The Carnal Christian
Loved ones, what
we're discussing this evening is the carnal Christian. The Sunday
before last we talked about sin after conversion. Of course sin after
conversion is caused by what we are discussing today, the carnal
Christian. Next Sunday I'll try to deal primarily with deliverance
from that kind of carnality, though we'll touch on that this evening.
Maybe I could just
remind you of what we were discussing when we talked about sin after
conversion. You'll find it in the uncomfortable verse 1 John 3:9.
I have to keep
repeating to you (because I've known so many of us here in
Minneapolis have reacted against these strong verses) that these are
healing medicine. This is good. Every person who is in Jesus rejoices
at this. They don't run from it. They don't try to rationalize it.
They run towards it even though it's cutting them deep. They know
that it is healing and curing.
1 John 3:9, "No
one born of God commits sin; for God's nature abides in him, and he
cannot sin because he is born of God." Many of us who have
received Jesus' spirit into our lives have read that verse and then
we have read one definition of sin back in Matthew 5:22. "But I
say to you that every one who is angry with his brother shall be
liable to judgment." Or, we've read verse 28. "But I say to
you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already
committed adultery with her in his heart."
We see the
situation. We are converted. We've received Jesus' spirit into our
lives and here we are sinning -- sinning in thought or in desire.
Several weeks ago we talked about what you do when you get into that
situation where you know the thing is wrong and yet you do it. You
fall right into the scriptural definition of sin in James 4:17,
"Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him
it is sin."
You know it is not
right to be angry or lose your temper. You know that it's not right
to lust or be unclean in your thought life and yet you are. You fall
and you know it's sin. You know that no one born of God sins and you
get into all that difficulty as to whether you are born or God or not
born of God.
We shared two weeks
ago that the answer in that situation is 1 John 1:7, "But if we
walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one
another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin."
The answer is this. There is the light coming down to me and it
lights up the anger in my heart. I'm convicted that that is sin and I
keep walking towards that light. I say, "Lord I know that's sin.
I know it's wrong. Lord I confess it. You have said that 'if I
confess my sin you are faithful and just to forgive me my sins and to
cleanse me from all unrighteousness.' Lord, it is sin. I'm not
pretending it isn't. I'm not pretending that it's a human weakness.
It is sin. Lord I confess it to you and I ask you to show me why I
commit that sin." That is walking in the light.
We get into real
trouble if you define walking in the light as victory over that sin
at that moment. I believe what God means when he says walking in the
light is that you keep walking towards that light. You keep allowing
the truth of God to come in upon you and you side with his truth
against yourself if necessary. The two things you refuse to do are to
rationalize away the sin as if it was a human shortcoming, and you
refuse to justify a sinning Christian life.
If you keep walking
in the light in those two ways the Holy Spirit will draw you on into
more and more light and eventually into the deliverance that we'll
talk about tonight and again next Sunday. That's what you do when you
find yourself sinning after conversion.
Can I plead once
more with you that you don't defend yourself? I cannot tell you how
many come up to me after Sunday mornings and try to justify the
sinning Christian life. Loved ones, that is siding with Satan. We
must always side with God's good word against ourselves. Then you are
always walking towards the light. Never get yourself into the
position where you are siding with Satan.
Here we all are
children of the Heavenly Father and here is one of these children
saying, "You know I believe God wants us to please Him
completely." Now if you're children of the Heavenly Father you
don't come to me and say, "No, no I don't think you can please
Him completely. I think we are fully justified in failing to please
him completely." Do you see it's the wrong spirit? If you are
children of the Heavenly Father you say to me, "Yes, brother I
want to please him completely. The spirit in me wants to please him
completely. I don't know how to do it but I want to do it."
Loved ones, that is walking in the light.
In other words,
walking in the light is not so much walking free from every sin as it
is walking constantly towards God's will with a penitent, soft heart
that is always yearning for complete victory. That's the way to walk
after conversion.
What I'd like to
share tonight is why it seems we end up in that position. Why do some
of us experience the New Birth and yet we don't seem to experience
the full privilege of that birth. Because the full privilege of those
who are born of God is undoubtedly 1 John 3:9, "No one born of
God commits sin; for God's nature abides in him, and he cannot sin
because he is born of God." That is undoubtedly God's will for
us. The scripture from the first chapter to the last chapter of
Revelations is filled with obedience, obedience, and obedience. So
undoubtedly that's God's will and undoubtedly that's what Jesus meant
when he said, "Be ye perfect as I am perfect." That is
God's best for us.
How come some of us
seem to have the spirit of Jesus in us and yet we are not able to get
free from some things that we call besetting sins? (These are things
that keep on coming up in our life and we keep trying to suppress.)
The answer really lies in 1 Corinthians 3:1, "But I, brethren,
could not address you as spiritual men, but as men of the flesh, as
babes in Christ."
There are two kinds
of children of God that Paul is talking about. There are children of
God that he calls "sarkinos" and there are children of God
that he calls in Greek "pneumatikos". These are spiritual
(pneumatikos) and these (sarkinos) are carnal or fleshly. The reason
you still have some sins that you cannot get victory over in your
life is because you are still "sarkinos" -- carnal or
How does it happen
that you are carnal even though you are born of the Spirit? Could I
remind you very quickly of God's plan? His plan was for his Holy
Spirit to come through our spirits in communion and tell us what he
wanted us to do through our intuition. Our conscience would constrain
our wills to do what our intuition said. It would also constrain our
wills to direct our minds and emotions to express those commandments
of God out to the world through our bodies. That was God's plan.
He wanted us to do
that so that we would become like him in the process. He would give
us his Spirit, but we would have to let his Spirit govern our
psychological personalities and our physical bodies. He would give us
his Spirit but he would require us by our wills to obey our
conscience and let his Spirit govern our psychological personalities
and our physical personalities. In that way of course we would become
throughout our personalities like him, and we would be able to live
with him forever.
The heart of "the
fall" was when we decided that we'd like to be like God but not
so that we'd live with him and love him forever. It was so that we
could do what we wanted. We wanted to be like God. We wanted to take
his place. We wanted to govern our world according to our wishes and
desires. The heart of the fall was proud rebellion against God.
You remember what
happened then. We lost the sense of security, significance and
happiness that we were meant to have in relationship to God. And so
we had to find it somehow. In order to do that we "ate of the
knowledge of good and evil" as it says in Genesis. The fruit was
good for food and it was a delight to the eyes and it was to be
desired to make one wise. Therefore, we decided that we have to get
security through the use of our minds, significance through the
dominating power of our wills and happiness through our emotions by
sucking it from the world and other people.
We developed a
personality that was exactly the reverse of the one that God had
planned for us. God had planned for it to work from the inside out.
But we began to get our security, significance and happiness not from
God but from the outside in. The whole personality became utterly
perverted so that we couldn't make it to work as it was meant to work
at all. And for that reason God did what he said he would do in
Genesis 3:22-24. "Then the LORD God said, 'Behold, the man has
become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he put
forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live
for ever' - therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of
Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken. He drove out the
man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim,
and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the
tree of life."
God encased the Holy
Spirit in a hedge so that we could not get at him or receive him and
our spirits died. Now God did that because we had developed monstrous
personalities. He knew that if he gave us the power of the Holy
Spirit which would enable us to live forever, move through great
spaces at tremendous speed and from time zone to time zone in
history, we would destroy the whole universe. So because we had
developed those perverted personalities, he withdrew the Holy Spirit
from us.
Now, before he could
ever make the Holy Spirit available to us again he had to make
provision for the complete reversal of this perverted personality. He
did that by crucifying us with Christ on the cross in a cosmic
miracle. While in time it took place in 29 AD, in actuality it took
place in the eternal realm where our old selves were crucified with
Christ. The Father then was able (because he had provided the
antidote for this perverted personality) to make the Holy Spirit
available to us again.
Now here's the crux.
Many of us have had the Holy Spirit deal with us about some of the
basic ways in which we have been living from the outside in. The Holy
Spirit has shown us our conscience and some of the outstanding sins
in our lives. He has shown us some of the outstanding ways in which
we are living in dependence on people and the world instead of on
God. We confessed those and said, "Lord we believe that on
Calvary you have done something that enables us to receive your
Spirit and enables you to forgive us and take us back into your
family. Lord we believe that. " For most of us that was the
meaning of the New Birth and God has taken us at our word.
The Father has not
said, "Oh but this little child doesn't understand what I did on
Calvary. He doesn't understand the details of how he was crucified
with Christ." The Father doesn't say that. He looks at your
heart and mine and he sees that we are honest and that we want to be
what he wants us to be. He sees that we are dealing with the things
that he is showing us in our life and so he freely gives us the Holy
I think that's the
way most of us enter into the new birth. That's how we become born of
God. We confess all the sins that we can see but because our minds
are darkened God cannot show us all the wonder of why he was able in
the first place to offer us the Holy Spirit. He can't show us all
that because our poor minds are darkened. Our conscience is only half
clean. We can hardly see anything at all. It's like coming into a
dark room and a little candle comes in. The candle seems so filled
with light compared to the darkness of the room. It's only when the
candle comes in that you begin to see how dark the other corners are.
That's what it's like when we are first born of God.
It's not long before
the Holy Spirit begins to give you light about this whole perverted
personality and he begins to whisper to you, "Listen. My Father
was able to give you, ME, because your old self was completely
destroyed in Jesus. Moreover he has given me to you so that you will
depend completely and utterly on me, so that you will not depend on
the world for your security, significance, happiness and enjoyment
but so that you'll depend on me.” The Holy Spirit begins to give
I remember him
giving me light about six months after I became a child of God. I
remember him whispering to me, "What would it be like to give
your whole life to Jesus and to live for him first and foremost and
for him only?" I remember very well what my response was. I was
at that time moving towards schoolteaching as a profession and I
remember virtually saying to him, "But no one else is living
this way. No one else lives completely for Jesus. Everybody else gets
on with their own jobs and professions and makes themselves
I knew nothing about
this personality stuff, nothing about the Holy Spirit. I had never
read Nee or any of those books. I was still a liberal in theology and
questioned even scripture as the word of God. But I remember the Holy
Spirit whispering to me, "What would it be like to depend on God
for everything?"
I think it is not
long after we become children of God that the Holy Spirit begins to
show you and me why God actually was prepared to give us the Holy
Spirit at all. He was prepared to give us the Holy Spirit because
this old self that depends on the world for its security,
significance and happiness was crucified with Christ so that it could
be completely renovated and redeemed, and therefore begin to work the
proper way.
In other words, the
Holy Spirit was not given to be encased in our lives as in some kind
of casket where he couldn't get out. The Holy Spirit coming into us
is simply the beginning of God's redemption. The Holy Spirit then
begins to reroute our whole personality and to enable us to live from
God and from him only.
I believe that you
and I begin to become carnal the first moment that we react against
that light. I couldn't tell when it is for you. You couldn't tell
when it is for me. But all of us here who are living carnal lives
have at some time seen that light and we've reacted against it. We've
said, "No, I'm not prepared to stop living dependent on people
(for their approval), dependent on my personal relationships (for my
happiness), dependent on my own ability to earn money (for my
security), dependent on my position in my profession (for my
significance). I'm not prepared to stop living that way. I want to be
alive in God. I certainly want to go to Heaven. I know that you died
for me, Lord. I accept that. I accept Lord God that you have forgiven
me my sins and now I want to do 'both and'."
Loved ones, that's
what the Bible means when it says the spirit strives against the
flesh. A carnal or fleshly Christian is one who is not living totally
dependent on the Holy Spirit for their security, significance and
happiness and is partially living off the world. In a sense you can
say that they are living only off the world, because they choose when
to do one and when to do the other. It isn't long after a person
first sees that, that they become utterly dominated by the world.
They in fact only trust God when there is nothing to lose. It isn't
long before they begin to lose the sense of the first love that they
had of Jesus. It isn't long before their love of Bible study begins
to fade and their prayer lives become flat. Even before that they
cease to witness. It isn't long before they settle down with the old
philosophy that everything is exciting in the beginning but you have
to get back down to real life and deal with the practical everyday
responsibilities that you face.
A carnal Christian
is one who has turned his or her back to the full meaning of the
cross. It's really like saying to God, "Father I want the Holy
Spirit but I want him so that I can do what I want with him."
It's really another failure to see what God refused to do. God
refused to let the Holy Spirit continue among us once we had become
perverted personalities that lived off the world and each other for
the things that he wanted us to get from him. He refused to do that.
The whole point of Jesus' death was to reverse that personality
completely. That's why our old self was crucified with Christ. God
will NEVER continue to give his favor and his presence to a person
who rejects the work of the cross. The cross is the very work that
enables God to offer the Holy Spirit and forgiveness in the first
A carnal Christian
is one who wants only part of salvation. They want forgiveness of
sins. They want a relationship with God. But they don't want the real
purpose of salvation, which is to completely reverse the perverted
personality and to allow the Holy Spirit to again continue his work
of rerouting his whole personality according to God's image.
That's why, loved
ones, you have those verses in Galatians 5:16-17. "But I say,
walk by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For
the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of
the Spirit are against the flesh." That's what happens. The
desires of the Spirit are coming this way (from the inside).
For example, Peter
is standing in the courtyard and the little maid says, "There's
one of them! He followed the Galilean." The Holy Spirit in Peter
at that moment comes to him and says, "My approval is all that
you need. I will take care of you. You won't die a moment before it's
your time to die. I approve of you. What does it matter what any
other person thinks of you?"
The Holy Spirit
moves from inside and prompts Peter in that direction. But Peter is
still dependent on men's opinions. He still thinks that men and women
have power over his destiny. He looks around at all of the people and
realizes if they think he is one of the Galileans then they'll
crucify him too. And so he swears and says, "I never knew the
man." That's a carnal Christian. The Spirit is moving out this
way (from the inside of us), but the desire to be approved of my men
and women or to depend on the world of people for what you should get
from God is working against it.
Then you see what
happens in Galatians 5:17, "For the desires of the flesh are
against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the
flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing
what you would." So many of us here have found ourselves in that
situation. We've known we should speak out at the office what we
think has just been put over as a joke. We've known we should speak
out. But there is that fear of man inside us that we have not taken
to the cross. Of course it hasn't been taken to the cross because we
in fact have not gone to the cross ourselves. We still care about
what people think of us. We are still operating in the flesh. We are
still walking according to the flesh. We are still depending on men's
opinions for our security and our significance.
So it goes on that
every sin a carnal Christian commits and has trouble with is because
they have not really stopped depending on the world and people for
the things that they should get from God only. And so a carnal
Christian comes under more and more and more conviction.
What most of us do
is we struggle and we strive. We are still working by our own power
and so what we do is try to control this thing by the action of the
flesh itself. That's why all the cold showers are so popular. What we
need is a better Bible study system. Or, if I only had more power of
the Holy Spirit we could do this. And so we seek more power and fall
more often. Then we try to justify the power of the Holy Spirit being
together with an impure heart and we get into all kinds of
In Acts 15:9 it
says, "God gave the Holy Spirit to them as he did to us and
cleansed their hearts by faith." So we try and get more power
and it seems we have more power on this side, (though we're not quite
sure where it comes from) but our lives are just as carnal and
disobedient. We get into the hideous situation where we are speaking
in tongues and working miracles on this side but at home we are
angry, bad tempered creatures that are destroying any respect for God
in our home life.
We keep on thinking
if we had more power, or more discipline, or more rules and
regulations. We try again and we fall again, we try and we fall. We
set the alarm clock and it goes off at 5AM or 6AM and we turn it off
and go back to sleep. Then, we try to trick ourselves. It's a safe
battle because we don't really want to be tricked. We try to trick
ourselves by hiding the alarm clock somewhere in the room. It's the
self trying to get rid of the self which is impossible. The self
doesn't really want to get rid of the self and so it plays a trick
that the self can't sort out. We hide the alarm clock, we go after
the alarm clock, find it, put it off and get back into bed.
We keep on doing
this and we fall and fall and fall and fall. We try again. We confess
our sin and try again. We confess our sin and repent. But we keep on
falling time after time after time. Of course what God is trying to
show us is that this is not a problem of discipline. This is not a
problem of insufficient Bible study. This is not a problem of
inadequate power. This is a problem of too much power -- of self.
This is a problem of a man or woman that is trying to share their
life between God and the world. They are not prepared to die with
Jesus to what the world can give. They are still trying to get
something from the world so that they will always have a guarantee --
something to fall back on.
God wants only one
kind of person in his Heaven. That is the person to whom he is God.
He alone is God and to whom he alone will supply their every need.
The Father has rejected from the beginning of the world any kind of
worship of many gods. And so he will not deal with us until we get
rid of that world and until we die to the supplies that the world can
give us.
You can elaborate on
it. You can go to the works of the flesh that that produces. It's
Galatians 5:19 and says, "Now the works of the flesh are plain."
First it mentions the sins that defile the body because we are
always working from the body out. You'll find that in a carnal
Christian the body is pretty important because few of us have souls
that are very highly developed. There are some of us that are very
intellectual or very emotional or very willful people. But most of us
are utterly dominated by our bodies. It is usually the sins of the
body that overwhelm us. These are sins of eating, of resting more
than we need, of tiredness and wanting comfort for ourselves. Those
are always the things that prevent us.
I remember so well
that one of the differences the Holy Spirit made to me was when God
said, "Go", I went. Before that, it would be a cold, cold,
night and I knew I had to go out and visit that person. The body
would not want to go. The decision was then a foregone conclusion
because the body always wins.
That's what makes
you heavy. Have you ever felt a heaviness of spirit? That's what
makes you heavy. You haven't really cut your connection to the body.
You haven't really come to the point where St. Francis did that the
old body is a donkey and deserves a good kick every day to keep it in
its place. You are still at the place where the dear body has to be
looked after. "Whatever the body says I will do." That's
what gives you a heaviness so that even when you do obey God there is
a heaviness of spirit in you.
Now the sins of the
body are, "fornication, impurity, licentiousness." And then
supernatural communications occur because we don't get satisfaction
from God because we are not fully obedient to him. We have to find
some kind of substitute. So we have "idolatry, and sorcery".
Then there is the sinful temper.
The peculiarities
that the temper brings are "enmity, strife, jealousy, anger".
We do not have
control of all our circumstances. There are things we cannot control
and so we get angry with those. We lose our temper with them. Really
we are stupid people because we were never made to be God and we
haven't the power to be God. Even a man like Howard Hughes had not
the power to make everything go the way he wanted it to go. Any so we
have temper and enmity, jealousy, strife and anger.
Then we have
religious sects that come with "dissension, and party spirit".
You'll notice that carnal Christians in a church are always involved
with criticism. There is always some kind of strife or dissension.
They are preoccupied with how everyone else is failing or how things
are going or not going. When a carnal Christian gets their eyes off
Jesus they have them on other people and are always tearing others
Then, back into the
midst of the flesh we have, "envy, drunkenness, carousing, and
the like". Those are some of the works of the flesh.
You can see that
God's will is a complete work. A complete work did take place at
times. If you look at Acts 9:17 you'll see Paul's own conversion. "So
Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him
he said, 'Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the
road by which you came, has sent me that you may regain your sight
and be filled with the Holy Spirit.' And immediately something like
scales fell from his eyes and he regained his sight. Then he rose and
was baptized, and took food and was strengthened."
You do find that
many loved ones who are not brought up in our Christian civilization
actually accept the whole gospel. They accept the whole truth that
God is able to give you his Holy Spirit to regenerate you if you are
willing to be baptized into Jesus' death so that your personality
will be completely turned around and you'll depend on God for
In simple societies
that have not become sophisticated or clever in their attitude to
God, they will often advance into the whole work. But do you see in
our society we have taught a partial gospel. We have taught that it's
enough to have your sins forgiven and then do your best to grow in
grace. But we've had little teaching in regards to the mighty work
that God did for our personalities on the Cross.
So there are two
reasons that people are carnal Christians. Some of them are carnal
Christians because of what it says in Acts 19. You remember that
Apollos had been at Corinth and had preached. It's in Acts 19:1.
"While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the upper
country and came to Ephesus. There he found some disciples. And he
said to them, 'Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?'
And they said, 'No, we have never even heard that there is a Holy
Spirit.' And he said, 'Into what then were you baptized?' They said,
'Into John's baptism.' And Paul said, 'John baptized with the
baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who
was to come after him, that is, Jesus.' On hearing this, they were
baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his
hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came on them; and they spoke with
tongues and prophesied."
They had failed to
enter in because they hadn't known of this. They hadn't known what
God could do in their lives. I think many of us are in that
situation. But I would point out to you that you do know now. And you
are now in the position of the people in 1 Corinthians 3. They had
not entered into deliverance for a different reason. 1 Corinthians
3:1, "But I, brethren, could not address you as spiritual men,
but as men of the flesh, as babes in Christ. I fed you with milk, not
solid food." A carnal Christian cannot take deep teaching. They
cannot understand spiritual teaching and are always asking questions.
They can never find answers to things. They see everything as
difficult and contradictory.
1 Corinthians 3:2,
"I fed you with milk, not solid food; for you were not ready for
it; and even yet you are not ready, for you are still of the flesh.
For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the
flesh, and behaving like ordinary men?" Now those are people who
know the truth but don't want to enter in and it's a willful
rejection. They do not want to enter into it and therefore are
behaving as ordinary men. Ordinary men are governed by the world - by
what people think of them. They are getting their security,
significance and happiness from people and things. They are behaving
like ordinary men because they want to.
So there are two
reasons why a person is carnal, one - because they don't know of the
deliverance that is available in the Cross and two -- they know it
but they don't want it. Loved ones, that is the heart of carnality.
It is this "will" refusing to go through the whole contract
that they signed with God. It is saying, "Holy Spirit you can
dwell in me and I will call upon you at times but I will certainly
not burn my bridges behind me. I will certainly not cut myself off
from the security, significance and happiness that I can get from the
world and people. I will keep that as a backup system."
The Holy Spirit
knows that. He is the Holy Spirit of truth. He can see into the
deepest part of your being. He knows whom you care for most and
because of that he's not able to fill you himself. Loved ones, how
long can you remain a carnal Christian? Paul says, they were too long
and it had been two or three years. He said, "That's too long.
It's time that you moved on and into the fullness that the Holy
Spirit has for you."
The vital step is
that "will". The selfish will has to agree with all that
the Holy Spirit is showing it in regard to the cross of Jesus. Once
you go to God and say, "Lord I want you and you alone. I am
willing to do without the approval of men. I am willing to die to all
that I have been getting from people in the world." Once you are
serious and real about that, the Holy Spirit is able to fill you with
Himself and to deliver you from the double mindedness that brings
this constant defeat in your life.
Next Sunday I'll try
to talk a little more about the deliverance from carnality. That I
think is why carnality takes place.
Would you like to
ask questions? I'll try to answer them.
Q: Is a carnal
Christian saved?
A: Yes. But in 1
Corinthians 3 you remember that Paul says, “But I, brethren, could
not address you as spiritual men, but as men of the flesh, as babes
in Christ." So he does call them "babes in Christ". He
says you are alive but you have been too long babies.
Now it is a
different question to ask, "How long can they remain saved?"
Obviously the reason for all the warnings in books like Hebrews is
that there is a real danger of losing salvation if you continue to
grieve the Holy Spirit.
Q: How does marriage
and raising up a family relate to a carnal Christian?
A: It was my
experience that my home life was a hypocritical pretense. I remember
it was being such when I lived with my parents and continuing to be
such when I lived with my wife. I remember my mother often saying,
"Oh Ernest, I wish the church people could see you now",
when I was in one of my tempers. So, I know that it makes an absolute
hypocrisy of any testimony at home.
I know too that it
makes a complete change at home when you come through deliverance
from carnality. I know from my experience with my wife, that those
who know you best notice at last that there is a real change in you.
So, I cannot see how a carnal Christian with responsibility for
children and a wife and all the strains that come in that situation
can possibly live in anything but spiritual chaos. It is constantly
failing, constantly passing onto the children a monstrous image of
God. It makes the same mess of home life as carnality makes of our
work life.
Q: Aren't there some
people that live their whole life not coming into this teaching?
A: I think there are
-- for two reasons. Some loved ones honestly have not heard it and
are walking as best they can. But I think there are other loved ones
that have received the strong teaching so popular in evangelical
circles. That is that we are not saved "from" our sins but
that we are saved "in" our sins. Therefore the only
difference between a Christian and non Christian is that one sins and
is condemned for it while the other sins and is forgiven. I think
there are many that are under that kind of false teaching.
I believe that we
need to be very careful when we are dealing with ones that are
beginning to come into this. The Holy spirit often guides me in the
preaching because there are many loved ones that come here Sunday by
Sunday to whom this is new. I think great care and love and
kindliness is needed because only the Holy Spirit can convict of sin.
Q: Are you saying
that Christians should be sinless and perfect?
A: I certainly would
not dare to disagree with Jesus who said, "Be ye perfect even as
your father in Heaven is perfect." I would not dare to disagree
with God's word that says, "Whosoever is born of God does not
commit sin." But having said all of that I think it is very
important to define sin clearly. There are two kinds of sin in
scripture. One is conscious sin where you know you are doing wrong
and the other is unconscious sin. Now it does seem that God expects
us to be free from conscious sin. In other words he expects us to be
free of what James defines in James 4:17 that "whoever knows
what is right and fails to do it for him it is sin."
Now, there are other
sins that we will commit that we won't know. Maybe I won't know that
Tom's parents are Swedish. I make some joke about miserable Swedes
and Norwegians and it hurts them. It seems to me that is not God's
perfection. It is strictly speaking something that is not like him
and therefore sin, but it is an unintentional sin. Or, you are
facetious and make a joke that hurts somebody. You didn't intend it
and you didn't know it was wrong but you did it. Once you become
aware of it you become responsible for apologizing and putting the
thing right. But it seems to me you have to make a distinction.
We are not meant to
be in sinless perfection, which most people think means angelic
perfection. Angelic perfection means you make no mistakes. You never
offend anybody. You never do anything that you didn't intend to do. I
don't think we can ever be like that. I think we will always be
making mistakes, always be making errors of judgment, always using
the wrong tone of voice, always be doing things that we didn't know
were wrong but we did them. But, we are responsible to experience
Christian perfection and that is to walk in conscience obedience to
what we know God wants us to do.
The issue is not,
can I take out my diary and say, "Well, yesterday I did run the
risk of losing my temper and the day before I kicked the dog." I
don't think that that is what the Father is anxious about. I think
the Father is concerned about the fact that many of us here are not
free to obey. We are not free from the power of sin. When somebody
does something we lose our temper and can't do anything about it. We
can't do anything about it. I would say the Father has freed me from
that captivity of having to lose my temper. Whether I lose my temper,
that is for everybody here to judge. Whether I am unkind to anybody,
that is for everyone here to judge and for me to deal with God
honestly about it.
But I could say I
thank God that he has delivered me from having to have unclean
thoughts. I thank God that I can now do what he tells me to do. I'm
not claiming that I will always do it but I would tell everyone now
that he has freed me so that I am able to do it. If you find me not
doing it it's my own fault, so tell me. If you had told me before I
would have defended myself. I would have said, "No, I didn't!”
and would have tried to justify myself.
I think it would be
very dangerous for us to say, "I've sinned twice in the past 15
Q: How do we know
the voice we are hearing is from the Spirit or from our head?
A: There can be no
certainty of that until a person has ceased to be carnal. If I could
tie it up with the truth that we are sharing in that way. You can
never know why your mind is double. Part of the time you are governed
by what people think of you and you’re governed by whether they
approve of you. Those voices are so strong that it's the earthquake
and the fire inside you. Loved ones when they want to know who they
should marry are so caught up with still getting satisfaction for
their body and having someone nice to walk beside them. They are
still so preoccupied with the approval and recognition that they can
get from the world that they can't tell that this girl is for them
from God or whether this girl is for them for themselves. And so at
this point a man or a woman has no way of knowing. Once a person has
come through with a single mind and comes through to a death to the
world, regarding their life as ended as far as what the world can do
for them, then there begins to come a clear voice through and they
begin to have direction.
I would testify to
that. There was a mighty change in my life. There was a certainty at
last of what God wanted me to do. So, it makes an immense difference.
The only way is to die with Christ and to stop living off the world.
The phrase "a worldly Christian" is a good definition of
what a carnal Christian is. A worldly Christian is one who is living
off the world, living off the security, significance and happiness
that the world gives. One who has ceased to be carnal is one who is
crucified to the world and to whom the world has been crucified. That
is joy and full salvation. That is full Christianity.
If you ask me if I
preach that on Sunday morning as full Christianity, yes I do. If you
say to me, "Do you not think you are asking everyone to take one
step when some of us have had to take two?" Yes! But I reckon
if they move in the right direction at all then they can come the
second step later. We need to share the full gospel of Christ and
God. And we need to live the full gospel of God. We need to stop
pretending that it's all right to sin. It is not all right to sin and
we don't need to sin. We have a loving Father who has done a
miraculous work on the Cross and can deliver us.
I'll try to talk
more on this next Sunday. Let us pray. Dear Father we thank you that
you are a God that does a full work and that the whole purpose of
giving us the Holy Spirit was so that he would continue to work out
through our personalities and redeem them completely. We see, Lord
God, that we are saying, "Yes" and "No" to
salvation when we say "No" to the Holy Spirit taking our
lives over completely. We judge that "one died for all" and
we have signed that large print on the contract. But we are balking
at the small print "therefore all have died" and holding
Lord we see that the
Holy Spirit is showing us the small print in the contract. If we are
really serious about our acceptance of your forgiveness then we have
no alternative but to go on into the full experience of the cross of
Christ and into complete resurrection and to a place where we allow
you alone to be our God, not our peers, not our colleagues, not our
parents or our wives or husbands but you alone. We want to get from
you alone all of our security and significance and happiness. Then we
thank you that your Holy Spirit will fill us and flow through us
freely. Now the grace of our Lord Jesus and the love of God and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with each one of us now and
throughout this coming week. Amen.
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