Loved ones, what
we're talking about now this evening is salvation. If you remember,
in our past three studies we talked last time about the Fall. Before
that we talked about the distinction between spirit and soul, and
then before that just about the spiritual life. So this is the fourth
in the series of studies on the spiritual life.
It might be good in
order to provide a framework for the study of salvation this evening,
which I hope will be reasonably deep and reasonably detailed, if I
would just remind you of the kind of personality that God has given
us. It's a personality that is fitted for fellowship with Him. That's
why He made us in the first place, that we would experience
fellowship with Him.
He gave us a
personality that is three-fold as is His own. He is the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit. And, as He Himself possesses a spirit, soul
and even a spiritual body (you remember Jesus' spiritual body was
referred to), we have been given a spirit, soul and body. We operate
at three different levels in our personalities and that's what that
means. And, you remember, we discussed how the spirit has certain
functions. It is able to commune with God and it is able through
intuition to know what God wants us to do and then our conscience
constrains us to act in accordance with our intuition. It does that
by activating our soul, which is the psychological part of us. The
soul has three main functions -- that of the will, that of the mind
and that of the emotions. And, then, of course, the Trinity is in a
sense reflected also in the body. But, that is the kind of capacity
that God has given us so that we would have fellowship with Him.
That's the whole purpose.
Loved ones, the
dearest thing here on earth is friendship. The dearest thing here on
earth is love between a man and a man, a man and a woman, a woman and
a woman. That's the dearest thing in the whole world. No millions of
dollars make up for that. No beautiful house makes up for that.
That's the dearest thing that God has given us. That's the purpose
for which He made us, that we would have friendship and fellowship
with Him. That's it. Never think it's anything greater than that or
anything less than that. God has made you to be His friend so you can
know Him and love Him and for Him to know you and love you. That's
why he made us with these capacities.
Now, you remember,
brothers and sisters, He made us with those capacities but He gave us
the responsibility of receiving the inner qualities that He has by
our own will. In other words, He made us like this, but there were
qualities of His own that we do not possess and we were not created
with. These are qualities of spirituality, qualities of real liberty,
real blessedness, real happiness, and a real love inside us. The
ability to see things as they really are, those qualities He did not
give us. He said you are to receive those from the Tree of Life, from
my Holy Spirit, from my son Jesus. And, as you receive those, so they
will come first of all into your spirit, then they will pass through
your soul and re-make it in my image, and pass through your body and
impart to it ability to live forever.
So, God made us with
certain created capacities and then He left available the uncreated
life of His own personality that we were to receive by simple
willing. That was His plan. In communion with Him, walking with Him
day by day, we would receive a spirit of His own life through that
communion. We would receive His own spirituality, His own
blessedness, and His own liberty. It's much the same way that a
friend rubs off on you or you rub off on a friend or as a husband and
wife after five years are much more like each other than they were
when they started.
God wanted us to
fellowship with Him, to be open to Him, so that the inner qualities
of His life began to come into our lives. Under that closeness to
Himself we would know what He wanted us to do in life. We'd know what
job He wanted us to do. We'd know what He wanted us to do day by day
through the intuition of our spirits.
Our conscience would
constrain our wills in the light of that. And so our will would obey
our conscience. Our will, as a result, would act as a general in the
soul. It would direct our mind to think certain thoughts and then
would pass that through our emotions which would express the joy of
our fellowship with God and that would come out through our bodies
into the world. We would fill the world with the spirituality and the
liberty and the blessedness of God.
That's why when you
enter a room, the room is meant to light up. That's right. Sometimes
I think you feel that's the prerogative of a few strange souls. It is
God's will that every time you or I enter a room, that room should
light up with a golden joy, a golden love and a golden peace that
comes from us. We should not enter a room desperate for some
happiness. We should enter a room filled with this life of God. That
was the Father's will for us.
If we had done that,
of course, we would have had a great sense of security, always
knowing that God would provide for us because we were doing what He
wanted us to do. We'd have had the great sense of significance. We'd
have known our place in the world. We would have had a great sense of
happiness, constantly allowing His life to come through us. That was
the Father's will. The whole purpose of it was that in the doing of
that will we would become like Him. It was not that we would redeem
the world, or bring the world into order under His will (thought that
was a secondary purpose). So, after 70 years here on earth, maybe 200
years, maybe 400 years, we'd be like Him and we could join Him face
to face. That was the purpose God had for us.
You remember what we
did in Genesis 3, if you'd like to look at it. In Genesis 3:5,
Satan's words explain the heart of the Fall. "For God knows that
when you eat of it," (this was Satan's lie - 'when you eat of
this tree of knowledge of good and evil which God has told you not to
eat of ') then your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,
knowing good and evil."
The heart of the
Fall was that we said, "We know what your plan is, we want to be
like you, but not so that we can live with you forever, but so that
we can be independent and run our lives our own way." So, we
accepted God's purpose but we didn't accept the motive for it. The
motive of God's purpose (which was to make us like Himself) was so
that we'd live with Him forever. We accepted that purpose but we
said, "We can live on our own, independent of you, and do what
we want so that we can be like God." We rebelled against God
and out of pride said, "We want to be our own god."
Loved ones, whatever
form sin takes in your life or mine, that's always the heart of it.
You want to be God. That's it. I know it comes in all kinds of
strange forms and all kinds of deceptive forms but that's the heart
of sin. You want to be your own god. When you go into a temper
tantrum as a child, it's because you're not getting your way and you
feel you ought to get your way. When you are self-conscious, it's
because you think the whole world circles around you and everybody's
looking at you. When you get angry because you don't get a certain
girl or a certain guy, it's because you feel you have the right to
govern your world. All the things that we hate in our lives --
jealousy, pride, and anger -- all those things come from our desire
to be God. Don't be bluffed into thinking you're some kind of subtler
or nobler sinner. You're not. You're just a proud little rat that
wants to be God. It's good just to see it straight like that because
it will help you sort your way through an awful lot of sins in your
life. It's just a desire to be like God.
Now, what that meant
loved ones, was we lacked utterly the security of knowing that God
would look after us because we cut ourselves off from Him. We lacked
utterly the sense of significance that we were important to God
because we knew we weren't any longer. We had rebelled against Him
and no longer did what He wanted us to do. And, we lacked a sense of
happiness that comes from a friendship with Him.
So, we had to
pervert our whole personality. Instead of it flowing this way, from
the inside--from our relationship with God through the Holy Spirit--
we had to try to get from the world and people the security,
significance and happiness that we were meant to get from the Father.
In the doing of
that, our whole personality became perverted. Our emotions, instead
of expressing joy, began to try to get joy from others. The husband
and wife relationship became utterly perverted. No longer was it, how
can I make her happy, but it was, how can I get happiness from this
girl? No longer was friendship a matter of how can I give this person
happiness? It was a matter of how can I get joy from this person? In
fact, our lives became a search for happiness. Whenever we wonder
what we are going to do on an evening, we immediately wonder, what
will give me most happiness? Even when we think about what church we
go to, we often talk about what church will meet my needs?
So, suddenly, our
whole personality turned in. Our mind, instead of concentrating on
understanding what our spirit was receiving through our conscience,
our mind began to concentrate on manipulating other people so that we
would somehow get the security that God had promised us. So, our mind
concentrated almost entirely on manipulating our college degree into
a means of earning enough money to make ourselves secure and sure for
Our will, which was
meant to obey our conscience, concentrated on dominating other people
to try somehow to win ourselves a position of significance in the
world. So, loved ones, the whole personality became perverted. That's
one of the effects of the Fall. The whole personality became utterly
perverted. When you and I cry out, "The good that I would, I
cannot do, and the evil I want to avoid, the evil I hate, is what I
do" it's because of that.
You and I keep
thinking it's a little failure of my will. But isn't it amazing the
power that you seem to be coming up against? It's like a power. You
don't want to lose your temper but you lose your temper. You will
even sit at home and you will think rationally through a situation at
work and you will know what you should do and yet somehow there's a
power within you that makes you do the opposite. Now, it's because
your whole personality is perverted. It's because for years, indeed,
for generations, the human personality has worked the wrong way
around and has become utterly perverted. Now, as well as that, God
withdrew the Holy Spirit from us and our spirit died. Our spirit,
which is the part of us that relates to God, died in relationship to
Him. We, in fact, became dominated by our souls, and as the centuries
passed by, our bodies.
Today, most people
on the earth are governed by their bodies. Most are trying to get
happiness through their bodies. Most people are trying to get
security (food, shelter, clothing) for their bodies. Most are trying
to get significance by looking as good as they possibly can. You get
a beautiful picture of the perverted personality if you just study
the commercials on television. They are all speaking to the security,
the significance, the happiness and the enjoyment that we're all
trying to get from our bodies. Now, that's what happened in the Fall.
That's what took place in the Fall. It was a perversion of our
personalities that prevents us doing what God wanted us to do and
operating the way He wants us to operate. It resulted in our spirit
Now, the spirit
dying, is found there in Genesis 3:22. "Then the LorD God said,
‘Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil;
and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of
life, and eat, and live for ever’ -- therefore the Lord God sent
him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he
was taken. He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of
Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword, which turned every
way, to guard the way to the tree of life.”
The Tree of Life is
the Holy Spirit. It's not that God withdrew the Holy Spirit from the
world but he prevented man having access to the Holy Spirit, which
was His original plan for man. Why did He do it? It's because the
Holy Spirit is able to make us live forever. He enables us to live
forever and gives us powers of infinity. We can go through space at
tremendous speeds. We can overcome the limitations of our body. We
have great powers to work miracles and to control nature.
The Father knew that
He could not make that internal life of His own personality available
to people who live to get and who live to suck from others all that
they needed. And, so, it would be like giving rebels a nuclear bomb.
They would destroy the whole universe with it. So, He cut us off from
the light of the Holy Spirit and with that, of course, cut us off
from Himself.
Now, loved ones, do
you see the great need in salvation is two-fold. One, there can be no
relationship between God and ourselves unless our spirits are alive
and enlivened to relate ourselves to God. I'm not saying that a dog
doesn't have a soul, maybe it does. Maybe it has little instincts.
But an animal is primarily a body. You can read “Paradise Lost”
to your dog or your bird for hours. It will get nothing from it. You
can read Robert Frost to it. It will get nothing from it. You can
play music to it. It might cock its ear a little but it won't get
very deep truths from Beethoven's Fifth. You can do what you like but
an animal relates primarily on a physical level, a body level. You
pat it, you give it the right food at the right time, you give it
little treats, it's happy.
Now, we are better
than that. We can not only give ourselves little treats and we're not
only happy when we get ice cream or we get some dessert that we
enjoy, but we can be made happy by feelings because we have souls. We
relate on a slightly higher level to animals. Many of us can enjoy
friendship with each other even if we aren't playing any game or
doing anything like eating or anything physical. We can often be with
each other and really enjoy each other. We can enjoy talking about
drama or we can enjoy listening to music. We can enjoy talking about
spiritual truths. We relate to each other on a soul level. We have
souls. Now, do you see that the animal can have no relationship on
that level? Unless you were able to give an animal a soul that could
appreciate Beethoven or Chopin or Shakespeare, it can never relate on
that level.
Do you see the truth
with the spirit? Unless our spirits come alive, we will never relate
to God. The most vital need we have if we are going to be saved and
relate to our Creator is that our spirit be energized or regenerated.
That is why Jesus said, "You must be born again. You have to
have your spirit, which is absolutely dead, (except in its
relationship to evil spirits and elemental spirits of the universe),
you have to have it energized and regenerated and come alive,
otherwise, you'll never know my Father. He lives on a different
level. He lives on a spirit level and you cannot relate to Him unless
you are on that spirit level. The spirit within you has died because
of your rebellion."
The second need, of
course, was that our souls would be absolutely transformed. God
refuses -- in fact, is unable -- to make His spirit available to us,
unless our personalities are completely changed. You know the trouble
we've had trying to change those personalities. That's why that verse
echoes in so many of our lives. Romans 7:15, "The good that I
would, I cannot do, and the evil I hate is what I do."
That's why so many
people sell books on the power of positive thinking, and on how to
renew your emotions. It's because we have found that that we cannot
do. We cannot change the personality. Mao Tse-tung dreamed not of a
new society, he dreamed most of all of a new man. Hitler dreamed most
of all, not of a new society, but a new Arian man. Everyone who has
tried to move the world for good or evil has dreamed of a way to
change human nature and transform this personality which is
irrational, obtuse, perverted and works the wrong way around. That
was the heart of the problem that the Father had. He could not give
his Holy Spirit to us unless our personality was absolutely changed
and only He could change that personality.
That's why that dear
miracle took place on Calvary. That's why a great Cross had to
destroy that perverted personality. Only God could destroy it. You
have tried and I have tried. What God did in Jesus on Calvary was to
take the whole human race, (which is possible for a God who sees the
beginning and the end all in one great eternal moment), put it into
His Son Jesus and destroyed your perverted personality in Christ.
That's the purpose of the Cross. The purpose of the Cross is not a
moral influenced theory to move you to love God or to love other
people. The purpose of the Cross is not even primarily to satisfy
some ransom theory whereby God has to give some ransom to the Devil
to win us back. God hasn't to do that. The purpose of the Cross is
not even primarily a penal substitution. It is not primarily that God
is angry and out to kill somebody and so He kills His Son. The Cross
and the purpose of the Cross is so that God could take away from us
the one reason that prevented Him making the Holy Spirit available to
us. That is our perverted personalities.
God, in other words,
instead of flooding us out with another flood as He did in the days
of Noah, put us (in a cosmic miracle) into His Son Jesus and
destroyed our perverted personalities there. That's the purpose of
the death of Christ. Loved ones, that's why Jesus had to suffer in
every part of Himself. It's good just to look at it now because it
brings it home to your own heart. Look at it in Psalm 22:16. "Yea,
dogs are round about me;” (this is one of those miraculous Psalms,
which look into the very heart of Jesus on the Cross) “a company of
evildoers encircle me; they have pierced my hands and feet - I can
count all my bones - they stare and gloat over me; they divide my
garments among them, and for my raiment they cast lots."
Jesus took your feet
and your hands that have so often worked to get you security,
significance and happiness and He destroyed them on Calvary. Jesus
had you in Himself when he died on Calvary. That's the only reason
your hands or your feet can ever become instruments that work the way
God wants them to work. It's because they died there on Calvary.
Loved ones, every
time you use your hands to give yourself pleasure, every time you use
your hands to destroy someone else, you are mocking Jesus who allowed
those hands to be destroyed with Him on Calvary. It's the same with
your feet. It's the same right through the whole record of the death
on Calvary. Jesus suffered in His heart, He suffered in His emotions,
and He suffered in His spirit when He cried, "My God, My God,
why hast Thou forsaken Me?" That was the God forsakenness that
you and I should have borne and couldn't bear. He took us through the
Hell that we deserved to destroy our sin, to destroy it.
Loved ones, He did
not do it so that we would not have to bear that but so that we would
be able to have this actualized in our lives. It's so that our
personalities could be transformed and could work the right way.
That's the whole emphasis right throughout the death of Jesus. Look
at Psalm 22:15.
"My strength is
dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue cleaves to my jaws;
thou dost lay me in
the dust of death."
How often have you
found that your tongue rattled off something that you did not intend
to rattle off at all? That tongue was the master of you and that
tongue acted just from outside; in and out again. That's exactly what
happens. Somebody said something, came through your ears, the tongue
answered. It never went any deeper than that. You regretted it for
days; indeed, many of us have regretted it for years. That tongue of
yours was included in Jesus on Calvary and was destroyed there. Every
time you say I cannot control that tongue, the Father is saying, "I
control that tongue. I destroyed it on Calvary. I destroyed that
personality of yours that is perverted. You can be free but only if
you believe that I have done this in my Son and if you then submit
yourself to my Holy Spirit."
He can make real in
you the death that took place on Calvary. Loved ones, there's no
salvation for us outside the death of Jesus, there isn't. There is no
salvation for your personality unless the death of Jesus can be
applied to your life. Honestly, there isn't. There isn't. The books
are silly. The books are foolishness. The books are Satan's self-help
salvation such as how to control your emotions, how to clean up your
mind, how to strengthen your will. It's madness. It is Satan's method
of trying to get you to try to save yourself.
You'll never save
yourself because there's something in you that doesn't actually want
to be saved. There's something in you that can only be crucified with
Christ. There's something inside you that wants to go up to the very
edge of salvation as long as it can remain in control of its own
life. There is a mind of the flesh in you that is enmity against God.
It is not subject to God's law, neither indeed can it be. Loved Ones,
there's a personality in you that will play at religion and play at
Christianity as long as it continues to be in control of its own
life. That's why the only answer is the death of Jesus. It's the only
thing that will bring a complete salvation into your life -- the
death of Jesus applied to your whole personality so that it becomes
real in you.
Now, then, God is
free to give us the Holy Spirit. Do you see why a certain verse in
scripture is true? It's 2 Corinthians 5:19. "That is, in Christ
God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their
trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of
reconciliation." Then in verse 18, "All this is from God,
who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry
of reconciliation."
God was in Christ
reconciling the world to Himself. That's what it says in verse 19.
Now, I've mentioned this to you before but it's important for you to
see it. That means that the guy in New York that is killing an old
lady at this very moment, as far as God is concerned, He has already
put that perverted personality into His Son Jesus and has destroyed
him there in the timeless world of eternity. As far as God is
concerned, He has done everything needed to reconcile that man to
Himself. God has nothing against that person. He is grieved beyond
anything that we can describe. But, He has already crucified that
person in Christ and that man will not go to Hell because God has not
been reconciled to Him. That man will only go to Hell because he
isn't willing to take advantage of the miraculous work that has been
done in Christ on his behalf. He is not willing to receive the Holy
Spirit into himself and to allow that Spirit to transform his
It's important to
see that the atonement is universal. Christ has died for all men and
for all women. All men and all women have been included in His death.
They are able to be transformed in a moment and changed in a moment
by faith so that the whole personality begins to work in the right
direction. This will happen if they are willing and will allow the
Holy Spirit to regenerate their spirits. That's the vital need for
Do you see that
there's something just a little suspect about this kind of comment,
"Well, I know God forgives me but I can't forgive myself."
Or, "I can't believe that God forgives me." It's nonsense.
It's satanic lies. I know it's popular talk but they're satanic lies.
There is no question of God forgiving us. If God has put us all into
His Son Jesus and has destroyed everything in us that stands against
us receiving the Holy Spirit, then God Himself has nothing but love
for us and has never had anything but love. There's no question of
God Himself being willing to forgive us. There's no question of God
not having done everything that is needed for us to receive the Holy
Spirit. Whenever a person says, "I can't forgive myself,"
or "I don't believe God forgives me" it's for one reason
only. They are not willing to accept what God has done to them in
Jesus and they aren't willing to let the Holy Spirit come in and rule
their lives.
Here's what happens.
Once a person has seen this, the Holy Spirit begins to work in the
conscience. The gospel is presented to the mind. The mind sees truths
in scripture. Truths like some of the ones I could show you. Romans 6
states very clearly what the death of Jesus has done for us. Romans
6:6-8, "We know that our old self was crucified with him so that
the sinful body might be destroyed, and we might no longer be
enslaved to sin. For he who has died is freed from sin. But if we
have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him."
It's the same in
Romans 8:3. "For God has done what the law, weakened by the
flesh, could not do: sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful
flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh." That is, He
destroyed sin in the flesh. Why did He destroy it in Jesus? In order
that the just requirement of the Law might be fulfilled, not in
Jesus, but might be fulfilled in us who walk not according to the
flesh but according to the Spirit.
It's the same in 2
Corinthians 5. It's the same truth that the purpose of Jesus' death
is so that we ourselves might be freed by that death and might be
included in it -- so that our lives might be changed. 2 Corinthians
5:14-15, "For the love of Christ controls us, because we are
convinced that one has died for all; therefore all have died, (so
that we can be freed).”And he died for all, that those who live
might live no longer for themselves (no longer with an in-turned
perverted life) but for him who for their sake died and was raised."
It's the same
message in Colossians 3:3. I just share these verses with you because
so often we think, well, maybe this death with Christ is just in one
or two scriptures. It's throughout scripture. Colossians 3:3, "For
you have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God." And,
then, you know Galatians 2:20.
"I have been
crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who
lives in me."
Loved ones, the
Bible presents that to the mind. The conscience meanwhile is already
under the conviction of the Holy Spirit -- that the person is not
living the way they should. The conscience brings a sense of guilt to
a person and brings a sense of their moral impotence. Therefore the
conscience is working within. Do you see that all approach to a
person who is not saved has to be concentrated on the mind and on the
conscience, because it is the spirit that has to be touched?
It doesn't matter
what you do in the soul. You can give them all the mind training
books that you want, all the emotion training books that you want,
all the will training books -- all you'll have at the end of that is
a person who still has a spirit that's dead to God. Unless you touch
their spirits, they will never come alive through the enlivening of
the Holy Spirit.
A person needs to
believe with their minds that these things have happened. That's why
Jesus said, "Repent and believe the Gospel. First of all,
believe. Believe that something has been done in me that will
transform your personality." Then begin to apply that to the
person's spirit. The only part of most people's spirit that is even
half alive is the conscience. This is possibly because we did eat of
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and so we are still
concerned with a sense of right and wrong.
The Holy Spirit
begins to convict the conscience. The life of Jesus through you
begins to convict the conscience. The Word of God begins to convict
the conscience. Then the conscience begins to constrain the will. The
center of the New Birth experience from the human point of view is
the will. And the question before the will is this: are you willing
to live like that?
That's the question
that the will faces in salvation. The will is the heart of
conversion. It's the will moved by the conscience. It's not the will
doing all the things that you tell it to do. It's the will responding
to what the Holy Spirit is pricking the particular personal
conscience on. The Holy Spirit will show the conscience in what way
your life works the other way, in what way you're not prepared to die
with Christ, in what way you're not prepared to change. The Holy
Spirit reveals that to the conscience and then it attempts to
constrain the will. The moment of breaking is when the will obeys.
When the will obeys, then God regenerates the spirit with His Holy
That's why Jesus
said, "Repent and believe." Repent is an action of the
will. It is repenting, turning around from this reverse perverted way
of living, and turning to this way of living. Now, loved ones, it may
come to many of us simply in regard to some sin that is in our lives.
It may not come as this whole presentation. It may simply come as
some sin in our lives. Some of us maybe use alcohol to get enjoyment
when we need it. The Holy Spirit convicts our conscience of that and
then our conscience attempts to constrain our will to turn from that
sin. When the will turns from the sin, the Holy Spirit is free to
come in and regenerate the spirit. Then, of course, all kinds of
light and life begin to flow in and the Holy Spirit begins to outline
all the details of this and all the reality of our death with Christ.
Then, as the will continues to obey the conscience, we move into the
fullness of the Spirit, into walking in the Spirit and then to the
higher reaches of our fellowship with God.
But, it would be
good for you to see that in salvation the vital need is for our
spirits to be enlivened by the Holy Spirit so that we are related
again to God. That can only happen if the part of our spirit that is
still half alive begins to respond to the information that it
receives through other people's lives, through the Word of God and
through the Holy Spirit working within. Those three factors enlighten
the conscience so that it begins to see, "Yes, I see what should
be done." It then begins to constrain the will.
Now, at that moment,
if somebody comes and begins to feed in to the soul a kind of Mormon
type of gospel, (here's the way you should live, here's what you
should do if you want to be in Heaven, do what our group does) or a
Jehovah's Witness kind of brain washing, that person turns from their
conscience. They can no longer hear the conscience. The information
coming through the soul is so strong that they turn around to that
and they turn away from their conscience.
Therefore their
spirit is never regenerated.
That's what would
happen in some cases with "The Way", you remember. The Way
is one of those groups that specialize in intellectual
indoctrination. What happens is our loved one begins to get
interested in what appears to be a healthy interest in the Greek
behind the New Testament. They get interested in that but the Way
begins to sell them this idea that if you just understand the thing
the right way, then you'll be in it. They can teach you about
speaking in tongues from a primarily soulish angle. It has nothing to
do with salvation, nothing at all. The heart of salvation is the
regeneration of the spirit. The spirit will only be regenerated if
your conscience can constrain your will to obey what you alone have
heard from God. Then, as you do that, as you begin to turn this
mighty will and say, "Yes, I'm willing to live this way. I'm
willing to be turned around and to repent. I'm willing to live the
way you want me to" -- God then gives you His Holy Spirit.
That's why there are
so many verses like, "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If
any man will open the door with his will, I will come in to him and
will sup with him and he with Me." That's why all the emphasis
is on the will and on repentance.
I think I should
stop now and try to deal with some questions.
Question 1: Well,
Steve, I think that the Mormons are not the only loved ones that are
in this business of soulish conversion. I think there's a great deal
of it here in our own Christianity. I think there are lots of people
that think that if a person grasps truth with their mind, and
understands all that the Bible says and begins to respond something
like Christians, then they're Christian. I think there's a lot of
that. I think there's a great deal of this emotional stuff. There's a
lot of that in our Christian circles where my emotion influences your
emotion and you feel happier when your emotions react as mine do.
Maybe mine are right and I'm really right with God. Maybe, I'm really
alive in my spirit. But you, instead of going any deeper, you're just
influenced by my emotions. Before God, I am responsible to know that
unless your conscience is dealt with, there will be no chance of a
real spiritual regeneration in you. I am responsible to bring that
home to you but I think there's so much vagueness and deception in
our Christian circles that many people don't realize that.
Question 2: Prayer.
It's the same business with the Jehovah's Witnesses. You don't argue
a Jehovah's Witness around to your viewpoint because all you're doing
is meeting exactly on his own soul level. That's what he wants, a
good argument. What you are involved in doing, (even if you do get
him to agree with you), is saving him from one soulish kind of life
into another kind of soulish life. No, never argue with them because
all that is in this realm.
Jesus said when the
Holy Spirit comes He will convict the world of sin, of righteousness
and judgment. You have to pray that the Holy Spirit will convict him
in his conscience. Whenever he begins to show some light from within,
you reinforce that. So you pray.
Then it's vital for
us ourselves to live from our spirits because that is a light to a
loved one. They don't know what they're seeing, but they sense,
there's something not quite right. You're always wrong when you get
onto a soulish level in discussion. You are actually being a dog when
you're really a human being. That's what you're doing. You're
existing on a lower level of life. All you'll achieve is what you can
achieve on that level.
I would think that
our churches are filled with soul Christians. Some are intellectual
Christians, some are emotional Christians, and some even are willful
Christians. You'll notice the Mormons are very strong about what you
ought to do in your life. Seventh Day Adventists are very strong on
what you do in your life. They're strong willed people. But, it's not
a will governed by the conscience and informed by the Holy Spirit.
It's a will governed by the mind that is brainwashed by other human
beings. Salvation is a very personal thing. It's just you and the
Holy Spirit.
Question 3: If a
person has his salvation, can he ever lose it? There is a certain
Chinaman that would say, "No, you can't." I love that
Chinaman [Watchman Nee] a lot but I don't agree with him. There are
brothers and sisters who believe both ways. Some will stand on a
verse like, "None shall pluck them out of my hand," and
will say, "No, you cannot lose your salvation." Others of
us will stand on a verse like John 15:6 where Jesus uses the words
"The branches that do not bear fruit will be taken away and
burned." And so we talk from different viewpoints.
Watchman Nee will go
this far. He will say that if you don't walk after the Spirit, you've
become as if you were dead. Now, he's a tricky Chinaman so I don't
know what he means. But, he goes that far. He says you've become as
one who is dead. I, of course, tend to say by the fruits you shall
know them and if there aren't fruits then they are dead.
It isn't actually as
big an issue as you think. It doesn't matter whether you believe in
eternal security or you believe that you can fall from grace. When a
person seems to be apart from God you give them both the same advice.
That's what is important. What is the practical outworking of the
doctrine? If you believe a person cannot fall from grace and is
eternally secure and you see a person who is not living a life like
Christ, then you assume that he has never been born of God. You'll
say he could not lose his salvation, so you'll assume he has never
been born of God. You'll tell him to repent and believe the Gospel.
If I come along and
I see a person living that way and he has proclaimed himself a
Christian, I'll believe that perhaps he was a Christian once, but he
isn't now. So, I'll tell him to repent and believe the Gospel. I
share that because I have seen so many of us in other churches lose
so much time arguing about the theory of the doctrine when God
expects us to be concerned with health giving doctrine. That's what
the Greek word for doctrine means. It means doctrine that gives
health, not doctrine that provokes meaningless arguments and
theorizes them.
Well, loved ones,
that's good if you will just think about these things as we go on now
into deeper studies. We'll constantly refer back to this truth of
what real salvation is. I believe that it will come as even more
light to you. I would just remind you that you have to address
yourself to the mind as far as what has happened in Jesus is
concerned. But then speak to the conscience of men and women and pray
to the conscience of man and woman. Then they have to constrain their
will to act on that. If a person doesn't act, God cannot do anything.
Question 4: Brother
is asking about the local church movement, which Witness Lee, who was
an associate of Watchman Nee, started in Los Angeles and spread
throughout other cities. Brother is wondering to what extent Witness
Lee used Watchman Nee's teachings. I think that he used many of
Watchman Nee's teachings but then he very quickly began to develop
his own interpretation of them. This is especially in regard to the
normal Christian church life. In that book Nee emphasizes again and
again that we do not take this as a book of principles. This is the
way the Lord led us but it need not be the way He leads others. It
seems to me, (and I'm sure Witness Lee is a dear man of God) that he
has taken that as a book of principles and led himself into some
illogical positions.
Brothers and
Sisters, we're surrounded by rapids. Really! There are rapids on all
sides and rocks and all we can do is keep our little boat going
straight ourselves. That's what we should do. Look at the side and
see that's a rock we want to avoid but don't spend time studying that
rock, or trying to break it up with a pickaxe. No, keep the little
boat going because on down those rapids there are four billion loved
ones who do not know Jesus and know nothing about fine points of
doctrine. But, they are desperate to see a glimpse of the Spirit of
Jesus so that they can touch it and become alive. That's what He has
called us to do.
Let's pray.
Dear Lord, thank you
for this evening. Thank you for the blessed time in worship and the
good time You have given us in our study. And now, Holy Spirit, we
know that we know nothing. After all of this, we know nothing. We can
only go home and put ourselves under Your counsel and say, "Holy
Spirit, we want to be taught by You." Thank you for the words
that the brother has shared with us. Thank you for the words that
have come from human lips and confirm some of the things we have
learned. Lord, we must learn it from You. Blessed Spirit, we must
have You teach us. Will You make these things real in our lives so
that this week people may meet, not little experts who know all about
the spiritual life, but beautiful people who live and talk and think
like Jesus. We ask this, Holy Spirit, for Your glory among us and for
the lifting up of our Savior, Jesus. Now, the grace of our Lord Jesus
and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with
each one of us now and throughout this week and through Thanksgiving.
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