Saturday, September 21, 2019

Change is in the air

Change is in the air
Earlier I shared with you about coming to the end of an era at the end of October. This change has begun as lives are being repositioned for the next move of God. Change can by unsettling for many as we are comfortable in that which we know and are used to. However change is needed for growth both personal and corporate, like a surfer we are being positioned to catch the next wave. This positioning is critical; if a surfer is too far out he misses the wave if he is not far enough out he gets dumped by the wave and can be badly injured. It is of utmost importance at this time that we have an understanding of the times and season we are in.
The Next Wave
We need to watch for the next wave as it will be the big one. We saw the outpouring of the Spirit in Toronto we also saw the outpouring in Brownsville these were just a token, a down payment as it were for the Big One that is coming. Moves of God usually don’t start as a worldwide move; they start in one place then spread across the world like a fire. Watch for the next great outpouring, it could be anywhere in the world, once it breaks it can be transferred to fertile ground.
Right Heart Attitude
Many Christians saw the Toronto Move with its unusual manifestations as being spurious or immature; however those with real spiritual discernment saw something very different as God came in HIS OWN WAY to do what He had purposed to do. We have to be very careful not to criticize that which we don’t understand. Likewise the Brownsville move of God came with many unusual manifestations which many immature Christians criticized. If you cannot handle these things with maturity you will not be able to handle what is coming. Remember on the day of Pentecost the disciples appeared as being drunk.
In some ways these smaller moves of God are training seasons in which we learn to recognize the hand of God no matter how different it is to what we imagined it should be like.  By nature revivals tend to be in the form of wildfire and the tendency of the natural man is to try and tame it, control it, when that happens it stops and is lost.
Over the next few years this out of control Holy Fire will redefine the church and its function in the world. Be prepared to change radically.
As we come to the end of another year one thing that we can be sure of, next year will be nothing like this year and the only constant will be that of change.
God Bless youNeville Johnson

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