Sin After Conversion
Loved ones, what we
talked about last Sunday was salvation. And you remember, before
that we had talked about the fall and this Sunday I’d like to begin
probably a study that will take us two weeks, sin after conversion.
This is the heart of everything that God has shown us here as a body
and this is the division between the men and the boys, or in this age
of equality of women and the girls. And this is where all the truths
and the power of the Holy Spirit hangs -- and loved ones this is the
truth that will drive you in to the depths of Jesus, or will drive
you in to the depths of deception and hell. So I ask you to listen
to it carefully and to open your hearts to it because this is the
center of salvation and the center of deliverance.
Many of us soon
after we receive the spirit of Jesus into our spirits and begin to
allow that spirit to have his way in our lives, many of us come up
against this problem of sin after conversion. That is, we come to
verses such as those in James. There are many of them but those in
James will be hard enough on you, I would think. James 2:10, “For
whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty
of all of it. For he who said, ‘Do not commit adultery,’ said
also, ‘Do not kill.’ If you do not commit adultery but do kill,
you have become a transgressor of the law.”
And most of us after
conversion avoid adultery and we avoid killing but there are problems
in Matthew 5 that we find ourselves not able to avoid. Matthew 5:21,
is not difficult for us at all. Verse 22, is a sword in to our
sides. Matthew 5:21, “You have heard that it was said to the men
of old, ‘You shall not kill; and whoever kills shall be liable to
judgment.’ But I say to you that every one who is angry with his
brother shall be liable to judgment.” And so we obey the laws
about adultery, and the laws about murder, and the laws about
stealing but we know that we get angry with people. And the verse in
James strikes terror in our hearts because it runs: if you keep the
whole law and fail in one point then you’re guilty of all of the
rest of the law.
And we go further
down in to Verse 27 of Mathew 5 and read a verse that normally gives
us no problem, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not
commit adultery.’” But then Verse 28, “But I say to you that
every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed
adultery with her in his heart.” And we know we often avoid the
outward sin but we know in our hearts that we have often given
ourselves to the inward attitude and the inward lust. And so many of
us soon after we have received Jesus’ spirit in to our spirits
begin to walk in sins that we cannot get rid of and that’s the real
They seem to be sins
that so easily beset us. Indeed, many of us can actually point to
certain sins and we will call those our “besetting sins” or our
“besetting sin”. It’s not as if we’re receiving new light,
that we expect that God will show us new things and we’ll walk into
them. But these are old sins that we know are wrong and we do them,
and we do them, and we do them again. And loved ones, as you
struggle now listening to me presenting these unpleasant truths to
you will you remember the number of verses in scripture that deal
with this issue? And will you remember that many great men and women
who have refused to turn tail and run from Satan have continually
preached upon the repentance of believers and the need for a deeper
repentance in believers.
Another verse that
strikes home to us is in James. You can see why old Luther did not
like James. James 4:17, “whoever knows what is right to do and
fails to do it, for him it is sin.” And so if we have any doubt
about whether what we’re doing is sin or not, that clarifies it for
us. If you’re doing something that you know is wrong then that is
sin for you. It doesn’t matter whether it is sin for other people
or not, but if you know something is wrong in your life and you do
it, that is sin for you. And then you know the verses that seem to
drive us in to hell itself and they’re in Hebrews. And it’s
Hebrews 6:4, “For it is impossible to restore again to repentance
those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly
gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted
the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, if
they then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their
own account and hold him up to contempt.”
And we wonder, have
we committed the unforgivable sin? Because it seems that again, and
again, we cry with Paul the good that I would I cannot do and the
evil I hate is what I do.” And then we read a verse like 1 John
3:9 and it defines a child of God so clearly and so simply. 1 John
3:9, “No one born of God commits sin; for God’s nature abides in
him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God.” And John just
keeps drilling it on, “By this it may be seen who are the children
of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not do
right is not of God, nor he who does not love his brother.” And
then you remember back in Verse 4, “Every one who commits sin is
guilty of lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he appeared
to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in
him sins; no one who sins has either seen him or known him. Little
As if John knew the
spirits of error that would deceive us, “Little children, let no
one deceive you. He who does right is righteous, as he is righteous.
He who commits sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from
the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the
works of the devil.” Loved ones, probably the greater part of
Christendom has read those verses and felt as you have felt. And
I’ll tell you the mistakes we make because I was expert in them and
you probably are too. One, I tried to rationalize my sin. I decided
whoever is born of God does not commit sin and whoever knows what is
right to do and fails to do it for him it is sin; well I know it’s
wrong to lose my temper, I know it’s wrong to get angry. I know
it’s wrong to be unclean in my thought life and yet I do it. I do
get angry. I do lose my temper. I am unclean in my thought life.
But perhaps, that for me is not sin.
I have a very
artistic temperament and all artists of course are very emotional
people and they would naturally have trouble with things that concern
the affections. And so perhaps, that’s my situation that maybe for
someone else lust is a sin but for me excess affection in the way
some people would call lust is not a sin, it’s just an excessive
expression of my particular personality. So, Swedes are
incommunicative; not unloving, just incommunicative. Old husbands
and wives who are married a long time are just prudent, they are not
lacking in generosity to God, they are just taking care of some needs
that they have as their life begins to close. Young husbands and
wives are not ungenerous to God, they just have a lot more
necessities that they have to take care of. And so it goes on.
We make our excuses
and we rationalize our sins as shortcomings of our personalities.
Justifiable shortcomings that we have because of our background,
because our pet dog bit us when we were children, because we have a
certain kind of temperament. But however we do it, we rationalize
away the sin and call it human shortcomings. Now, we always have
trouble with these verses, we always have trouble with the verses
that talk about anger, and temper, and adultery, and uncleanness. We
always have trouble with them but every time we come to them we slide
over the top of them and we rationalize them away as not being sins
in our life but as being human shortcomings. Loved ones, stay with
God’s truth even should it appear to take you in to hell itself,
stay with God’s truth. Call sin sin, do not try to rationalize
away sin.
The second approach
that I took and that I presume you take, and I know whole churches
build their doctrine on this, the second approach is to justify sin
as being normal in the Christian life. Now, I’ll show you the
verses if you don’t know them so that you can use them until you
find the other verses. 1 John 1:8, “If we say we have no sin, we
deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” So that’s what I
used to say. But look there John is saying, “If we say we have no
sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” So we must
have sin, so I’m alright. I’m a normal Christian, here I have
sin and I would deceive myself if I say I have not sin.
Now of course, there
are two clear meanings for those verses. One is the one that is
outlined in Verse 10, “If we say we have not sinned, we make him a
liar, and his word is not in us.” And several scholars say, “Do
you want to know what Verse 8 means if we say we have no sin, well
look at Verse 10. John repeats it again, he says, ‘If we say we
have not sinned.’ So it means that first.” If we say we have
never sinned we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But
secondly loved ones, there’s another meaning in Leviticus 4:13-14,
and it’s an important distinction that God makes early on in his
revelation to us in the Old Testament. Leviticus 4:13, “If the
whole congregation of Israel commits a sin unwittingly and the thing
is hidden from the eyes of the assembly, and they do any one of the
things which the LORD has commanded not to be done and are guilty;
when the sin which they have committed becomes known, the assembly
shall offer a young bull for a sin offering and bring it before the
tent of meeting.”
And loved ones,
that’s the way all those paragraphs go. Verse 22, “When a ruler
sins, doing unwittingly,” in other words you can sin unconsciously,
you can do something that is not right in God’s eyes that you don’t
know about, at the time you are not aware it is wrong. “When a
ruler sins, doing unwittingly any one of all the things which the
LORD his God has commanded not to be done, and is guilty, if the sin
which he has committed is made known to him, he shall bring as his
offering a goat, a male without blemish.” The same one in Verse
27, “If any one of the common people sins unwittingly in doing any
one of the things which the LORD has commanded not to be done, and is
guilty, when the sin which he has committed is made known to him he
shall bring for his offering a goat, a female without blemish, for
his sin which he has committed.”
In other words, if
any one of us here say, “We have no unconscious sin in our lives,”
we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. And that I think,
is the deepest meaning of that 1 John 1:8, that if we say we have no
unconscious sin then we’re deceiving ourselves and the truth is not
in us because in a million billion ways you are falling short of what
God intends for you. So there are a million billion sins you do not
know about -- but he holds you responsible for the one you DO know
about. That’s why James puts it so clearly, “Whoever knows what
is right to do and fails to do it for him it is sin” -- and that is
the sin “for whosoever is born of God doth not commit.”
We children of God
are intended by him to walk free from conscious disobedience to his
law. We may have a million things in us that are not his perfect
will for us. We may be doing daily things that we don’t know about
that are wrong, even things that put other people off, even things
that hurt other people. We cannot be held responsible for things we
don’t know about. But the moment we do know about them we are
responsible for them as even Leviticus shows us. And that loved
ones, is the meaning then of 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins,
he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.” And so when we come to know of a sin
and confess it and turn from it, then God forgives us and cleanses us
from all unrighteousness.
Don’t justify sin
as a normal part of the Christian life. Loved ones, it is impossible
to justify it. Scripture will eventually get you and you can’t get
around the fact that from the first chapter in the Bible to the very
last chapter, God emphasis one word: obey, obey, obey, obey. And you
remember that that verse puts it so clearly in John 3:36: if you do
believe you have eternal life but if you do not obey you will not
have eternal life -- and faith and obedience are the twin foundations
of the Spirit’s life in you.
So brothers and
sisters, however much you feel even convicted at this very moment
about these things, do not rationalize away your sin and do not try
to justify it in your life. Here’s the verse on which we stand,
and it’s in that same chapter 1 John 1:7, “But if we walk in the
light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”
The heart of
repentance is your attitude. The heart of your repentance is your
attitude. Actually, the Father is not so concerned with whether your
life is absolutely free from all expression of sin -- though he does
want that. But, he is not so concerned with that as he is concerned
with the attitude of your heart towards this sin. And your spirit
begins to harden and grieve the Holy Spirit actually not because of
your sinning but because of your growing tolerance of sin in your
life. Because gradually, you’re rationalizing away the sin and
you’re beginning to justify it and you’re beginning to tolerate
it and you’re increasing your tolerance for sin in your life. And
you’re allowing more and more of the work of Satan not only to be
in your life but to be there with your agreement.
And when the Father
says, “If we walk in the light as he is in the light we have
fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from
all sin.” He means, if you’re fighting, fighting, fighting. If
you’re fighting sin with all your heart and if every time it slays
you, you get up and you move again that is walking in the light.
Loved ones, walking in the light is walking towards the light. The
Holy Spirit is shining his light into your heart and you can either
walk towards it even though you hate the things you see there and you
can continue to agree with him and say, “Lord I know they should
not be there.” Or, you can turn your back and keep the light from
coming into your life and into your conscience.
And once you turn
your back loved ones, once you stop walking towards that light, once
you stop letting your conscience agree with God’s word, you begin
to grieve the Holy Spirit out of your life. Because you see, the
truth is this, the one who said to us, “How often should you
forgive your brother? Until seven times? Until 70 times seven.”
He said this because he had seen his father’s heart and he knew his
father’s heart forgave 70 times seven, 70 million times seven. The
Father will forgive you forever if you will continue to repent with
all your heart, and to fight sin with all your heart, and to refuse
to rationalize or refuse to justify it in your life. And only that
loved ones, only that uncompromising hostility towards the wrong in
your life will eventually drive you to the source that provides the
answer and the victory.
Because the truth
is, there is no command of God that you cannot obey after what Jesus
has done for you. And the only time you will begin to back slide, the
only time you will begin to grieve the Holy Spirit, the only time you
will begin to approach the unforgiveable sin which is that total
rejection of the Holy Spirit, that attitude that says, “No, Holy
Spirit you are not the Holy Spirit, you are not. You are a false
inhibition that I have. You are a false condemnation that I have.”
The only time you begin to approach that is when you yourself begin
to tolerate sin and begin to justify it and rationalize it.
But as long as you
stand against it with all your heart, as long as you fight it with
all your being, God is going to continue to forgive you, and he is
going to continue to cleanse you, and going to continue to give you
the Holy Spirit to walk on. So how do you walk if you have trouble
with sin after conversion? You walk in the continual confession and
repentance, confession and repentance, confession and repentance.
I remember one of
the old Saints saying, “A saint is not one who never falls but one
who gets up every time he falls and keeps walking.” And loved
ones, those of you who are having trouble with prayer lives, or Bible
study, are having it not actually because there is sin in your life
but because you are beginning to justify the lust, you’re beginning
to rationalize away your meanness and your miserliness, you’re
beginning to stand up and defend your anger, and your bad temper, and
your critical spirit, and your self righteousness and that’s the
only thing that will keep God out of your life.
But, if you keep
hating sin with all your heart, you will be drawn towards the blessed
cross. That is the key to victory. And all of you who are still
talking about your besetting sins and are asking, “How can I get
rid of them? How can I get rid of them?” The one thing you can
know for certain is that you have not come to the point of despair
where you CAN get rid of them. While you still utter a sentence you
are not there yet. And those of you who want to defend the sins in
your life and want to justify a sinning Christian life, you are
nowhere near that place of despair and hopelessness where you find
victory through the cross of Christ. But loved ones, if you’ll
fight with all your heart the Holy Spirit will bring you to that
Now, can I show you
technically what has happened in your life when you find that you
have something there that you cannot overcome, that you just cannot
overcome? Here is what has happened loved ones, you remember the
plan that God had for us, and I’ll try and show it just very
quickly and assume that most of us have been here over the past few
Sundays. But you remember, that the Father made us in his own image,
gave us these capacities, especially three levels of life: spirit, we
have spirit; souls, which are the psychological part of us; and
bodies. And you remember that God’s plan was that we should live
in friendship with him and that’s the whole purpose he made us,
that we would have friendship with him.
And so he intended
us to have communion in our spirits with him and as we walked with
him the spirit of his life would come through this communion into our
spirits. And so all the spirituality, and the blessedness, and the
liberty that he has himself in his own personality would come into
ours. Would tell us through our intuition what we should do in life.
Whether we should be a carpenter. If we were a carpenter what jobs
we should do. Where we should live, which country we should live in.
Would tell us that through the intuition of our spirits. And then,
our conscience would constrain our will in the light of that
revelation to our intuition to direct our mind and emotions to do
what God wanted. And so we would express all the love, and the joy,
and the peace that we felt with the Father, we would express it
through our mind and emotions and out through our body and would fill
the world with his presence. And that was God’s will for us.
Do you remember what
we did? We determined we wanted to be like God alright, that’s
what God wanted us to be, like him. But, we wanted to be like him
not in order to have fellowship with him and to be able to be friends
of his forever, we wanted to be like God because we wanted to rule
the world as we saw he ruled the world. We wanted to control it
ourselves and so we rebelled utterly against this idea of being
dependent on his Holy Spirit and on friendship with him and we
determined, “No, we’ll rule it our own way.” And of course,
because of that we missed the great sense of safety that we had when
we used to be his friends.
There’s a great
safety that comes from knowing that the Father of the universe loves
you and protects you. We missed all the sense of significance that
we used to have when we knew that we were doing the job that he had
put us here to do. And, we lost the great sense of happiness that we
used to have in fellowship with him. And because of that of course,
we had to try and get these things from the world and so our whole
personality began to work backwards as the green arrows show on this
diagram. [The diagram is 3 concentric circles with the center
“spirit”, next outer circle “Soul”, and next outer circle
We began to try and
drain from the world, and particularly from our parents, and from our
friends at school, and from our colleagues. We began to try and
drain from them the significance that we used to have in the Father’s
eyes. So we would use our friends in the office to try to establish
our own significance. Instead of giving out to our wives
continually, we would try and use them to make us important. And so
really Archie is funny until you realize that the great majority of
the two hundred million of us probably live like Archie Bunker [a
male chauvinist comedian] using old Ida to try and build his ego up.
And we began to try and use other people to drain from them the
happiness that we were meant to get from the Father and so our whole
personality became utterly perverted.
Now loved ones,
salvation involves two things. One, rejecting this whole direction
of our lives, rejecting that with our wills -- and two, believing
that God in Christ crucified that on Calvary. Crucified that whole
miserable expression that was so much ingrained in us that we could
not control it ourselves. And so there are two steps when you become
a Christian. One, you reject that whole direction of your life and
two, you believe that God has destroyed it in Calvary. That’s what
Jesus said, you remember, in Mark 1, repent. That means turn the
other way. Instead of going this way with the green arrows you go
this way with the red arrows and then believe the gospel. Believe
that God has destroyed it in Jesus on the cross. And that is
Now, what happens
loved ones, at the moment of conversion is the Holy Spirit speaks to
your conscience and normally directs you to one or two expressions in
your life that indicate that you live this way. Maybe points out the
way that you criticize other people. Maybe the Holy Spirit just
comes to your conscience and says, “Do you realize that you
criticize other people because you depend for your significance on
what they think of you? And you know if you can tear other people
down you can make yourself look better in the eyes of your peers.”
Now, that’s one expression of the way in which you’re living off
the world. That’s what sin is, trying to get from the world and
from other people what you’re meant to get from God and the Holy
Spirit will say, “Stop that.” And he will light that up to you.
He will show you.
Look, you know why
you do it. You do it because you think by criticizing other people
you’ll look better to your peers and so you’ll seem a little more
important. And it’ll take one or two sins in your life; sins are
acts, or words, or thoughts that express sin. Sin is an attitude.
S-I-N. Sin is the attitude of I am God, I have the right to my way,
I have the right to my wishes, I have the right to my desires. And
sins express that attitude of sin. And the Holy Spirit will normally
bring to your conscience some sin. All he’s pointing out is, “This
is an expression of a whole attitude in your life.” He may take
two or three sins, loved ones, he may take five or six, it depends on
what kind of a life you’re living.
If you’re drunk
every night and you come home and you tear the place apart, he’ll
point out that. He’ll point out the drunkenness. And maybe you’ll
be so crude at that time that he can’t really light up much more to
you as to why that shows a substituting drink and substituting the
apparent freedom from worry of drink for the happiness you’re meant
to have with the Father. Perhaps, he won’t be able to point that
out; he’ll just point the sin out to you. And if you deal with
that sin, and turn from it in your will, then the Holy Spirit will
come into you and will give you a sense of closeness to God and will
regenerate you by his Spirit and that’s normally what happens with
many of us.
We come to God, deal
with a few sins, turn from them in our wills and the Holy Spirit
comes in and we have a sense of fellowship with God. Do you see what
the blessed Spirit continues to do then? That is two or three sins
that he has dealt with in your life and loved ones, you and I have
about five billion sins. And the Holy Spirit continues the work of
redemption which is to make us like Jesus. And so the Holy Spirit
moves on in to our lives and begins to show other things. Now loved
ones, if you have not really come to a place where you have deep,
deep down accepted that your life has to change completely -- if you
have not really accepted that, if you in fact have dealt just with a
few sins in your life and have not really settled that -- the Holy
Spirit will inexorably and irrevocably, with complete and determined
attitude, he will continue to bring home to you that this is the
attitude that you have to have in your life and in fact, your life is
governed by this. And he will keep on, and on, and on, until he
brings that home to your conscience.
Now loved ones, most
of us when we come against the problem of sin after conversion are
finding that we have not really accepted that that has to be crossed
out. That’s what happens. Most of us when we have trouble with
sin after conversion, we have not really accepted that that has to be
crossed out by the cross. And we in fact, have accepted it with
those few sins that the Holy Spirit showed us, but now the Holy
Spirit is taking us on deeper and we’re beginning to see the extent
of this crucifixion with Christ and we’re balking at it. And that
is what a carnal Christian is. A carnal Christian is someone who is
balking -- that is backing off, hesitating, drawing back, when they
see the full extent of the cross in their life.
Now loved ones, you
can only do that so long. But when it first occurs in your life,
reject it with all your heart. Fight it with all your heart, but see
that what the Holy Spirit is doing is not simply dealing with that
sin that you’re having trouble with but he’s saying to you,
“Listen, this is an indication of a whole attitude in you that just
still wants to be God. Now look, you are a child of the Father still
but do you see where he’s taking you? He’s taking you the whole
way on to the cross with Christ so you can become utterly like him
and live with him forever. Now, you have to decide -- are you going
to go the whole way?”
And loved ones, I’ll
deal at more length with the actual deliverance next Sunday but could
I just say this, do not turn back from the cross. If you turn back
there is nothing, there is nothing. Turning back is apostasy. The
sin that you’re having trouble with is not apostasy but your
attitude to that sin is either apostasy -- that is, complete
rejection of God, complete rejection of the Holy Spirit -- or it is
the attitude of a child of God walking in the light continuing to
walk further and say, “Holy Spirit, will you show me in what way I
have not accepted crucifixion with Christ in other areas of my life?
Will you show me that now and will you bring me into it?” And
loved ones, that will be the beginning of a journey that will take
you into resurrection land if you hold to that journey.
But it is only
through the cross. It is only by setting your face steadfastly
towards Jerusalem with Jesus and determining, “Lord, I don’t know
what it will cost me and I don’t care what it will cost me but I
want Father, to come to the place where I live off you and you only
and where I have absolute victory in my life because you fill my life
with your spirit.”
Now, loved ones,
questions and I’ll try and distinguish between the questions I hope
to answer next Sunday and questions that will clarify what we shared
now. And I’ll understand it if you don’t want to ask questions.
Do you see what I’m saying? That all of you loved ones that get
all wrought up every time the law of God touches you and you cry,
“The law, the law. He’s preaching the law.” All of you loved
ones that feel that, do you see that’s the blessed knife of the
Holy Spirit and that he is determined to cut out of you so you can
come to the place where you say with Jesus, “The evil one has
nothing in me.” That’s the place that God wants to bring you to.
God doesn’t want a
group of children are all right as long as you don’t push them too
hard. He doesn’t want a group of children who appear to be free of
disease until you begin to press the sore spots. Full faith with
which you have to approach God and prayer, full faith involves a
clean conscience, absolutely clean. So that the word of God can be
preached with power and you’ll come up smiling all the time. And
oh, that’s a blessed place to be where you can come up smiling all
the time, whatever word of God is preached, however strongly the law
comes down. Loved ones, that is what salvation is.
And what I’m
saying to you is, there is a way to walk until you come in to that
deliverance. And the way to walk is to put yourself always on the
side of conscience, always on the side of the word of God. “Lord I
am filled with Lust. I do get angry. I do lose my temper at time.
Lord, I don’t want it. I don’t want it and I confess it and I
repent it with all my heart. And Holy Spirit, will you show me in
what way I am not crucified in Christ that this should take place in
my life.”
Question from
What happens if we
don’t confess a known sin?
Well Bill, that
would be the difficulty it would seem to me, that if you have
particularly unconfessed sin, I don’t see how you get any sense of
God’s presence. Because, every indication in the Old Testament
implies that only those – well, “who shall enter in to the place
of the most high? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart.”
Paul continually says that; “Let us approach with boldness the
throne of grace with a clean conscience and a pure faith.” And so
it seems to me that that’s the problem with a lot of our praying.
We pray over the top of a whole lot of unconfessed and unrepented of
sin. And loved ones, the first thing to do before going before the
Father is to get cleaned out. Really, just to say, “Holy Spirit,
is there anything questionable?” And then to take an attitude of
unremitting and absolute hostility towards that sin and absolute
determination to have done with it, and to keep coming back to that.
Question from
What if you’re
sorry for your sin but you don’t make a stand against it?
You know loved ones,
that in fact, there is only one kind of repentance, don’t you?
There is only one kind of repentance. You stop sinning. That’s
the only kind of repentance. You know it’s silly to talk about
anything else because if you bring up especially the clearest
expression of Jesus’ mercy which you remember, was to the woman
caught in adultery. You remember how he spoke, “They don’t
condemn you. Neither do I condemn you but, go and sin no more.”
And repentance is sinning no more. Repentance is not remorse. A lot
of us feel sorry for ourselves and we’re filled with remorse in
fact, about what a mess we’ve made of our lives. And it’s all
sorrow for ourselves. It is not sorrow at all for what we’ve done
to Jesus. But we’re filled with remorse.
Repentance is not
remorse. Repentance is not regret. Repentance is not tears, it’s
not emotion. Repentance is you stop doing the thing. So there’s
no question that we need to distinguish clearly between the rather
vague wishy washy “I’m sorry for my sin” and the strong
Biblical emphasis that repentance is “metanoeo”. “Meta” is
turn, “noeo” refers to your mind. You “turn your mind”, you
change your whole attitude of your life and you go that way.
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