Boasting of the
Carnality is not
normal Christianity. Carnality, you remember, is hypocrisy. It’s
acting on the outside like a Christian but being on the inside like
an ordinary man. And that, you remember, is how Paul describes it in
1 Corinthians, he says, “I couldn’t talk to you as spiritual
people, but I had to talk to you as carnal people, men of the flesh
because you were behaving like ordinary men.” And that’s what a
carnal Christian is. A carnal Christian is one who has received the
spirit of Jesus into their lives but they do not live by that spirit.
They are able to have victory in their acts and their words most of
the time, but in their attitudes, and their motives, and their
reactions, and their desires they are unchristian, they are
Now loved ones, I’d
like to share again that what we’re saying is, you can be
instantaneously delivered from carnality. You can be instantaneously
delivered by faith in your death with Jesus from carnal attitudes.
So don’t sit there and think, “Well, brother you want us to begin
to work on these things.” Loved ones, if you tackle it that way
you’ll still be working on those things when you die, you will.
It’s only if you see that you’re delivered by faith in your death
with Jesus that you will ever be delivered from carnality.
Now those of you who
aren’t clear whether you’re carnal or whether you’re spiritual,
I’ll lay it on you. And if you say, “Oh, it’s that old tract”
-- then I hope you’re saying, “It’s that old tract filled with
the things that I used to have in my life.” But if you’re
saying, “It’s that old tract and I’m still the same” -- then
you should be concerned. And this is it, “The Traits of the
Self-Life” [by E.E. Shelhamer]. If you have these or any of them,
you’re a carnal Christian and you’re subnormal and God cannot use
you really, in his ministry until you’ve come through to
deliverance. So I’d ask you just to listen and let the Holy Spirit
“Are you ever
conscious of a secret spirit of pride, an exalted feeling in view of
your success or position, because of your good training or
appearance, because of your natural gifts and abilities? Are you
ever conscious of an important independent spirit?” And if you
are, you see, declare that that is carnality now. Declare plainly to
yourself and to the Father in heaven, “Lord, there is a sense in
which I’m obviously not crucified with my Savior and yet you have
crucified with me. You’ve crucified me with him so there is some
sense in which I am not entering into that. Lord, I want to,
tonight, tonight.” But loved ones don’t say, “Yes, I have some
of those and I will work on them.” You will never get rid of them
by that gradual process, you won’t. My life was changed in 1964
because I at last saw that you’re delivered from carnality by faith
and whatever is done by faith can be done in an instant if you’re
willing. And that is God’s promise and he can make it real to you
“Are you ever
conscious of a love of human praise, a secret fondness to be noticed,
a love of supremacy, a drawing attention to self in conversation, a
swelling out of self when you have had a free time in speaking or
praying.” Now that is not a clean heart, it’s not a clean heart.
Just don’t be foolish and say that’s a clean heart. That’s not
a clean heart. And Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart.”
And old Peter said, “God gave the Holy Spirit as he did to us and
cleansed their hearts by faith.” Your heart is cleansed by faith,
not by discipline not by a continual forever battle. Your heart is
cleansed by faith in a moment, by the power of the Holy Spirit,
that’s how you’re delivered from carnality. If you have those
things, that’s not a clean heart.
And loved ones, do
you see what I’m saying? That you’re living under a burden,
you’re living in defeat and trying to witness a victory and it’s
not possible. I don’t blame you having an unfulfilled witnessing
life, so had I when that was my heart. But a clean heart is one that
can be projected on to that screen so that everybody can see
everything in mind, and your head, and your heart and you’re not
ashamed at all. And that’s right, that’s right. Don’t sit
there and say, “Oh, you’re exaggerating.” No, that’s what a
clean heart is, that’s what a transparent life is, that they can
see anything in your heart and you’re not ashamed. That’s God’s
will for us and that’s what he can do through the power of the Holy
“Are you ever
conscious of the stirrings of anger or impatience?” Just the
stirrings, you see, not a bad temper, but just the stirrings? What
you find in a carnal Christian is they have a fair degree of victory
outwardly, but they have inward sin. They have the stirrings of
these things within, that’s what a carnal Christian is, is a person
that has inward sin alive inside them boiling and bubbling so that
their victory outwardly is only one of strong will power, it’s not
a flowing spontaneous freedom. “Are you ever conscious of the
stirrings of anger or impatience, which worst of all, you call
nervousness or holy indignation? Are you ever conscious of a touchy
sensitive spirit; a disposition to resent and retaliate when
disapproved of or contradicted? A desire to throw sharp, heated
flings at another?” If you are, you’re not fully crucified with
Christ and you can be, that’s the joy of it, you can be. These
things are not put in this tract to condemn you, but to drive you
into the deliverance in Jesus.
“Are you ever
conscious of self-will, a stubborn unteachable spirit, an arguing
talkative spirit; harsh, sarcastic expressions?” And all of us who
have had trouble with sarcasm -- and me too -- let us look at that
and say, “Am I ever conscious of harsh, sarcastic expressions?”
The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, he’s a gentle person and he brings
life and lightness wherever he comes. And where he is there is no
sarcasm, there is no harshness. “Are you ever conscious of an
unyielding, headstrong disposition? A driving, commanding spirit; a
disposition to criticize and pick flaws when set aside and
unnoticed?” I testify so was I. That’s what I was like, but I’m
different now. And I testify loved ones to that, that I know so well
the feeling of criticizing another person to try to bring them down
to your level or to try to make yourself appear in your own eyes or
in somebody else’s eyes better. I know that. But you can be
delivered from that, you can be delivered from it so that you haven’t
a disposition to criticize, so that criticism is as alien to you as
love used to be. It can be that way, loved ones, it can be like
Criticism can become
alien to you so that it doesn’t come naturally from your lips, so
that when somebody else criticizes, you have to kind of force
yourself if you want to criticize too. That’s what it’s like,
you see. Whereas I think that some of you here say, “Oh, you mean
I get victory, I get power to stamp down the criticism?” No, the
criticism does not arise. Your heart is filled with love. You have
no “disposition to criticize and pick flaws when set aside and left
unnoticed, a peevish, fretful spirit, a disposition that loves to be
coaxed and humored. Are you ever conscious of carnal fear, a man
fearing spirit, a shrinking from reproach and duty?” You know,
that’s a clear indication that you love self.
You know the
situations that we get into where it’s not quite a comfortable
thing we’re being asked to do. It means upsetting our plans and we
draw back a little from the duty. If you ever see any drawing back,
know that Jesus never drew back. He set his face steadfastly towards
Jerusalem and he walked straight. And when you’re filled with
Jesus that’s the way you’ll be. And if there’s any drawing
back, it’s self and if self is doing something in you it means
there’s a bit of self hanging off that dear cross and it’s
hanging there because you want it to hang off that cross. And to get
it back on you simply have to deal with that area and say, “Lord, I
care nothing. I thank you that I’m crucified with you and I ought
to have and deserve no more comfort than you had and you did not even
have a stone to lay your head upon as a pillow.” So “a
shrinking back from reproach and duty, reasoning around your cross.”
You see that it’s all self-protection, it’s, “I want to serve
Jesus, but I want to protect myself from too much discomfort.”
Wherever you get
that spirit you’re getting a spirit that is not Jesus. Jesus hung
on the cross with the nails through his hands with contentment for
you and me, with no wishing, “I wish I wasn’t on this cross.”
Or, “I wish I didn’t have to bear this.” Or, “I wish I could
take this hand away so that I only have pain in the one hand.” No
holding back at all, but an absolute indifference to what happened to
himself. Now when you’re in him on the cross that’s the way you
are. And if you’re not that way, then you’re not in him on the
cross, there’s some way in which you’re saying to him, “I don’t
want to bear all that you bore and I want to die with you but not
with all those consequences in my life.” And therefore, loved
ones, you will not rise with him, you will not. You will not rise
with him unless you die with him.
“Are you ever
conscious of shrinking from doing your whole duty by those of wealth
or position? A fearfulness that someone will offend and drive some
prominent person away, a compromising spirit?” Whenever you find
yourself treating somebody a little more respectfully than somebody
else you ought to ask yourself, “Why am I doing that? Why do I put
on a certain air when I deal with the professor or the head of the
department? Why?” And make sure that it isn’t self.
“Are you ever
conscious of a jealous disposition, a secret spirit of envy shut up
in your heart, an unpleasant sensation in view of the great
prosperity and success of another?” I was shot through with it,
shot through with it, I was -- of selfish ambition. And loved ones,
I have to say it at risk of you accusing me of being a sinless
perfectionist, it isn’t in my heart now, it isn’t in my heart.
Your heart can be changed, it can be cleaned out.
“Are you ever
conscious of a disposition to speak of the faults and failings rather
than the gifts and virtues of those more talented and appreciated
than yourself? Are you ever conscious of a dishonest, deceitful
disposition, the evading and covering of the truth, the covering up
of your real faults, leaving a better impression of yourself than is
strictly true?” Because you want them to think well of you,
because you’re still concerned what people think of you, because
you feel they have control over what happens to you, because you have
not really died to the worst that men can do to you. And that’s
what dying with Jesus means, dying to the worst that the most
powerful person in the world can do to you.
“Are you ever
conscious of a dishonest deceitful disposition, leaving a better
impression of yourself than is strictly true? Are you ever conscious
of false humility, exaggeration, straining the truth?” So some
straining of the truth is harmless and is almost a habit that you’ve
got into, but there is a straining of the truth to give the other
people a better impression of you yourself than is true and that’s
what steals from your rest. You remember in Hebrews, God talks about
the rest that is reserved for the people of God. There’s a rest
and a peace that you can have. But if you’re always conscious of
what people think of you, there’s that strain, where you’re
always straining a little. Describing the water skiing experience a
little more vividly than was actually true, describing a little more
cleverly your dialogue with somebody else than was actually true,
always staining a little to get them to think better of you. That’s
because you care about what they think of you. That’s because you
haven’t joined your Savior on the cross in death to what anybody
thinks of you, in death to whether they think you’re the worst in
the world, that’s what crucifixion with Christ delivers you from.
“Are you ever
conscious of unbelief, a spirit of discouragement in times of
pressure and of opposition?” Just a spirit of discouragement in
times of pressure and opposition? Not actually getting discouraged,
but kind of a tendency when the trials come and the opposition comes,
a tendency to get down. Do you see that Jesus’ spirit rises,
gloriously greets it as pure joy when he enters into various trials?
And if you’re filled with that Spirit that’s what you’ll find
yourself doing too. In fact, you’ll look forward to the trials and
look forward to the battle more even than to the peaceful times.
“Are you ever conscious of lack of quietness and confidence in
God?” See, can you be thrown off balance by the bank account going
wrongly, or by the examination not coming out right, or the job
opportunity not coming through? “A lack of quietness and
confidence in God.” Can you actually be stampeded?
“Are you ever
conscious of a lack of faith and trust in God, a disposition to worry
and complain in the midst of pain”, which Jesus did not do. “In
the midst of poverty or the dispensations of Divine Providence, are
you ever conscious of an overanxious feeling whether everything will
come out all right?” Interesting, isn’t it? Just an overanxious
feeling whether everything will come out all right. Jesus’ spirit
is always gloriously confident and if there’s something in you that
isn’t, it can only be self. “Are you ever conscious of formality
and deadness; a lack of concern for lost souls, a dryness and
indifference, a lack of power with God? Are you ever conscious of
selfishness, a love of ease, a love of money? These are some of the
traits, which generally indicate a carnal heart. By prayer, hold your
heart open to the search light of God until you see the groundwork
“Search me oh God
and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts and see if there be
any wicked way in me. (Psalm 139:23,24).
The Holy Spirit will
enable you, by confession and faith, to bring your self-life to the
death. Do not patch over, but go to the bottom. It alone will pay.”
‘Oh, to be safe
from myself, dear Lord,
Oh to be lost in
Oh, that it might be
no more I, but Christ that lives in me.
‘Create in me a
clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.’ (Psalm
Let’s seek the
Holy Spirit, who can do that.
Let’s pray.
Blessed Holy Spirit, we would honor you tonight on this first study
night of the year 1978 and we would ask your Holy Spirit to bring us
to our death with Jesus. We see that these things are an offense to
you and they’re a rejection of what has been done to us in Jesus so
Holy Spirit, we would honor you now this evening and we would love
you and listen to you. We know that you alone can resurrect Jesus in
us individually and as a body. We would ask you now to search our
hearts and deliver us from procrastination and prevarication.
Deliver us from trying to grow out of these over a number of years.
Enable us to see that our old self was crucified with Christ in a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and that it can be done in us in
the same moment, in the same instance. We thank you Lord that
anything that is received by faith can be received as it was
originally done in a moment. Oh, Holy Spirit, we ask you to show us
where we’re not willing to die with our Lord.
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