crucified with Christ so that the body of sin might be
destroyed and we might no longer be enslaved to sin.” And many of
us have come into that experience of deliverance from carnality and
it involves being ready to die to the world and to have the world
crucified to you and that’s what it means to be in Jesus. And so
the monastics tried to actualize that by building high walls around
them and the Trappist Monks by not speaking to one another and others
by not seeing the outside world at all.
In actual fact they
didn’t have to do that. That whole miracle was already wrought in
them in Jesus when they died with him. And they can have that
victory actualized in them if they submit to the Holy Spirit. He can
make that real in them and that is what many of us have found, that
it is possible to experience death to self and death to the outside
world, and death to what people think of you in Christ. And yet,
only the Holy Spirit can bring you to that.
You remember the two
attitudes that are necessary to experience that are found in Romans
6:11. Every entrance into a grace of God is “trust and obey, for
there’s no other way” -- and this is the trust side. Romans 6:11
is the belief side so you also must consider yourselves dead to sin
and alive to God in Christ Jesus. And, I’m sure I’ve bored you
with the whole truth “logidzo” and it means “consider, treat
yourself as really dead.” And some of you have shared with me,
“But I’ve tried to do that often and I really haven’t found it
meaningful at all.” And I would say to you loved ones, in my life
it was like real death. It was like real death.
It was a matter of
coming to the Holy Spirit and saying, “Holy Spirit, in what way am
I not treating myself dead in Jesus?” And there were a thousand
ways in which I was still wriggling and in which I still reacted when
somebody criticized me. Ways in which I still responded to other
people’s praise and admiration and swelled up when they said
something good about me, and ways in which I saw that I was still
very much alive to what other people thought. While you are, do you
see they’re your master and your mistress? They really are.
You’re at their mercy actually and they’ll praise you and you’ll
swell up one time in pride and they’ll criticize you and you’ll
just be depressed and down the next.
So while you’re
dependent on other people they’re really your God and they really
control you. And so treating yourself as really dead in Jesus is a
deep thing and sometimes I think you can be a little superficial in
your understanding of it because really loved ones, it’s as good as
dying. It is really. It’s counting up what you’re worth to
yourself, and then it’s handing it all over to Jesus. All your
hopes for your own life. It’s really treating yourself as if you
died this moment. And you need to be thorough about it -- otherwise
there will be no real belief.
So it ties up with
what we shared this morning you remember that “be leafa” are the
two Anglo-Saxon words that give you the word “belief” and it
means “to be in accordance with”. And so to believe that you’ve
been crucified with Christ is to be in accordance with that in every
detail. And then of course the obedience side, or the submission
side, is found in Romans 8:13 and you remember it runs, “For if you
live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you
put to death the deeds of the body you will live.”
And I think a lot of
us miss the point. We think that obedience is a strong exercise of
your will to obey all the laws that you’ve ever heard of from God
and it isn’t. You see it says, “If by the Spirit you put to
death the deeds of the body.” Now the deeds of the body are
manifold and are subtle and shrewd and you need somebody like the
Holy Spirit to keep track of them and only he can point out to you
when you’re involved in an action that is of the flesh, or an
action that is really depending, you remember, on the outside world
for your security, your significance, and your happiness. Only the
Holy Spirit can keep track of those movements and you’ll be caught
out a thousand times if you try and do it yourself.
That’s the
significance of that verse, “If you live according to the flesh you
will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body
you will live.” And the Holy Spirit can tell you, he can warn you
when you’re about to involve yourself in the old carnal life of the
world. And that’s why the only way to remain in this victory is to
continue to exercise belief and obedience and that’s what we’re
going to share a little bit about tonight.
How do you remain in
victory? How do you continue to be free from carnality? And really,
that summarizes it there, loved ones. The way you entered into
deliverance from carnality is the way you continue to be delivered.
And one of the great weaknesses is that some of us think this
disappears. We think that that disappears and it doesn’t. For
centuries we men and women have depended on the outside world and
each other for security, significance, and happiness. For centuries.
It is ground into us. The whole world lives this way. Not only
Raquel Welch, not only all the dear souls that perform in public
again and again, but the whole four billion of us for years have
lived off the attention, and the admiration, and the sense of
acceptance, and the sense of recognition that everybody gives us.
Many of us I think
feel that this somehow disappears and that’s I think where we lose
our victory. Because we think, being crucified with Christ destroys
the flesh forever. It doesn’t, loved ones. You’re living in a
world filled with bodies, filled with visible things that your eyes
can see and your hands can touch and all the rest of the world lives
like that. So there’s a constant tendency -- it’s almost like
the Second Law of Thermodynamics, it’s almost like that law of
entropy -- there’s a tendency always for the process to go back
into dependence on people for a sense of security, and significance,
and happiness. And so you’ll always feel that drag of the flesh
unless you remain on the cross.
And that’s why
it’s important to see what Romans 6:6 promises, loved ones. Maybe
you’d look at it, “We know that our old self was crucified with
him so that the sinful body,” or the body that is used by sin you
see, which is the same as the flesh, “Might be destroyed.” And
the word is “katargeo” in Greek and it means, you remember,
“rendered inoperative”. And as long as the old self is held on
the cross by belief and submission to the Holy Spirit, then the power
of the flesh will be rendered inoperative on the cross.
But the moment you
cease to believe, or the moment you cease to submit to the Holy
Spirit, that is free and slips right off the cross and will bring you
to grief again in your own life. So it is a daily walk. And so some
of you have said, “Is it a daily walk or is it a crisis?” Well
loved ones, it has to come as a crisis at some point in your life.
That is, a moment when you at last settle, “I am not going to
depend on people and things for love. I’m going to depend on God
So there has to come
a time when you cease to depend on others and that normally is a time
many of us call our crucifixion with Christ, our being filled with
the Spirit, our full surrender, our complete consecration. So there
has to be a time when that life starts -- but the only way to
continue in it is for that to be repeated daily. So the only way a
spiritual child of God can live is every morning to get up and to
make sure in prayer that they are in this place with God. That they
really do regard themselves as crucified with Christ and they really
do moment-by-moment submit to the Holy Spirit.
Now, the only way
you can lose victory is if you slip from that cross. I’d like to
share just some very practical ways in which some of us do slip from
the cross. And maybe you’ll allow the Holy Spirit just to deal
with you and then share some very practical ways to remedy that.
Some of us slip from the cross over the whole business of the eyes.
You find an example of it in 2 Samuel 11. “It happened, late one
afternoon, when David arose from his couch and was walking upon the
roof of the king’s house, that he saw from the roof a woman
bathing; and the woman was very beautiful. And David sent and
inquired about the woman. And one said, ‘Is not this Bathsheba,
the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?’ So David
sent messengers, and took her; and she came to him, and he lay with
her. (Now she was purifying herself from her uncleanness.) Then she
returned to her house. And the women conceived; and she sent and
told David, ‘I am with child.’”
And then in Verse
15, in the letter you remember, to Joab concerning Bathsheba’s
husband David wrote, “Set Uriah in the forefront of the hardest
fighting, and then draw back from him, that he may be struck down,
and die.” So he arranged for the murder virtually of her husband.
And it all started because of what happened there in Verse 2, “It
happened late one afternoon, when David arose from his couch and was
walking upon the roof of the king’s house, that he saw from the
roof a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful.” And the
one look was normal and natural -- but it was just continuing to
And one of the
places that some of us cease to live by Romans 8:13, where we cease
to have a tender, sensitive, dependence on the Holy Spirit is in
regard to our eyes. We just get overconfident and we think, oh we’ve
been saved and delivered from all lust, from all envy in the case of
the ladies who go on the dates with us, and from all greed and we can
look at anything and it won’t do us any harm. So some of us slip
from the cross because we allow our eyes to look at some things that
we shouldn’t. So Jesus, if he had looked at the kingdoms of this
world a second time after Satan presented them to him, would have had
the same difficulty.
In the eyes we cease
to move by that momentary obedience to the Holy Spirit. I think
what happens is that many of us get ideas of what is evil. We get
ideas in our own minds, we start eating at the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil again. The Holy Spirit says, “Just look up to the
beautiful sky, just look at the trees, just look away.” And we say
in our own hearts, “No, no, we know what we can take and we know
what is good and we know what is evil and there is nothing evil in
this.” But the Holy Spirit does not govern by good and evil, he
governs by what will draw us from the cross and what will keep us on
the cross and so immediately you question the Holy Spirit in terms of
whether he’s right or wrong, you’re beginning to distrust him and
he’s unable to lead you any further.
So it is important
for those of us who are in some state of victory to see that the Holy
Spirit will often lead us in ways that go beyond good and evil. Some
of us slip from the cross in regards to self management. That is,
we’re a bit like Abraham and Rebekah. You remember, God promised
them a son and they got impatient and they said, “Look, God has
forgotten about us; we had better make our own arrangements.” So
Abraham agreed to go in to Hagar his wife’s maid and to have
Ishmael as a son. And you remember the disaster that that was.
It was the same with
Rebekah and Jacob her son in regard, you remember, to the blessing
they were expecting. And she persuaded him to get the blessing from
his father by dressing up or pretending that he was Esau. And you
remember the chaos that that brought about. So self management is
taking things into your own hands. And many of us slip from the
cross by ceasing to trust the Holy Spirit when things get a little
tense in our lives. And we decide, “No, we can handle this better
ourselves. We better take action.” And so we part from the Holy
Loved ones, I don’t
know how I can tell you how gentle and quiet the Holy Spirit is. He
is a real gentleman, he really is. And he will not force you and you
have to want his guidance -- otherwise he will not give it. And the
moment you begin to manage your own life and begin to take hold of
the thing in a kind of self managing way, the dear Holy Spirit just
gently draws back, witnesses that he’s grieved -- but if you don’t
respond to that he draws back a little more. Many of us slip off the
cross gradually because we begin to try to manage our own lives,
manage our crisis.
Another example is 2
Samuel 6. And it’s good just to read it because God can use his
word to apply it to something in your own life as you read it. 2
Samuel 6:6, “And when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon,
Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the
oxen stumbled.” Now the ark of God was sacred and no one was to
touch it but the priests. “And the anger of the LORD was kindled
against Uzzah; and God smote him there because he put forth his hand
to the ark; and he died there beside the ark of God.” And it was
because he put out his hand to try to save something that only God
could touch.
Sometimes we’re
facing situations in our families, and in our jobs, and in our
schools where we put out our hand too fast to save the ark from
falling and we slip off the cross. And do you see what you’re
doing loved ones? You’re grieving this dear Person that is
mentioned in Romans 8:13, “If by the Spirit you put to death the
deeds of the body.” The Holy Spirit wants to be consulted on
everything and he wants you to do what he tells you. Often in our
homes we would just keep our mouths quiet if we would listen to the
Holy Spirit. But we’re so eager and so ready to save the ark of
God from falling, save God’s reputation from being lost that we
speak when we shouldn’t speak. And we grieve the Holy Spirit and
then his voice is a little quieter next time and we grieve him again
and before we know it we’re off that cross that took us such agony
to get on to. So self management, loved ones, is one of the ways
that we do it.
Another way is a
word that we often think of in connection just with maybe businesses
or our attitude to each other, but an officiousness or a manipulating
the work of God or spiritual work. That can be a sign that we’re
slipping off the cross. Some of us get that way in regard to people
that we’re trying to witness too. We begin to take the whole
operation over. “We know exactly Lord what they need and so we
pray that you’ll do this. And then we explain this bit to them and
then we’ll put them on to the Basic Youth Conflicts discipleship
course there. Then we get them into this next one. Okay, we just
need a little help from you.”
And really, the only
way to minister life to others is by playing by ear with the Holy
Spirit what you need to say to a person. Not becoming officious
about the work of God. And those of you who are in Fish Enterprises
or who work in other ministries-- because some of you are in other
churches -- I’ve seen us lose the place we have in Jesus by
beginning to manage as if we had control of it, as if we could call
God to action or as if we could create spiritual work. See, the
moment we do that, that moment we’re ceasing to lean heavily on the
blessed Holy Spirit. That’s why you should always be careful when
you find yourself talking glibly about the kingdom of God, or talking
even facetiously about God’s work because it’s probable that
you’re beginning to become officious about his work and beginning
to be familiar with the Holy Spirit in a way that indicates really
that you’re slipping off that cross of his.
Another way loved
ones, is in self confidence. And that was, you remember, the kind of
thing that Peter showed when Jesus explained, when everybody was
going to leave him and Peter said, “No, no, even though they all
leave you I will not leave you.” And it was in all the confidence
of his human flesh and of course he left like a tornado when the
moment came. But, many of us I think get confident of our own
abilities. God does a miracle in us, makes a new person of us and
then we begin to be confident of that.
Do you see that
nothing that you’ve got is your own? Do you see that? Nothing
that you’ve got is your own. You have nothing that is your own.
If you have any patience it belongs to Jesus. If somebody says, “Oh,
you’re a very kind and understanding person” it isn’t your
kindness and understanding -- it’s Jesus, it doesn’t belong to
you. You don’t own it. To be confident in that as if it’s
yourself is foolishness. It is Jesus only. That’s why God’s
word says, “Put no confidence in the flesh.” Because there’s
nothing good in the flesh and anything that is good in you is Jesus
and belongs to him and you only have it as long as you depend on him.
And so as soon as anybody says anything good about you, be sure you
say what you’d like to them, but in your own mind be quite clear
that it’s not you that they’re talking about. Be very clear
about that.
Never take anything
to yourself. When somebody compliments you in some way, never take
it to yourself. Make sure you pass it fast on to Jesus who has given
it to you in the first place. But self confidence loved ones, where
we begin to take the things, and the graces, and the beauties that
Jesus has given us and we treat them as our own and we begin to
depend on them and think that oh yes we can do whatever is needed --
if we begin to put our eyes on these things, we can begin to slip off
the cross.
Peter did it, you
remember, when Jesus said, “Walk towards me.” And Peter began
with his eyes on Jesus to walk towards his Savior and then he began
to hear the lapping of the waves and feel the wetness of his feet and
he began to look down at the difficulties over which he was walking
and he began to sink. And so you find yourself slipping off the
cross if you begin to look at difficulties. And actually if you begin
to look at negative things you’ll begin to slip off the cross.
Never pay much
attention to a work of Satan. That’s important in your own
personal life, and your family life, and your school life, and your
work life, in your ministry for Jesus. Never pay much attention to
negative things. They aren’t worth that. It isn’t worth
spending that amount of time on something negative that has happened
in your own life or somebody else’s life. The moment you’re
putting your eyes on negative things you’re turning your eyes to a
work of Satan, you’re looking at Satan, you’re beginning to slip
off that cross. The only way to stay on the cross is to “look unto
Me and be ye saved”. Look unto Jesus and cling to that cross.
And loved ones,
Satan will work all kinds of tricks with you. He’ll say, “Oh,
but you have to work it out. You have to work it out. I mean, the
money is in a mess so you have to get down to it and work it out.”
And actually the truth is you have to keep your eyes on Jesus and
praise him, and rejoice in him and say, “Lord I believe that your
Father will supply every need of mine from his riches that he has in
you and Lord I’m trusting in you to do that and I trust you as I
praise you, and as I glorify you these days to enable my mind to see
the whole financial situation clearly and to know what to do.” And
as you do that you know fine well during the night the mind works
guided by the Holy Spirit of God and you waken up with the solution
in the morning.
But only if you keep
your eyes off the difficulties and off the negative things. And so
really, if you find yourself criticizing at all, loved ones, it’s
just the first beginning of the slide off the cross. It is. Jesus
never criticized. He told the Pharisees directly what he thought of
them but he never criticized others. He always looked positively at
others. Could I say that to you again because probably there isn’t
one row here that has not somebody in it who criticized someone or
something this past week. Don’t criticize. The moment you’re
involved in criticism and looking at difficulties and negative things
you’re slipping off that cross.
It’s the same
really in a sense with the whole business of material possessions.
If you begin to set your eyes on material possessions or to look back
at them you’ll find yourself like Lot’s wife. Just one look back
is enough. So if you ever find yourself beginning to wish you had
that stereo or beginning to be sorry that somebody broke something
that you own, get it before the Holy Spirit fast because material
possessions can bring you off Jesus’ cross quickly because of
course he had none. He hung on the cross and he had one garment and
then they took that from him so he had nothing. He had nothing of
his own and when you’re on that cross that’s the way we are.
Nothing that we have is our own.
And do you see that
your car belongs to Jesus? Your car belongs to Jesus, and your
clothes belong to Jesus. Now, he has wishes for them and he does not
treat them badly and you need to treat them the way he treats them
but they all belong to him they don’t belong to you. They are not
your right to dispose of the way you want and they’re not your
right to protect the way you want. You need to protect them the way
he protects them but only because you’re his steward. And the
moment your eyes begin to turn to your material possessions as your
own, you begin to slip off the cross.
But loved ones, what
is the remedy? Well, the remedy is the kind of attitude that will
keep you on that cross of Christ and the first is a real attitude to
yourself of distrust and that’s good. You would not appear to
others as uncertain. That’s the incredible paradox. The people
who have abased themselves before Jesus and said, “Lord I cannot
trust myself” -- the Holy Spirit of Jesus comes into them and
everybody else can see a great sense of confidence. And so you do
not see people who are on the cross of Christ who are jabbering,
neurotic idiots. They aren’t. They are confident, they are
outgoing, they are every way victorious in all situations.
But they are
confident because of an attitude of distrust in themselves, an
attitude of no confidence in their own flesh, an attitude before
Jesus of self abasement, an admission, “Lord, there is nothing good
in me and Lord the moment you point out something to me that’s
wrong I admit it right away.” In fact, that’s what I’ve seen
more and more in the lives of the old saints. Many of us think of
the saints as being people who think they are in some way better than
the rest of us. But if you go into the lives of the saints they are
more sure of their own evil than we are. They are surer they are
hopeless creatures than we are.
I’ve seen that is
often the difference between a victorious Christian and one who is
defeated. It’s not that the victorious Christian is actually
better -- but he sees how bad he is. And the defeated Christian still
thinks he can do something on his own and so he produces his own
effort and produces his own defeat. And so we need a real self
abasement before God, a real attitude to yourself that you are worth
nothing, that you can do nothing good.
Always make things
right with others. Don’t let things remain wrong, loved ones.
“Never let the sun go down on your wrath.” But on top of that,
never let a misunderstanding remain between you and another person.
Satan can give you all kinds of reasons why you shouldn’t go back
and apologize, or why you don’t need to explain this to them. But
immediately when the Holy Spirit speaks to you about some
relationship that is wrong, put it right. Get it clean and clear
right away. As you sit there can you think of little tensions that
you have with other people? Do you know you can actually settle all
those now? You can actually settle them this moment. You can go
through each one and if it’s just your attitude to them you can
actually settle it, you can stop it this moment. You can. Satan
tries to persuade you, “No, no it’s deeply ingrained.” No
actually, you can stop it and you can forgive them this very moment.
And there are other
relationships that you need to call somebody tonight about. You
actually need to get on the phone, call them, say, “Look I’m sure
you think this is foolish but I just wanted to apologize for that
thing and that’s me clear before God.” And some of us just need
to do that and get finished with it. And we would be on that dear
cross but we pile up lots and lots of things that we need to attend
to and we don’t attend to them and our mind clutters up with all
kinds of obligations that we should fulfill, repentances that we
should make and we don’t make them and they just pile one on top of
the other. So really making things right with other people is part
of the remedy to slipping off that cross.
Then, looking to
Jesus only. Looking to Jesus only for comfort, and for
encouragement. Many of us begin to look to other people. Really, it
applies to our husbands and wives, loved ones. Many of us begin to
look to other people for a little encouragement or a little comfort
and we subtley begin to change the basis of our lives. No longer are
we depending on Jesus only but we’re depending on a human being and
so we’re slipping right back off the cross.
Don’t do it. Do
you know the way you crave comfort and somebody to say, “Oh you
poor soul, what a hard time you’re having.” You know the way it
feels so lovely to kind of bathe and wallow in that kind of stuff?
That’s sick, sick, sick, sick. It really is. And it’s the heart
of carnality and whatever comes in your life, look to Jesus only. If
you get into a carnality of some kind in your life, look to Jesus
only to deliver you. Don’t look to men or women, or to books, or
to little techniques, look to him only and it’s a way that he’ll
keep you on that cross with himself.
Use the failures,
loved ones, and see them positively. I don’t know how you think
about failures but it seems to me when you’re on the cross with
Jesus and you mess something up, if you’re on the cross your
response is, “Lord, thank you for showing me that I am an idiot and
that I am the worst of sinners. Thank you, Lord. And thank you that
you showed me now how I fell into this. Thank you. And Holy Spirit I
now give myself to you again.”
But see failures
like that. Don’t be self defensive. Don’t say, “No, no I didn’t
really do that. Well, if I did do it, it was justifiable because he
tricked me.” No, don’t defend yourself. The only person who
defends themselves is someone that’s still alive. A person who is
dead can’t defend themselves he just lays there, he can’t do a
thing. So if you’re dead in Jesus there’s no defense necessary.
You know the way we always want to explain ourselves to other people,
we always want to explain, “Well, you see I did it because of
this.” Well, if you’re dead you can’t do that explaining.
You’re not alive to do it. He can say what he likes about you and
you just have to lay there and take it.
And a person who is
on the cross with Christ uses the failures that come to him and says,
“Thank you Holy Spirit for allowing this to come. Thank you for
showing that in this way I’m not on the cross the way I should be.”
But use the failures that come in to your life to put you more
deeply on the cross. And that’s why some of you say, “Oh, what
happens if I think I’ve come into crucifixion with Christ and the
next day I fall?” Then I’ve said to you, you remember, “It’s
good what the Holy Spirit is showing you. He is preventing you
entering into some kind counterfeit experience. He’s showing you
that there’s something else to go on that cross. Rejoice,
The only reason you
wouldn’t rejoice is because you don’t want to get on the cross.
But, if the Holy Spirit is showing you, “Look, get this hand up
here and I’ll get the nail through.” Then if he’s showing you
and you want to be on that cross you’ll say, “Thank you. Thank
you Holy Spirit for showing me that.” The only person who will
resent the Holy Spirit convicting them is a person who doesn’t want
to get on the cross. So loved ones, use the failures that come to
you to allow the Holy Spirit to nail you firmly on that dear cross.
Then an old one that
we used to talk about years ago but don’t talk too much about now,
is self denial. It should be increasing. It should really increase.
The whole experience of self denial should increase. Do you see that
the more we’re in Jesus and the longer we walk with him, the more
we can do without. That’s true. The more we can do without, the
more we become like Jesus himself. The more we can do without the
comfort of a settled home, the more we can do without the
encouragement of people, the more we can do without the comfort of
good food or good clothes. The more we’re in to Jesus and grow in
him, the more we can do without. And so self denial will grow in
your life and it ought to grow. And that’s the remedy for ever
slipping off the cross.
Today’s surrender
will not get you through tomorrow. God is increasingly taking over
more and more of your personality and redeeming it. “Emo” in
Latin is to buy back; he’s buying back more and more of the life
that you used to control and so it’s important to see an increasing
self denial in your life. And you should be able to live without
some of the things that you needed a week ago, or a month ago, or a
year ago. And so increasing self denial in material possessions and
what other people think of you but always moving on loved ones, into
a deeper place in the cross.
And then really, in
the whole experience of sin, have a constant sorrow for sin. You
remember, Jesus said, “Blessed are they that mourn for they should
be comforted.” And it’s sorrow for sin. Don’t think that you
ought to always be saying, “No, no, no I don’t sin. I don’t
sin.” Really you shouldn’t sin, you shouldn’t sin. But you
don’t need to protest continually that you don’t sin. If the
Holy Spirit shows you that you’ve done something that is
inexpedient or that is not right, there ought to be a sorrow in your
heart for that and a dear sorrow that goes up to Jesus, “Lord I
want to be better than I am. I want to be different.” There ought
to be that attitude in old Paul, you know, “I am the greatest of
sinners. Yeah, yeah, I’m the greatest of sinners. There is
nothing good in me at all.” A constant sorrow for sin.
And so loved ones,
do you see that the greatest saintliness is consistent with the
greatest repentance. And indeed you could say that the victorious
life is only possible in a heart that is continually penitent and
continually distrusts itself and that’s of course, where I have a
little trouble with the current emphasis that we ought to have a
“good self concept”. I probably think that we ought to have no
self concept. Forget self, forget if you have a bad self concept or
good self concept. Forget that and have a concept only of Jesus. And
the self concept will take care of itself. The Holy Spirit will look
after your reputation if you look after Jesus’ reputation.
And so loved ones,
how to continue in victory? Still, still the way you entered in
originally. Still having that attitude of absolute belief that you’ve
been crucified with Christ and that you’re no longer alive to do
what you want with this life but it’s his only. And then a
sensitive, tender, trust and responsiveness to the Holy Spirit. And
to do that you really need to love him and honor him. And I would
ask you to do it. Love and honor the Holy Spirit. He is a dear
friend to you and a dear counselor and the more you treat him as a
real person in your life the more he will keep you on the cross of
Christ. But if you try and keep yourself on it by methods and
techniques, or by reading the right books, or keeping in with the
right people, all you’ll succeed in doing is taking over in a self
managing way the crucified life.
The only way to stay
on the cross is to listen to the Holy Spirit. He keeps you on the
cross of Christ. He keeps you there. Any questions loved ones?
Question from
What about those
areas in our lives where we don’t really, if we’re honest, want
to give them up?
What I did in my
life was I saw that there were some things that I did not want to
yield on and so I applied the sword of the Spirit to my life, God’s
word. And I looked at the things his word said particularly about
those areas and I memorized verses about them and I asked the Holy
Spirit, “Holy Spirit give me the same attitude to this as God has.
Enable me to see this through his eyes.”
And really, what I
did was I put myself in a position for the Holy Spirit to convict me
deeper, and deeper, and I applied his word to myself so that I
actually in a sense convicted myself and set myself before God’s
words until I saw that actually it was a clear choice. It was either
yield on this or lose everything. And probably that’s the truth of
it. Until we come to the place where we see it isn’t just a
defeated Christian life or a victorious Christian life but it’s
either hell or heaven, until we come to that point probably we will
not yield.
And so I came to
that on each of these issues. I saw that actually what I was doing
was slamming the door in Jesus’ face. I was simply crucifying him
afresh and saying, “No, I don’t want that.” And of course I
saw that you cannot be his friend and do that to him. And you
certainly can’t be a child of God and do that. So that’s what I
did Bob. Now, I would say loved ones, that yes you cannot be
delivered from self until you take the same attitude as God has to
the things in your life. And deep, deep down take it so strongly
that you’re willing to let go.
Now, I would say the
mind of the flesh is enmity against God and it does not want to see
things that way and so it will try a thousand tricks to keep you from
looking at the verses of the scripture, keep you from coming to a
final point on the issue and will try to keep it fuzzy. Or Satan, I
think, fights to keep you off the cross because you see while you’re
off the cross you’re useless anyway to God. Fairly useless, I mean
most of us know that. You’re periodically useful, God is sometimes
able to do some things through you by his sheer grace -- but on the
whole you transfer to others as much of yourself as you do of Jesus.
So Satan knows that and he’s happy for you to be half alive.
Question from
audience re: Self confidence.
The question is in
regard to self confidence and when you say you have confidence in
yourself and since Christ is in you, you may say you have confidence
in Christ but you’re not saying you have confidence in yourself.
More or less that’s the problem. And don’t you see that it’s
tricky to get involved in a semantic discussion about it because it’s
very easy to put it absolutely clearly intellectually and still not
see it. But, if I could say this, I know that models who have to
walk down in the Paris fashion shows, have to walk down those narrow
platforms you know, with everybody looking at the. I know that they
are trained to be free from self consciousness. And the way they
train them is they say to them, “Look, pick somebody in the
audience and look at them, just look at them as you walk and you’ll
forget the way you’re walking and you’ll forget whether it looks
good or it looks bad. You’ll be so taken up with looking at that
I think that’s
part of it. It seems that when you’re taken up with Jesus and when
your eyes are on him and you’re utterly engrossed in what he wants
to do and wants to say then your eyes seem to be off yourself and
you’re able to be yourself naturally without any self consciousness
or without any pride in self, -- either confidence in self or lack of
confidence in self. And that seems to be connected up with that.
You know, when you concentrate on, have I good self concept? You
know, if you ask me, “Have I good self concept?” I don’t know
if I have a good self concept or not -- I never think of it. I can
give you plenty of reasons why I shouldn’t have a good self
concept. I can give you plenty of things that I see wrong in myself,
but I just never think of it.
You don’t think of
it. I’ve been crucified with Christ. The miserable old creature
that I use to be is destroyed and what I am now I am by God’s
grace, however good, however bad it is. And it seems that that’s
the way the Father works in you.
Question from
Is it ever right to
point out faults in each other?
Well in fairness,
for example in mechanical things like writing, a little child needs
you to say, “Yeah, you wrote that well.” You know, or
mathematics, “Yeah, you did that well.” I think they need
encouragement in mechanical things but I think probably what we’re
talking about is not so much mechanical things as primarily our very
own character, the kind of people we are and that’s probably where
it hurts most. And it seems to be that’s what we’re talking
about rather than the praise that is part of love’s expression to
encourage a person, I would think.
I don’t think you
come to a little kid and say, “You know, you’re rotten, dear.”
I don’t. Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me,
and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” And he
in his own attitude to us is always saying that love is eager to
believe the best and is always pointing out the positive and so I
think in our attitude to each other we have nothing to do but to love
each other and so you have no right to tell somebody else how rotten
they are. But, we have a responsibility to see what the Holy Spirit
is showing us about ourselves.
No, I think in our
attitude to each other we’re always loving each other and
encouraging each other it seems to me and pointing out the things
that God has already done in us.
Question from
How does this relate
to God’s guidance?
Most of us get wrong
guidance on our careers, or our futures, or our marriages, or our
friendships, or our locations because we’re filled with self
desires. We want things that God actually doesn’t want first and
foremost for us. We want so much money, we want this kind of a car,
we want this kind of a house, we want this kind of a husband or wife,
we want this kind of a job situation. We are full of all kinds of
wants that are throwing us off center and these wants are coming into
us so strongly that we cannot tune in the station of God and we
cannot hear what he’s saying to us.
And the truth is
that if you accept your position in Jesus as being crucified in him,
and being destroyed and ever being separated from this world and
everything that it has to offer, then it’s like tuning out all
those other stations. That’s where there’s a real problem in
those little ejaculatory prayers that we throw up to God. We are
absolutely determined that we will get a job that pays so much but as
we go into the interview we say, “Lord, if this is your will for me
get me the job.” Well, it’s dumb. Your will is so strong that
God, even if he had chains, could not pull you back.
So we tend to know –
“prayer is the soul’s sincere desire, uttered or unexpressed.”
Those are the words of an old hymn. Prayer is the soul’s sincere
desire, uttered or unexpressed. God answers our real prayers and
that’s what our nature wants. That’s why we end up in some
marriages that we do. We’d all like to think, “No it wasn’t
so.” But actually, we end up usually in the marriages that we’re
in because we actually wanted that deep down at some point in our
lives. On the whole, we get what we want. It’s interesting, on
the whole we get what we want.
And so that’s the
importance of coming into oneness with Jesus on that dear cross
because that’s in to purity and cleanness at last.
Question from
Does the Holy Spirit
sometimes tell us to do something he hasn’t asked our friends to
Yes. In Corinthians
you remember, the spiritual man is judged by no one because actually
the spiritual person is one who is governed by the Holy Spirit and
does what the Holy Spirit tells him to do. And so if the Holy Spirit
tells him to sacrifice his own son as Abraham was told then he is
willing to sacrifice him. Other people may say he’s being cruel
but you can’t judge him because only Abraham knows what God said to
him. So why even look at other people? That’s not our business.
That’s the Holy Spirit’s task to convict the world of sin. Our
business is to keep our eyes on Jesus and walk along rejoicing.
Well maybe we should
pray loved ones. Dear Father, we thank you that there is a way of
victory and a way of constant victory. And we thank you Holy Spirit
that you are a good match for Satan and that you can warn us of every
twist and turn that he takes. And thank you Holy Spirit that you
are our counselor and that you can keep us on the cross with Jesus.
And Holy Spirit we would ask you to do that. Those of us who have
come on to that dear cross and are delivered from our carnality and
those of us here tonight who want to be, who want to end that live
that cries out, “The good that I would I cannot do and the evil I
hate is what I do.” Holy Spirit, we would look to you and we would
ask you to bring us into our full death with Jesus and into our full
resurrection and regeneration through you filling us with his life.
Holy Spirit we ask
you to lead us as a body and to lead us onto that dear cross where
alone there is salvation. Thank you. The grace of our Lord Jesus
and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with
each one of us now and evermore. Amen.
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