Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Prophetic Experience June 17th 08

A Prophetic Experience June 17th 08

On June 17th I had a prophetic experience where I found myself in a place I was not familiar with. I was in a paradise like setting it was warm and the atmosphere was invigorating. The Lord was at my side and began to talk to me.
White is the color of purity and black usually speaks of evil, however things in your world are rarely black or white. The process of purification is somewhat slow but in these days is being speeded up .Filters serve to purify but filters must be applied in order for them to be affective. You must apply the filters of Philippians 4:8 …..   
Philippians 4:8Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
This filter must be applied to your mind and emotions. Seek those things which are above in the heavens where I dwell;
Col 3:1If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
2Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
I began to think how much our thoughts emotions and desires as so earthly orientated. How that like Enoch we must become more at home in the heavens that we are here on earth. We were created to walk on this earth in our bodies while our spirit sores into the heavens.
Jesus continued: You must seek to walk in heavens standards and ways, you were made to walk with me and as you do my realm will become more real than your earthly realm. Purification is a cooperative process, my light and presence will purify you, and keep you pure but you must be diligent to apply the filters. Sanctification means to be set apart; set apart from that which defiles your mind and the emotions. Holiness is simply being separated from that which defiles. I require holiness in order for you to walk with me, you must enter my realm which is pure and undefiled, I rarely enter your realm, you must come to me.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
I succeeded through the wisdom of God; Joseph looked at me with intense penetrating eyes. Much of the wisdom I mainifest came to me through dreams; dreams are a way God can speak to you by bypassing your natural conscious mind. The natural mind is at enmity with the mind of the Lord. The purer your heart, mind, and emotions are the clearer you will hear God. Your personal dream life (Imagination) must become pure in order for the flow of communication from the Lord to be unhindered. Clarity in the spiritual realm requires clarity or purity in your soul life.
Jesus spoke: In the days that lie ahead you will need to be able to hear me clearly, my voice is your life, as it is written my words are spirit and life. The time has come where there is no longer time to rectify mistakes. The Lord looked at me and firmly said, time is short you must work while it is yet day, night commeth when no man can work.
Joseph: In my day the main issue was food as famine stalked the land, in your day there will be many kinds of famine. Famine of the true word of God, famine of true insight and foresight, in many places water will be so scarce countries will god to war for water rights. Many will die from hunger, prepare for the days that lie ahead both in the spiritually and natural. You must stay connected to the Lord at all times, the pleasures of life and living in a secular world can quickly muddy the true waters of life. Seek the Lord, seek to know Him for in him only is purity. You must forgive those who have hurt you, betrayed you, and those who have spoken against you. Forgive your brethren if you do not you will be haunted by these things. When I forgave my brethren redemption and reconciliation took place which affected the destinies of many.
The Lord looked at me and said; will you be found worthy? I thought about this question but I knew the only way that I could complete and finish my course was to walk with the Lord in purity, love, and faith knowing that He is able to keep me from falling and straying from the pathway of holiness and light. The conflict between walking with the Lord and functioning at the same time in a secular world has always been a seeming contradiction, an incompatibility that seemed to defy reconciling the two. I have come to understand that the two can be reconciled. The two have to become one, we live in this world in our body but in our spirit we can live with the lord.
John 3:13And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
Jesus was both in heaven and on the earth at the same time. Living in a natural world and walking with the Lord in the spirit requires a whole new discipline, a whole new way of life, our spirit man has to lead and our mind and emotions must follow. For most of us his order is reversed as we separate the secular from the spiritual. Our soulish life must serve to follow our Spirit Man which is joined to the Lord, all of our springs must be in Him, all the initiates must begin in the spirit and walked out on this earth through the soul and body.
Joseph: Jesus will return in your day, you must be ready time is short , you must prepare to feed the harvest that will be reaped you must feed them with food that will mature them more quickly than any other preceding generation, be diligent be determined, finish your course with joy.
The reality of this world began to fade and I found myself pondering the days in which we are living, we are on the home strait and we must not falter now. The finishing line is in sight and God will soon usher in a brand new world of peace and great joy, until them we must work while it is yet day.
Neville Johnson  June 24 2008

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